Royalty, Kings & Queens
Top Signers
BARON GEORGE RALPH ABERCROMBY - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 01/15/1885 - HFSID 142905The husband of Queen Victoria's Lady of the Bedchamber writes from the Queen's estate. Autograph Letter signed: "Abercromby", 1p, 4¾x7¼, affixed to 5x9½ sheet, to which two clippings are also attached. Osborne, 1885 January 15.
Price: $200.00
ADELAIDE OF SAXE-MEININGEN (QUEEN CONSORT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AND OF HANOVE - AUTOGRAPH ENVELOPE UNSIGNED - HFSID 81636The wife of William IV signs this envelope fragment addressed to a man in Windsor Autograph Envelope Unsigned, 4x2½ affixed to 4½x7¼ sheet also containing a 1¾x3 biographical clipping about the queen consort of William IV.
Price: $160.00
SHEIKH SHAMS ALDEIN AL FASSI - TELEGRAM UNSIGNED 06/12/1978 - HFSID 270615Controversial Beverly Hills resident; involved in lawsuit touching Saudi royal family. Telegram, unsigned, 1 page, 8½x11. Los Angeles, California, 1978 June 12. Western Union Mailgram to actress/comedienne Phyllis Diller, Los Angeles, California.
Price: $80.00
SIR WILLIAM ARBUTHNOT-LANE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 08/06/1920 - HFSID 287861Letter thanking someone for a gift of paintings Autograph Letter signed: "W. Arbuthnot Lane", 2 pages (integral leaf), 3¼x3. 21 Cavendish Square (London), n. d. On personal letterhead to "Dear Mrs.…"
Price: $320.00
SIR WILLIAM ARBUTHNOT-LANE - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 287862Bold signature with a sentiment Autograph Sentiment signed: "With best wishes for the [illegible phrase]/W Arbuthnot Lane", 6½x4. William Arbuthnot Lane (1856-1943) was a Scottish surgeon at Guy's Hospital, London.
Price: $160.00
ARCHDUKE FELIX - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 12/16/1940 - HFSID 23578TLS: "Archduke Felix of Austria", 1p, 7¼x10½. The Warwick, Houston, Texas, 1940 December 16. To William Cavalier, Oakland, California, whom he had met in San Francisco, thanking him for his kindness. In English.
Price: $260.00
ARCHDUKE JOSEPH AUGUST (AUSTRIA) - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 23624This First Day Cover honoring the Gutenberg Bible is signed by the prominent Hungarian general and Prime Minister First Day Cover Signed: "Archduke Joseph/FM", 6½x3½.
Price: $160.00
DAME PEGGY ASHCROFT - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 166690Signature: "Peggy Ashcroft", 6x4 card. Typed caption above signature. British stage and screen actress Peggy Ashcroft (1907-1991) won the 1984 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress (A Passage to India) at age 77.
Price: $90.00
DAME PEGGY ASHCROFT - AUTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 145205Peggy Ashcroft, Richard Attenborough, Owen Nares and Douglas Montgomery sign an album leaf. Signatures: "Peggy Ashcroft", "Richard Attenborough" and, on verso, "Yours sincerely/Owen Nares" and "Douglas Montgomery", 4¾x4 album leaf.
Sale Price $115.00
DAME PEGGY ASHCROFT - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 296323The actress is shown in her Academy Award winning role from the 1984 film A Passage to India in this black and white publicity photograph. Inscribed Photograph signed: "Tommy/best wishes/Peggy Ashcroft" in blue ink, B/w 8x10.
Price: $260.00
DAME PEGGY ASHCROFT - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295921Small 4x6 photograph shown as Queen Katherine in a Royal Shakespeare Company production of Henry VIII Photograph signed: "Peggy Ashcroft". B/w, 4x6. Shown as Queen Katherine in a Royal Shakespeare Company production of The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eight (1969).
Price: $260.00
DAME PEGGY ASHCROFT - INSCRIBED SIGNATURE WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 145203Signatures: "Peggy Ashcroft" and, on verso, "To Biddy, from Jacqueline./L.MS.", 5½x4. D'Orville has done a watercolor of a little girl and two fairies, which she has signed: "J.d'Orville" at lower right corner.
Price: $80.00
PRINCE FREDERICK AUGUSTUS (DUKE OF YORK AND ALBANY) (GREAT BRITAIN) - AUTOGRAPH ENVELOPE SIGNED 09/15/1816 - HFSID 45831The second son of King George III signs this envelope in 1816 Autograph Envelope signed: "York & Albany", 4½x2¾. Dated ("September 15, 1816") and addressed in another hand to Major General Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, Hampton Court.
Price: $180.00
SIR THOMAS BARLOW - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 05/13 - HFSID 287867Informing a woman that he has no openings for a consultation during the week Autograph Letter signed: "T Barlow", 1 page, 4½x7. 10 Wimpole Street (London), May 13, n. y.
Price: $220.00
SIR THOMAS BARLOW - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 10/30/1898 - HFSID 287868Acknowledging receipt of a check Autograph Letter signed: "T Barlow", 1 page, 4½x7. 10 Wimpole Street (London), 1898 October 30. On personal letterhead to "Dear Mr. Duffarn", in full: "Thank you for cheque kindly forwarded 25th. Very truly yours".
Price: $220.00
BARON ABINGER II (ROBERT SCARLETT) - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED CIRCA 1848 - HFSID 142000His signature from a clipped closing Autograph Sentiment signed: "I am your Obedient Servant/Abinger", 3¾ x1 ¼ sheet, attached to slightly larger piece Ink caption (unknown hand).
Price: $80.00
LENNART (COUNT OF WISBORG) BERNADOTTE - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 316976Signature of the former Swedish Prince turned landscape gardener Signature: "Lennart Bernadotte", 6x4¼. Typed caption in German: "Graf [Count] Lennart Bernadotte".
Price: $100.00
LENNART (COUNT OF WISBORG) BERNADOTTE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 316977Older 4¼x5¾ image of the former Swedish prince, holding a camera with telephoto lens Photograph signed: "Lennart Bernadotte". Color, 4¼x5¾.
Price: $120.00
SIR RUDOLPH BING - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 54138Blue 3x5 card signed by Bing Card signed "Rudolph Bing". 3x5. Bing (1902-1997, born in Vienna, Austria) was an English opera impresario. He was born to a Jewish family and emigrated to England in 1934 with the rise of Nazism.
Sale Price $115.00
SIR RUDOLPH BING - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 6/1972 - HFSID 30004Bing signed and dated this b/w publicity photo of himself from the chest up and in a dark suit-and-tie in 1972. This was signed during his last year as general manager of New York's Metropolitan Opera Company. Annotated photograph signed "Rudolph Bing/June 72" in blue ink.
Sale Price $225.00
SIR RUDOLPH BING - INSCRIBED ORIGINAL ART SIGNED 03/1950 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 15546211x14 Dorothy Ahrens pencil sketch of the English opera impresario, signed and dated by Bing in 1950. This sketch was drawn and signed the year that Bing took the reins of the New York Metropolitan Opera Company, a job he would hold for 22 years.
Price: $280.00
SIR RUDOLPH BING - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 182691Sept. 23, 1966 cover of Time magazine signed by opera impresario Bing. This cover features a Henry Koerner color painting of Bing from the chest up in suit-and-tie and the cover story "Grander Days for Grand Opera". Magazine cover signed "Rudolph Bing".
Price: $280.00
SIR RUDOLPH BING - TREASURY WARRANT ENDORSED - HFSID 1574Small signed b/w Sedge Leblang headshot of Bing from the chest up in dark suit-and-tie Photograph signed "Rudolph Bing" in blue ink. 3¼x4¾ overall, 3¼x4¼ image, one surface. Embossed with: "Sedge Leblang/New York, NY".
Price: $300.00
FREDERICK BLACKWOOD - AUTOGRAPH 08/28/1894 - HFSID 23747Frederick Blackwood signs a gold edged card in black ink. Signature: "Dufferin And Ava/Aug: 28th, 1894", 3½x2¼ card.
Price: $90.00
FREDERICK BLACKWOOD - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 23748Frederick Blackwood sends an autograph letter requesting a corrected copy of a draft. Autograph Letter Signed: "Dufferin", 1p, 4½x7. No place, no date, "Tuesday". To Collen.
Price: $220.00
FLORENCE (COUNTESS OF DARNLEY) BLIGH - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 81500The wife of Ivo Bligh, 8th Earl of Darnley, pens her name on this clipping Clipped Signature: “Florence Darnley”, 3¼x½ affixed to a 4x1½ piece of paper also containing a typed caption identifying the signer.
Price: $160.00
VISCOUNT HENRY ST. JOHN BOLINGBROKE IV - AUTOGRAPH 08/17/1832 - HFSID 81226The Viscount signs his name at the end of an address written in 1832! Signature: "Brighton, August seventeen/1832/Lady Elizabeth Smyth/Tunbridge Wells/Bolingbroke", in black ink. 4½x2½ clipping affixed to 8x3½ page. Henry St.
Price: $140.00
EDMUND (EARL OF CORK VIII) BOYLE - FREE FRANK SIGNED 06/21/1823 - HFSID 81098The respected member of the peerage who served as an Irish soldier signs this free frank Free Frank Signed: “London June twenty/ first 1823/ Captn Fitzgerald/ Bath/ Boyle” 4½x2¾ slip of paper affixed to a 7x3½ sheet.
Price: $320.00
THOMAS (EARL OF BRASSEY I) BRASSEY - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 81096The Earl who circumnavigated the globe pens his name on this irregularly cut slip of paper Signature: “Sir T. Brassey K.C.B. M.P./ 24 Park Lane” 5¼x3¼ at widest points attached to a 6¼x4½ sheet of paper.
Price: $120.00
SIR ARTHUR BRYANT - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 141838Card signed by the historian and biographer in blue ink Signature: "Arthur Bryant" in blue ink. Pencil notations on verso in unknown hand. 5x3 card. With 1¼x1¾ b/w unsigned printed photo of Bryant affixed in top left corner.
Price: $80.00