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Bly signs a printed/numbered copy of his poem Late At Night During A Visit of Friends Poem Inscribed and signed: "For Nora Zah/Robert Bly/8", 1p. 8 ½ x11, printed and captioned, titled Late At Night During A Visit of Friends, No. 8 of 150.

Price: $220.00

Condition: Lightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Bly signs a printed/numbered copy of his poem Late At Night During A Visit of Friends
Poem Inscribed and signed: "For Nora Zah/Robert Bly/8", 1p. 8 ½ x11, printed and captioned, titled Late At Night During A Visit of Friends, No. 8 of 150. American poet, author and activist, Robert Bly (1926-2021), joined the Navy in 1944 and after serving 2 years returned to college. He graduated from Harvard (1950) and in 1956 received a Fulbright grant to travel to Norway to translate Norwegian poetry into English. Upon his return, he stared a magazine for poetry translation to introduce foreign poets and writers as well as Americans of his generation. He co-founded American Writers Against the Vietnam War (1966). In the 1970s, Bly published 11 books of poetry as well as essays and translation. 1980s brought more including Iron John: A Book About Men - which was credited with starting the Mythopoetic men's movement in the United States, a bestseller it was translated into many languages. In 2002, he was The University of Minnesota Library's Distinguished Writer. Bly is the father of Mary J. Bly, a bestselling novelist and professor of Literature at Fordham University. Very lightly creased at edges. Fine condition

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