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"Right stuff" pilot was first to fly twice the speed of sound Autograph Note signed: "Scott Crossfield", 1p, 8½x11. At bottom of a typed letter, dated 1989 May 31 requesting a signed photo for children, Crossfield replies in full: "Wish I knew their names.…"

Sale Price $175.00

Reg. $220.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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"Right stuff" pilot was first to fly twice the speed of sound
Autograph Note signed: "Scott Crossfield", 1p, 8½x11. At bottom of a typed letter, dated 1989 May 31 requesting a signed photo for children, Crossfield replies in full: "Wish I knew their names." A navy pilot before becoming a research test pilot in 1950, Crossfield (1921-2006) was the first to fly Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound) in the D-558-II Skyrocket (1953) and guided the rocket-powered X-15 on its first free flight (1959). In the X-15, he flew 1,960 miles per hour, nearly Mach 3! Two of his planes hang in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. An executive of several public and private aviation enterprises, he remained an active pilot in his mid-80s. He died in a fatal crash of his single engine aircraft on April 20, 2006. Minor nick at center of lower edge. Otherwise, fine condition.

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