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Dated 1870, signing as a US Senator Printed card signed in ink: "R.E. Fenton/Jamestown/New York/Oct. 5. 70", 5x2¾ autograph card. Lumber merchant Reuben E. Fenton (1819-1885) was elected to Congress as a Democrat in 1852.

Price: $160.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Dated 1870, signing as a US Senator
Printed card signed in ink: "R.E. Fenton/Jamestown/New York/Oct. 5. 70", 5x2¾ autograph card. Lumber merchant Reuben E. Fenton (1819-1885) was elected to Congress as a Democrat in 1852. He opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and tried to persuade President Pierce not to sign it. Defeated for re-election in 1854, he returned to the House as a Republican, serving four more terms (1857-1875). He was Governor of New York (1865-1868), and a US Senator (1869-1875), called "the soldier's friend" for his aid to returning Civil War veterans. Although he was given some consideration as a Vice Presidential candidate with Grant in 1868, he broke with the President, supporting the short-lived Liberal Republican Party in 1872. He represented the United States at the international monetary conference in Paris in 1878. Lightly toned. Fine condition.

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