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British Prime Minister during World War I and the Versailles Conference Postcard Photograph signed: "D Lloyd-George". Sepia, 3½x5½. Captioned in lower margin. Lloyd George became a Member of Parliament in 1890 at the age of 27.

Price: $700.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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British Prime Minister during World War I and the Versailles Conference
Postcard Photograph signed: "D Lloyd-George". Sepia, 3½x5½. Captioned in lower margin. Lloyd George became a Member of Parliament in 1890 at the age of 27. As British Chancellor of the Exchequer (1908-1915), he devised the "People's Budget", raising taxes on upper incomes and large estates, and designed Britain's first comprehensive health and unemployment insurance. As Prime Minister (1916-1922), he directed Britain's policies to victory in WWI. After jousting with US President Woodrow Wilson and French Premier Georges Clemenceau at the postwar peace conference at Versailles (1919), Lloyd-George deemed his own performance "not bad, considering I was seated between Jesus Christ and Napoleon." Raised to the peerage in 1945, he died before he could take his seat in the House of Lords. Lightly silvered near lower edge. Clear mounting tape remnants at corners. Mounting paper remnants on verso (no show through). Otherwise, fine condition.

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