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Typed on White House letter head, the American Politician sends this letter to Barbara Norton, then head of the Public Relations Department at the Sheraton-Park Hotel, about their friendship stating that while it is cherished must come to an end.

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Typed on White House letter head, the American Politician sends this letter to Barbara Norton, then head of the Public Relations Department at the Sheraton-Park Hotel, about their friendship stating that while it is cherished must come to an end.
Typed letter signed: "Robert Gray", in black ink, 1 page, 6¼x9¼. The White House. Washington. January 19,1961. In full: "Dear Barbara: I won't even speak of our recent embarrassment regarding the room you arranged for the Inauguration since I don't want any unpleasantness to mar this letter. Instead, I want on one of the last letters that I will sign on White House letterhead to thank you for being such a good friend to me over the past five years. They have been wonderful years, and I have enjoyed every moment of them, but now they must come to a close. Still, my good fortune continues for I know that I take with me more than just memories- I take with me such cherished friendships as yours. Cordially" Robert Gray (1923-2014) was an American politician, who served as Appointments Secretary to President Dwight Eisenhower and later as Secretary of his cabinet. Gray was also a part of the 50-person committee responsible for charting Richard Nixon's path to the White House. As deputy director of the Reagan-Bush presidential campaign in 1980, Gray became Reagan's first appointment as president, when he was named co-chairman of Ronald Reagan's Presidential Inauguration. Gray began his own firm Gray and Company, in 1981. When the firm went public in 1985, it became the first PR-PA firm to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Three years later, he sold majority interest in the firm to Hill & Knowlton and became H&K's Worldwide Chairman. Gray published a book titled "18 Acres Under Glass" which took number-four on The Times best-seller list. The book gave insight to the demands of both his political and personal life as the Secretary of the Cabinet under President Dwight Eisenhower, showing the reader the functions and sometimes dysfunctions of Washington. Gray has been featured in cover stories for Time Magazine, U.S.News, World Report, and was named marketer of the year by AdWeek Magazine. He has received Italy's highest civilian decoration, Grande Ufficiale. Currently, Gray is chairman for the Keating Network LLC, an organization dedicated to helping small and medium sized businesses grow and prosper. Normal mailing folds. Ink lightly smeared at end of signature. Otherwise, fine condition.

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