Bud Fisher Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Bud Fisher (1885-1954), was creator of Mutt and Jeff, the first successful comic strip, the first comic strip artist to make his fortune off of comic strips. Fisher was a theatre, sports and news cartoonist at the San Francisco Chronicle when he came up with the idea for a comic strip.
BUD FISHER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 45876Bud Fisher, creator of Mutt and Jeff, signs a card in blue ink. Signature: "Bud Fisher", 3x1½. Bud Fisher (1885-1954), was creator of Mutt and Jeff, the first successful comic strip, the first comic strip artist to make his fortune off of comic strips.
Price: $360.00
BUD FISHER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED CIRCA 1931 - HFSID 292888Autograph Note signed as "Bud Fisher, the Mutt and Jeff Man", obtained in 1931 Autograph Note signed: "Best wishes, Jimmy/from/Bud Fisher/the MUTT and/JEFF man!", 4x3¼. Ink note (unknown hand) dates signature 4/11/31 in New York City.
Price: $280.00
BUD FISHER - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED CIRCA 1946 - HFSID 280698Small slip of paper signed "Truly yours" by Bud Fisher, creator of Mutt and Jeff Autograph sentiment signed: "Truly yours/Bud Fisher", 3¾x2¼ piece of paper.
Price: $200.00
BUD FISHER - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED 1948 - HFSID 291433His pencil drawing of Mutt and Jeff, on verso of a postcard for the famed Bookbinders Restaurant Original Art signed in pencil: "Bud Fisher/1948", 5½x3½ postcard. Signed on verso of a color picture postcard for Bookbinders Sea Food House in Philadelpha.
Sale Price $345.00
BUD FISHER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 05/04/1928 - HFSID 287143TLS thanking a fan of Mutt and Jeff, but declining to send the requested cartoon Typed Letter signed: "Bud Fisher", 1 page, 8½x11. New York, N.Y., 1928 May 4. On letterhead of the Bell Syndicate, with the figures of Mutt and Jeff printed on the paper. To Frank I.
Sale Price $625.00