Price: $200.00
The author responds to a request for an autograph
ALS: "Robert Lewis Taylor", 1p, 5¾x7¾. No place, but likely Connecticut, no date, but likely
circa 1961-1962. On his "RLT" letterhead to Mr. Stanhope. In full: "I'm mortally sorry about
not having dug up a picture of me, but really, you know, I'm not much in having my picture
taken, and the cupboard's pretty bare. Of course I'd be delighted to autograph your 'A Journey
to Matecumbe,' but we're off tomorrow to our Mexican winter home, and these things (mails,
that is) take a little time in Mexico. Send the book, if you will to our address there: 'Casa Sastre
Apartado 235, Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico' (quite a mouthful), and I'll shoot it back directly. Very best
to you --". Taylor's novel, A Journey to Matecumbe, was published in 1961. By 1967, it
was in its third paperback printing, and was made into a feature film, Treasure of
Matecumbe, in 1976. The "we" in this letter likely refers to Taylor and his wife, the former
Judith Martin, whom he had married in 1945. Novelist and biographer Robert Lewis Taylor
(1912-1998) had won the 1959 Pulitzer Prize for The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, which
was the basis for the 1963-1964 TV series of the same name. The one-hour Western starred
Kurt Russell in the title role and co-starred Dan O'Herlihy, Charles Bronson and Alan, Jay,
Merrill and Wayne Osmond. Taylor, who added the "Lewis" to his name to distinguish
himself from "New Yorker" cartoonist R. Taylor and actor Robert Taylor, was also known
for his witty biographies - ranging from Charles Atlas, to the Brooklyn Dodgers to
Gargantua, a circus ape - in the magazine. His biographical books gave insightful looks into
such personalities as Winston Churchill, W.C. Fields and Carry Nation, and his novels also
include Niagara, Two Roads to Guadalupe and The Silken Affair, which was made into a
feature film in 1957. Fine condition.
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