Emlyn Williams Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: November 26, 1905 in Mostyn, Flintshire, Wales, United Kingdom
Died: September 25, 1987 in London, England, United Kingdom
1970-The-Walking-Stick (Performer), 1965-1967-Theatre-625 (Performer), 1958-I-Accuse! (Performer), 1953-Eye-Witness (Performer), 1951-The-Magic-Box (Performer), 1951-Another-Man's-Poison (Performer), 1941-This-England (Performer), 1941-You-Will-Remember (Performer), 1936-Broken-Blossoms (Performer), 1935-Loves-of-a-Dictator (Performer), 1932-Men-of-Tomorrow (Performer), 1966-Met-voorbedachten-rade (Writer), 1954-TV-de-Vanguarda (Writer), 1945-The-Corn-Is-Green (Writer), 1941-This-England (Writer), 1936-Broken-Blossoms (Writer), 1984-Looks-Familiar (in person), 1970-The-David-Frost-Show (in person), 1969-Investiture-of-His-Royal-Highness-Prince-Charles-as-Prince-of (in person), 1950-Three-Husbands (Performer), 1966-The-Epic-That-Never-Was (in person), 1964-The-Great-War (in person), 1985-Past-Caring (Performer), 1982-Deadly-Game (Performer), 1969-David-Copperfield (Performer), 1959-Web-of-Evidence (Performer), 1957-ITV-Play-of-the-Week (Performer), 1955-The-Deep-Blue-Sea (Performer), 1952-Ivanhoe (Performer), 1951-Emlyn-Williams-as-Charles-Dickens (Performer), 1940-Girl-in-the-News (Performer), 1938-They-Drive-by-Night (Performer), 1938-The-Citadel (Performer), 1935-City-of-Beautiful-Nonsense (Performer), 1934-The-Iron-Duke (Performer), 1934-Road-House (Performer), 1933-Friday-the-Thirteenth (Performer), 1932-Criminal-at-Large (Performer), 1964-Groen-koren (Writer), 1957-ITV-Play-of-the-Week (Writer), 1956-Matinee-Theatre (Writer), 1953-Encounter (Writer), 1952-Broadway-Television-Theatre (Writer), 1951-Emlyn-Williams-as-Charles-Dickens (Writer), 1938-The-Citadel (Writer), 1935-The-Divine-Spark (Writer), 1933-Friday-the-Thirteenth (Writer), 1933-Friday-the-Thirteenth (Director), 1985-The-New-Born-King (in person), 1976-Edgar-Wallace:-The-Man-Who-Made-His-Name (in person), 1985-Wogan (in person), 1942-Life-b_egins-at-Eight-Thirty (Writer), 1983-Emlyn-Williams-as-Charles-Dickens (Performer), 1964-The-Defenders (Performer), 1962-The-L-Shaped-Room (Performer), 1959-The-Wreck-of-the-Mary-Deare (Performer), 1949-Women-of-Dolwyn (Performer), 1939-Dead-Men-Tell-No-Tales (Performer), 1938-Night-Alone (Performer), 1934-A-Song-for-You (Performer), 1932-Sally-Bishop (Performer), 1991-King-Ralph (Writer), 1979-The-Corn-Is-Green (Writer), 1976-The-Power-of-Dawn (Writer), 1968-BBC-Play-of-the-Month (Writer), 1964-Night-Must-Fall (Writer), 1949-Women-of-Dolwyn (Writer), 1939-Dead-Men-Tell-No-Tales (Writer), 1934-The-Man-Who-Knew-Too-Much (Writer), 1934-Evergreen (Writer), 1949-Women-of-Dolwyn (Director), 1949-Women-of-Dolwyn (in person), 1973-Parkinson (in person), 1967-The-Heart-of-Show-Business (in person), 1946-The-Corn-Is-Green (Writer), 1978-Teatro-estudio (Writer), 1967-The-Magic-of-Charles-Dickens (Writer), 1957-Time-Without-Pity (Writer), 1957-Die-Berufung-wird-abgewiesen (Writer), 1949-The-Philco-Goodyear-Television-Playhouse (Writer), 1948-The-Ford-Theatre-Hour (Writer), 1937-Night-Must-Fall (Writer), 1962-The-Merv-Griffin-Show (in person), 1983-Rumpole-of-the-Bailey (Performer), 1967-The-Magic-of-Charles-Dickens (Performer), 1966-Eye-of-the-Devil (Performer), 1951-The-Scarf (Performer), 1942-A.J.-Cronin's-Hatter's-Castle (Performer), 1941-Major-Barbara (Performer), 1940-The-Stars-Look-Down (Performer), 1939-Jamaica-Inn (Performer), 1937-I,-Claudius (Performer), 1934-Evensong (Performer), 1980-Estudio-1 (Writer), Hour-of-Mystery (Writer), 2009-Welsh-Greats (Other), Play-of-the-Week (Writer)
Night-Must-Fall - Writing (March 8, 1999 - June 27, 1999), The-Corn-Is-Green - Writing (August 22, 1983 - September 18, 1983), Emlyn-Williams-as-Charles-Dickens - Performer (January 14, 1981 - March 1, 1981), The-Playboy-of-the-Weekend-World - Performer (November 16, 1978 - December 10, 1978), The-Deputy - Performer (March 26, 1964 - November 28, 1964), Daughter-of-Silence - Performer (November 30, 1961 - December 30, 1961), A-Man-for-All-Seasons - Performer (November 22, 1961 - June 1, 1963), Emlyn-Williams-as-A-Boy-Growing-Up - Performer (October 7, 1957 - October 20, 1957), A-Month-in-the-Country - Other (April 3, 1956 - May 13, 1956), Someone-Waiting - Writing (March 14, 1956 - March 25, 1956), Emlyn-Williams-as-Charles-Dickens - Performer (April 20, 1953 - May 9, 1953), Emlyn-Williams-as-Charles-Dickens - Performer (March 4, 1952 - March 15, 1952), The-Corn-Is-Green - Writing (January 11, 1950 - January 22, 1950), Montserrat - Performer (October 29, 1949 - December 24, 1949), The-Corn-Is-Green - Writing (May 3, 1943 - June 19, 1943), The-Morning-Star - Writing (September 14, 1942 - October 3, 1942), Yesterday's-Magic - Writing (April 14, 1942 - May 30, 1942), The-Corn-Is-Green - Writing (November 26, 1940 - January 17, 1942), Night-Must-Fall - Performer (September 28, 1936 - November 1936), Criminal-at-Large - Performer (October 10, 1932 - March 1933), And-So-To-Bed - Performer (November 9, 1927 - April 1928)
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 154128Emlyn Williams signs a card in blue ink. Signature: "Emlyn Williams", 4½x3½ card.
Price: $90.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 294911The actor and playwright signs a 5x3 card in red ink Signature: "Emlyn Williams", 5x3 card.
Price: $90.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 1979 - HFSID 160160Handwritten note on a small page, extending good wishes Autograph Note signed: "To David Wood,/Warm good wishes,/Emlyn/Williams/1979", 5x4¼ paper.
Sale Price $115.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295730The Tony Award winning actor is shown from the waist up in this black and white photograph. Photograph signed: "Emlyn Williams" in black felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $320.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295922Shown in a scene from the 1959 film Web of Evidence in this sepia photograph Photograph signed: "Emlyn/Williams" in black felt tip, Sepia 8x10.
Price: $320.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 301495Half view of the actor and writer, shown with a model boat Photograph signed: "Emlyn/Williams". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $320.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 301504Shown studying an antique book Photograph signed: "Emlyn/Williams". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $250.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 301519Captioned movie still from The Scarf Photograph signed: "Emlyn/Williams". B/w, 8x10. Captioned movie still from The Scarf (1951).
Sale Price $275.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 301541The actor is shown leaning his head against the frame of a doorway. Photograph signed: "Emlyn/Williams". B/w, 7¾x9¾.
Price: $320.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 1980 - HFSID 187713Black and white publicity photograph of Emlyn Williams in a suit and tie sitting at a desk holding his glasses. Photograph signed: "'The Deep Blue/Sea' 1955/Emlyn/Williams/1980". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $250.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 1980 - HFSID 187715Black and white publicity photograph of Emlyn Williams in a suit and tie sitting at a desk holding his glasses. Photograph signed: "'The Deep/Blue Sea'/1955/Emlyn/Williams/1980". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $320.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 1982 - HFSID 30496Emlyn Williams inscribes a color publicity photograph of himself sitting behind a typewriter looking at the camera. Photograph inscribed and signed: "1982/To Kate/Gallagher -/Emlyn/Williams". Color, 4x5¾.
Price: $300.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - BOOK PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - HFSID 309104The actor and playwright signs on this 8x11 book photograph. Book photograph signed: "Emlyn Williams", B/w 8x11.
Sale Price $250.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - CHECK DOUBLE SIGNED 10/03/1983 - HFSID 83305Emlyn Williams signs a check twice for one penny while in London. Check filled out and signed twice: "G E Williams/(Emlyn Williams", 6¼x3. London, England, "3 October [19]83". Check No. 6.
Price: $200.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - INSCRIBED SHOW BILL SIGNED - HFSID 153741Emlyn Williams inscribes a show bill for a performance of Accolade. Show Bill inscribed and signed: "To A G Ryder,/Best wishes/Emlyn Williams", 8p, 5x8. Aldwych, England, no date (but note in unknown hand on cast page is: "9-9-50").
Price: $180.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - INSCRIBED SHOW BILL SIGNED 1962 - HFSID 295172The Welsh playwright signs a Playbill for a performance of A Man For All Seasons at the Anta Theatre on June 26, 1962. Inscribed Show Bill signed: "To Albert C Wilkinson/good wishes/Emlyn Williams/1962", 36 pages, 6x9.
Price: $320.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - INSCRIBED SIGNATURE - HFSID 290214The Welsh playwright and actor signs a note on a 6½x5 album leaf. Inscribed Signature: "To June/Emlyn Williams", 6½x5 album leaf.
Price: $100.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - PROGRAM SIGNED - HFSID 79031Emlyn Williams signs a program for Dylan Thomas Growing Up. Program signed: "Emlyn/Williams" on front cover, 2p, 6x14, front and verso. Headed: "A Special Presentation of The Chelsea Theatre Center by/Arrangement with Arthur Cantor/EMLYN WILLIAMS/as/DYLAN THOMAS GROWING UP".
Price: $220.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1956 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 155241Program for the 1956 season at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, Great Britain, signed by 16 actors who appeared in all five plays of that season Program signed "Emlyn/Williams", "Margaret Johnston", "Diana Churchill", "Harry Andrews.…"
Price: $575.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - SHOW BILL SIGNED - HFSID 18883Emlyn Williams signs a show bill at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre performance of Night Must Fall. Show Bill signed: "Yours sincerely,/Emlyn Williams", 24p, 6¾x9¼. New York, no date (but this play opened 1936 September 8).
Sale Price $175.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - SHOW BILL SIGNED - HFSID 314750The actor signs his name on a show bill for a production of Night Must Fall Show bill signed: "Emlyn/Williams", in black ink, 24 pages, 5½x8¾.
Price: $220.00
EMLYN WILLIAMS - SHOW BILL SIGNED - HFSID 308993As the top-billed star of Montserrat, he signs the cast page. Show Bill signed: "Emlyn Williams", 25 pages, 6½x9 Playbill for a production of Lillian Hellman's Montserrat at New York's Fulton Theatre (October - December, 1949), signed on the cast page.
Price: $220.00
A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314561Emlyn Williams and George Rose sign their names on a Playbill for a production of A Man For All Seasons Show bill signed: "George Rose", "Emlyn/Williams", in black ink, 42 pages, 6x9.
Price: $220.00
ADELAIDE HALL - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1947 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 156353Adelaide Hall, Shaw Desmond, Lionel Poulin, Ethel Mannin Reginald Reynolds, Orlando Martins, Michelina Buonocore, Emlyn Wiliams and Basil Dean sign a guest register.
Price: $260.00
ANN TODD - AUTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 156350Page from a guest book signed by British celebrities, mostly actors Signatures: "Ann Todd", "Allan Cuthbertson", "Jack Strachey", "Joyce Grenfell", "Hermoine Gingold", "Collie Knox", "Emlyn Williams", "Kay Cavendish&q…"
Sale Price $450.00
DAUGHTER OF SILENCE BROADWAY CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295955The Tony Award winning actor and Tony nominated actor are shown on stage during a 1961 performance of Daughter of Silence. Photograph signed: "Emlyn Williams" and "Rip Torn" in black felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $300.00