Price: $480.00
Ray Bolger signs a document between himself and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Document Signed: "Ray Bolger", 1p, 8½x11. Culver City,
California, 1937 June 4. Typed letter contract between Bolger (1904-1987)
and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp. amending the commencement date of their prior
contract (April 11, 1936) to April 17, 1937. Bolger starred on Broadway in
Rodgers and Hart's On Your Toes which opened at the Imperial
Theatre on April 11, 1936, the date of the original contract. It ran for
315 performances until January 23, 1937, after which M-G-M issued this contract.
Bolger won the 1949 Tony Award for the title role in Where's
Charley?, which he reprised in the film version (1952). Bolger will
always be remembered and loved as the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz
(1939). After hosting his own TV variety show in the early 1950s, he was a
frequent and popular guest on TV shows through the 1970s. Binder and staple
holes in upper margin. Pencil note (unknown hand) in upper left. Overall, fine
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