B. H. Friedman Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Bernard Harper "B. H." Friedman (1926-2011) was director of a real estate firm before publishing his first novel, Circles (1962). Circles centered on the New York art scene, and his later work had a similar focus on art. He wrote biographies of Jackson Pollock and Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, and contributed art criticism and social history to many magazines. In 1974, he co-founded the Fiction Collective, a non-profit publishing firm designed to circumvent the major publishing houses. His autobiographical Tripping (2006), described his psychedelic drug experiences with Timothy Leary.
B. H. FRIEDMAN - SELF-CARICATURE SIGNED - HFSID 16109He pens an amusing self-caricature Self-Caricature signed: "B. H. Friedman", 6x9. He has drawn a man's head, distinctive for the glasses resting on a long, pointed nose. Bernard Harper "B. H.…"
Price: $220.00