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Raymond Massey writes a letter to a museum curator thanking him for his kind letter and to give encouragement. Autograph Letter signed: "Raymond Massey", 1p, front and verso, 6x6¾. Beverly Hills, California, 1981 January 17. On his personal letterhead to " Dear Mr.…"

Price: $360.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Raymond Massey writes a letter to a museum curator thanking him for his kind letter and to give encouragement.
Autograph Letter signed: "Raymond Massey", 1p, front and verso, 6x6¾. Beverly Hills, California, 1981 January 17. On his personal letterhead to " Dear Mr. Lenthall:". In full: "Thank you for your most interesting letter. I am very glad to know that my two books have given you pleasure and greatly appreciate your kindness in writing to me about them. I am indeed delighted that 'When I Was Young' and 'A Hundred Different Lives' are included in your Theatre Museum Library. I would like very much to visit the Boothebay Theatre Museum, it sounds a fascinating place - but arthritis has condemned me to abandon travel and I must forego that pleasure. I repeat my gratitude to you for your charming letter and its expressions of appreciation of my [continued on verso] work. Such words are precious to an old actor. With best wishes for the continued prosperity of your museum. Yours sincerely" In 1931, Raymond Massey (1896-1983) starred in his first talking picture as Sherlock Holmes in The Speckled Band. He divided his time between stage and screen, offering excellent performances in major motion-picture efforts (The Scarlet Pimpernal, 1935 and Things to Come, 1936). Massey's appearance in Abe Lincoln in Illinois was his most famous role; he appeared in the Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway production and then repeated his Lincoln characterization in this film version, earning an Academy Award nomination as Best Actor. Twenty-two years later, he played a cameo as Honest Abe in How the West Was Won (1962). On television, Massey hosted the 1955 syndicated anthology I Spy, and more memorably was Dr. Gillespie in the weekly series Dr. Kildare. Fine condition.

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