Religion & Religious Leaders | Programs
Top Signers
FATHER THEODORE M. HESBURGH - PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1971 - HFSID 23162As President of Notre Dame, he signs a program from a Chicago luncheon where he was the featured speaker. Program signed: "Father T. Hesburgh", 5x7 affixed to a 7¼x9¾ white piece of paper (two surfaces).
Price: $160.00
MONSIGNOR LORENZO PEROSI - PROGRAM SIGNED 06/11/1939 - HFSID 161252The Italian composer, pianist and conductor of sacred music signs this program from a concert which featured him in 1939 Program signed: "Don Lorenzi Perosi/Alcam b.11.1939"/XVII" in black ink. With notes written in Italian at top of page.…"
Sale Price $250.00