Chief Justice Charles E Hughes Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: April 11, 1862 in Glens Fall, New York
Died: August 27, 1948 in Osterville, Massachusetts
Hughes (1862-1948) was Governor of New York (1907-1910) when President Taft appointed him Associate Justice. In 1916, Hughes resigned from the Supreme Court having received the Republican nomination for President; he lost to Wilson. President Harding appointed him Secretary of State in 1921, and he remained in that office when Coolidge became President in 1923, staying until 1925. When Chief Justice Taft retired in 1930 because of ill health, President Hoover appointed Hughes as Chief Justice, only the second man reappointed to the Supreme Court (the first was John Rutledge). Hughes served until he retired in 1941. Considered by many to be the greatest Chief Justice since John Marshall, Hughes had a collection of volumes on Lincoln.
Film Credits
#flbgn# 1916 Justice Hughes Addresses Steel Workers. - Duquesne, Pa.#fidbgn#2737#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1940 The Ramparts We Watch#fidbgn#12136#fidend##flend# (Other)
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 59111Signature on a special edition book page Signature: "Charles E. Hughes", 5¾x8¾ page removed from a book. Printed text: "special edition limited to two hundred copies autographed by the author". Frayed left edge. Lightly toned at edges. Otherwise, fine condition.
Sale Price $215.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 181814Charles Evans Hughes signs a card in black ink. Signature: "Charles E. Hughes", 4½x2½ card. Charles E. Hughes was Governor of New York (1907-1910) when President Taft appointed him Associate Justice.
Sale Price $175.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1930 - HFSID 315297Signed on a card postmarked in 1930, the year he returned to the US Supreme Court after an absence of 14 years. Signature: "Charles Evans Hughes", 4½x2½ card. Card bears a postmark: Washington, D.C., August 21, 1930.
Sale Price $175.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 02/06/1942 - HFSID 52189Charles E. Hughes sends an autograph letter of regret that he will not be able to accept the invitation. Autograph Letter Signed: "Charles E. Hughes", 1p, 8½x11. On letterhead of Conquistador Hotel. Tucson, Arizona, 1942 February 6.To Frank M. Porl, Phoenix.
Sale Price $425.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 11/18/1910 - HFSID 43683Charles E. Hughes sends an autograph letter acknowledging receiving a book. Autograph Letter Signed: "Charles E. Hughes" as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 1p, 4¾x8. Washington, D.C., 1910 November 18. On his personal stationery, Hughes writes to Prof. A.H.
Sale Price $395.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED 05/01/1922 - HFSID 27924Charles Evans Hughes signs an autograph card in black ink attached to its mailing letter. Autograph Sentiment signed: "Sincerely yours,/Charles E. Hughes/May 1, 1922", 3½x2¼ attached to typed letter.
Price: $240.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 02/24/1925 - HFSID 283536Photo inscribed and signed as Secretary of State (1925), carrying a portfolio but looking sporty in white shoes, vertically striped shirt and pants, and a Panama hat. Photograph inscribed and signed: ""Mr. George E. Durno,/with cordial regards/Feb. 24, 1925". B/w 8x10.…"
Sale Price $925.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENT SIGNED 05/05/1924 - HFSID 280281Charles Evans Hughes signs a scarce document signed with his full name to appoint William Oscar Jones to represent the U. S. in Konigsberg, Germany. Partly Printed Document Signed: "Charles Evans Hughes" as Coolidge's Secretary of State, 1p, 17x14. Washington, 1924 May 5.
Sale Price $595.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENT SIGNED 05/10/1924 - HFSID 86989Charles Evans Hughes signs a scarce document signed with his full name to appoint Charles L. DeVault. Partly Printed Document Signed: "Charles Evans Hughes" as Coolidge's Secretary of State, 1p, 17x14. Washington, 1924 May 10. Certification of Charles L. DeVault of Indiana as U.S.
Sale Price $595.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - DOCUMENT SIGNED 12/02/1921 - HFSID 84788Special passport for William C. Curtin, signed by Charles Evans Hughes as President Warren G. Harding's Secretary of State in 1921, the same year he became President Warren G. Harding's Secretary of State. Passport signed "Charles E. Hughes" as President Warren G.
Sale Price $495.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - ENVELOPE SIGNED CIRCA 1931 - HFSID 35566Charles E. Hughes signs an envelope in brown ink. Envelope signed: "Charles E. Hughes", 5¼x3¼. 2-cent stamp affixed, postmarked Washington, D. C., 2 March [year illegible]. Rubber stamped address to a collector at lower right margin. Charles E.
Price: $200.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 287158Hughes signs a 3½x2 card in black ink Printed card signed in ink: "Charles E. Hughes", 3½x2 card Charles E. Hughes was Governor of New York (1907-1910) when President Taft appointed him Associate Justice.
Sale Price $175.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - PROCLAMATION SIGNED 11/17/1909 - HFSID 254682CHARLES EVANS HUGHES Governor Hughes issues N.Y. Thanksgiving Day. Printed Document Signed: "Charles E. Hughes" as Governor of New York, 1p, 9x12¼. Albany, 1909 November 17. Countersigned: "Robert H. Fuller" as Secretary to the Governor.
Sale Price $425.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - SUPREME COURT CARD SIGNED - HFSID 79457Charles Evans Hughes signs a Supreme Court Card in black ink. Supreme Court Card signed: "Charles E. Hughes", 4¼x3¼. Charles E. Hughes was Governor of New York (1907-1910) when President Taft appointed him Associate Justice.
Sale Price $225.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 01/07/1948 - HFSID 1396Charles E. Hughes signs a typed letter of thanks for the cards. Typed Letter signed: "Charles E. Hughes" as Justice, 1p, 5¾x7¾. On official court letterhead to L. J. Sylvor, New York, New York.
Price: $300.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 02/04/1924 - HFSID 16039Hughes signed this typed letter to President Calvin Coolidge. The letter references reparations for the United States Navy's 1914 bombardment and occupation of Veracruz, Mexico.
Price: $1,000.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 03/21/1910 - HFSID 101297Charles E. Hughes sends a typed letter of thanks for the famous Madeira imported by Chief Justice Marshall. Typed Letter Signed: "Charles E. Hughes" as Governor of New York, 1p, 7x9¾. Executive Chamber, Albany, 1910 March 21. To Hon. William G. Rice, Albany, N.Y.
Sale Price $350.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 07/24/1929 - HFSID 33268Charles E. Hughes will give a letter of introduction. Typed Letter Signed: "Charles E. Hughes" as Judge, Permanent Court of International Justice, 1p, 7½x9½. The Hague, 1929 July 24. To Hon. Meier Steinbrink, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Sale Price $245.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 11/17/1908 - HFSID 13799Charles E. Hughes sends a typed letter of thanks for the congratulations. Typed Letter signed as Governor: "Charles E. Hughes", 1 p, 7x9¾. On letterhead of Executive Chamber. Albany, N.Y., 1908 November 17. To James S. Lehmaier, New York City.
Price: $300.00
CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES E HUGHES - TYPESCRIPT SIGNED - HFSID 47977Signs an excerpt from "America First, America Efficient", his July 31, 1916, speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination. Important Typescript signed: "Charles E. Hughes", 1½p, 6½x9. No place, (1916).
Sale Price $395.00
CHARLES A. LINDBERGH - PHOTOGRAPH MOUNT SIGNED CIRCA 1927 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 165879Magazine Photo Mount signed: "Charles E. Hughes" and "C.A. Lindbergh", 3½x6¼ overall, image 2¾x3¼ (two surfaces). This photograph was taken in Washington, D.C., on June 11, 1927 after CHARLES A.
Price: $2,200.00
PRESIDENT CALVIN COOLIDGE - DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENT SIGNED 07/01/1924 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 13542Diplomatic Appointment signed as President and Secretary of State, framed with a photo of each man, to an overall size of 38x20. Partly Printed DS: "Calvin Coolidge" as President and "Charles E. Hughes" as Secretary of State, 1 page, 15x12.
Price: $2,800.00
PRESIDENT CALVIN COOLIDGE - DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENT SIGNED 12/20/1924 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 5192As President and Secretary of State, they sign the appointment of Foreign Service Officer Leonard G. Dawson in 1924. Diplomatic Appointment signed: "Calvin Coolidge" as President and "Charles E. Hughes" as Secretary of State, 1 page, 16x113/4. Washington, 1924 December 20.
Price: $2,400.00
PRESIDENT CALVIN COOLIDGE - DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENT SIGNED 12/20/1924 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 29695This diplomatic appointment, signed by President Coolidge and Secretary of State Hughes in 1924, appointed New Yorker Elliot Verne Richardson to a diplomatic post in Pernambuco, Brazil Partially printed diplomatic appointment signed "Charles Evans Hughes" and "Calvin Coolidge".
Price: $2,400.00
PRESIDENT WARREN G. HARDING - DOCUMENT SIGNED 07/17/1922 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 4052Partly Printed DS: "Warren G. Harding" as President and "Charles E. Hughes" as Secretary of State, 1p, 17½x13½. Washington, 1922 July 22. Appointment of J.
Sale Price $2,050.00
PRESIDENT WILLIAM H. TAFT - COLLECTION WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 90639Comprises: (1) Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Augustus L. Richards, Esq.,/With cordial regards./Charles E. Hughes/March 16, 1921", b/w, 6x8¾ matted to 9½x13. Fine condition. (2) Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Samuel R.…"
Sale Price $2,895.00
THE WARREN E. BURGER COURT - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 03/11/1908 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 280906This 1908 letter, on New York State Executive Chamber stationery, is signed by Governor and future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Charles Evans Hughes. It's also signed by Chief Justice Warren Burger and all eight members of his 1970-1971 Supreme Court.
Price: $2,000.00