Price: $650.00
ROGER MARTIN du GARD. ALS: "Roger Martin du Gard", 2p,
4¼x5½, front and verso. Bellême, Orne, 1938 April 12. To an unnamed
gentleman. In French, not translated. Du Gard tells the recipient that it
is impossible to answer the many letters he has received since receiving the
Nobel Prize and asks him to accept his excuses, sincere thanks and
regrets. French novelist and dramatist Roger Martin du Gard (1881-1958) had
received the 1937 Nobel Prize in Literature "for the artistic power and
truth with which he has depicted human conflict as well as some fundamental
aspects of contemporary life in his novelcycle Les Thibault." The World of
the Thibaults was published in 12 volumes between 1922-1940. The
author's first successful work, the novel Jean Barois, had been published
in 1913. Lightly soiled. Paper remnants and glue stains at lower left blank
margin of signature page. Overall, fine condition, with large, bold
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