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The Admiral presents the Congressional Medal to a member of his expeditions. Typed Letter signed: "R.E. Byrd", 1 page, 8x10. West Tremont, Maine, 1931 September 1. To Ralph F. Shropshire, Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, N.Y.

Price: $700.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The Admiral presents the Congressional Medal to a member of his expeditions.
Typed Letter signed: "R.E. Byrd", 1 page, 8x10. West Tremont, Maine, 1931 September 1. To Ralph F. Shropshire, Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, N.Y. Begins: "Dear Shrop: It is with great delight that I present to you this Congressional Medal (not present). You gave many months of your life towards making our expedition successful...." On May 23, 1930, a Joint Resolution of Congress authorized "the presentation of medals to the officers and men of the Byrd Antarctic express the high admiration in which the Congress and the American people hold their heroic and undaunted services in connection with the scientific investigations and extraordinary aerial explorations of the Antarctic Continent, under the personal direction of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, said medals to be suitably inscribed." There are no people listed in this Act except for Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. He personally chose those who would receive the medals. With this letter, RALPH F. SHROPSHIRE (1903-1968) received one of the 67 medals minted, appropriately sent to him by Admiral Byrd. Byrd (1888-1957, born in Winchester, Virginia) made the first of his four expeditions to Antarctica between 1928 and 1930, during which time he established the "Little America" base and became the first man to fly over both the North and South Poles. Subsequent expeditions were made between 1933 and 1935 and between 1939 and 1941. Byrd detailed his adventures in books and on the lecture circuit following his returns to the U.S. Proceeds from his books and talks were used to finance additional expeditions, which continued through 1956. Byrd, who discovered Marie Byrd Land and the Edsel Ford Mountains, was given the honorary title, "Mayor of Antarctica". Creased. Minor stains at blank left and right margins. Soiled on verso. Folds, none touch signature. 2 pinhead-size holes at cross folds, not touching text (all intact). Otherwise, fine condition.

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