Sale Price $135.00
Reg. $160.00
The Nebraska Senator signed this typed letter to Barbara Norton, then head of the Public
Relations department at the Sheraton-Park Hotel.
Typed letter signed: "Roman Hruska", in blue ink, 1 page, 8x10½. United States Senate.
Committee on the Judiciary. August 5, 1966. In Full: "Dear Miss Barbara: Many thanks for
the usual Sheraton-Norton promptness and efficiency in sending the picture of Yarda and me. I
have autographed it to him and I am most appreciative of your kind offer to see that he receives it.
With kind personal regards, Sincerely". Roman Hruska (1904-1999), a former attorney,
was a Republican U.S. Senator from Nebraska from 1954-1976. Previously, he
had represented the state as a U.S. Congressman (1953-1954). Hruska is best
known for a comment he made regarding President Richard Nixon's Supreme Court
nominee Harold Carswell.Hearing someone accuse Carswell of mediocrity, Hruska
responded that there were many mediocre people and judges, and mediocrity
deserved representation on the Court. Despite Hruska's controversial speech,
the Carswell nomination was rejected. He was also a staunch supporter of
Richard Nixon, even after the Watergate Scandal. Light surface creasing. Small
residue stains near center of letter. Otherwise, fine condition.
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