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Typed DS: "Roddy McDowall", 1p, 8½x10¼. Beverly Hills, California, 1946 February 11. On letterhead of Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation to Mr. Roddy McDowall, Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, Los Angeles, California.

Price: $380.00

Condition: Lightly creased, Slightly soiled Add to watchlist:
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RODDY McDOWALL. Typed DS: "Roddy McDowall", 1p, 8½x10¼. Beverly Hills, California, 1946 February 11. On letterhead of Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation to Mr. Roddy McDowall, Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, Los Angeles, California. Regarding McDowall's request to have his salary prorated over 52 weeks. In part: "Under the provisions of your Contract, Option (f) begins January 6, 1946 and ends January 5, 1947, covering a period of Fifty-two (52) weeks of which you are guaranteed Forty (40) weeks salary at One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per week, or a total of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00)...Prorating the above guarantee over the entire Fifty-two (52) weeks, we will pay you Seven Hundred Sixty-nine Dollars and Twenty-three Cents ($769.23) per week for the first Fifty-one (51) weeks, or a total of Thirty-nine Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Dollars and Seventy-three Cents ($39,230.73), and Seven Hundred Sixty-nine Dollars and Twenty-seven Cents ($769.27) for the last week, the total of which payments equals Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00), the entire amount guaranteed in your Contract...." Also signed: "W.L. McDowall - Mother & Guardian" and "A.W. DeWeese" as Paymaster. McDowall, who was 17 years of age at the time he signed this contract (he would turn 18 on September 17, 1946), made one film, Holiday in Mexico, in 1946. His next three films would be released in 1948. British-born actor Roddy McDowall (1928-1998) arrived in Hollywood to test for the juvenile lead in Fox's How Green Was My Valley (1941); he won both the role and a long-term contract. McDowall's first adult acting assignment was as Malcolm in Orson Welles' 1948 film version of Macbeth. Hespent the better part of the early 1960s playing Octavius in the mammoth production Cleopatra (Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor), co-starring with longtime friend Elizabeth Taylor. An accomplished photographer, McDowall was honored by having his photos of Taylor and other celebrities frequently published in the leading magazines of the era. McDowall's most frequent assignments between 1968 and 1975 found him in elaborate simian makeup as Cornelius in the Planet of the Apes theatrical films and TV series. Lightly creased with folds, not at signatures. Slightly soiled at upper right blank margin. Fine condition.

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