Price: $450.00
Assassinated Israeli Nobel Peace laureate.
Photograph signed: "Y. Rabin" in English. Color,
5x7 overall, image 5x6¼ (one surface). Israeli General Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995)
was born in Jerusalem, the first native-born Prime Minister of Israel
(1974-1977, 1992-1995). His extensive military experience began in
1940, when Rabin joined the Haganah (Jewish militia), and he thereafter fought
in the British Army. He rose in rank from Brigade Commander in the 1948
Arab-Israeli War to Chief of Staff in 1964, and Rabin was credited
with Israel's military success in the Six Day War (1967). After serving as
Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. (1968-1973), Rabin was elected as a
Labor representative to the Knesset (Israeli parliament). In March 1974,
he joined Golda Meir's Cabinet as Minister of Labor. After Meir's
resignation in May, Rabin succeeded her as Prime Minister. Rabin resigned
as Prime Minister in 1977. As Defense Minister (1984-1990) in the
Labor-Likud coalition government, Rabin ordered a harsh crackdown in the West
Bank in the late 1980s in an effort to end the Arab uprising there. In 1992, he
led Labor to victory in the national elections, becoming Prime Minister
and Defense Minister. Rabin played a key role in peace negotiations
between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and in 1993 he endorsed a historic peace
agreement with the Palestine Liberation Organization, providing for mutual
recognition and a transition to Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and West
Bank. Rabin, along with his Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, and P.L.O. leader
Yasir Arafat, shared the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize. In 1994, Rabin signed a
peace treaty with Jordan, and a 1995 agreement with the PLO expanded Palestinian
self-rule. On November 4, 1995, he was assassinated by an Israeli law student
with links to right-wing extremist groups. Stray ink marks at the "i" in Rabin
and beneath signature. Minor surface creases (most not evident head on). Fine
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