Sale Price $1,195.00
Reg. $1,400.00
The Prime Minister signs a typed letter to Moshe Sharett, responding very
guardedly to the former Prime Minister's request for his support in
investigations of the Lavon Affair, a major Israeli intelligence fiasco.
TLS: "D. Ben-Gurion" in Hebrew, as Israeli Prime Minister, 1
page, 6½x7¾. No place, 1961 March 3. To Moshe Sharett. In
full: "Peace be with you. In my letter to you dated October 13, 1960 I
wrote: 'I would not take care of Givat-Chaim's false accusation until the Lavon
case will be tried after a well versed and lawful investigation by an Israeli
commission.' Since it is not certain that a lawful commission will be
created and the 'horror' of a well-versed committee (as you called it at the
hearing) has been completed - I am ready to do whatever possible to finish
what you called 'Givat-Chaim false accusation', and I shall be glad to
receive your opinion: what am I to do about it? I shall do whatever possible
from the standpoint of truth, friendship and decency." BEN-GURION
was Prime Minister from 1948-1953 and 1955-1963; SHARETT served from
1953-1955. The "Lavon Affair" was a failed intelligence operation launched by
Israeli Minister of Defense Pinchas Lavon in 1954 without Prime Minister
Sharett's knowledge. Its aim was to strain U.S.-Egyptian relations and it
led to Ben-Gurion's return to the government as Minister of Defense. Following
the 1955 elections, Sharett yielded the post of Prime Minister but remained
Foreign Minister, a post he had held since Israeli independence, until 1956.
Lightly creased. Stained. Paperclip impressions at upper left. Folds, vertical
fold touches 1 letter of signature.
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