Forrest Tucker Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: February 12, 1919 in Plainfield, Indiana
Died: October 25, 1986 in Woodland Hills, California
1958-The-Cosmic-Monster (Performer), 1994-100-Years-of-the-Hollywood-Western (Other), 1976-The-Wackiest-Wagon-Train-in-the-West (Other), 1958-General-Electric-Theater (Performer), 1966-F-Troop (Sound), 1994-The-World-of-Hammer (Other), 1986-Ghostbusters (Performer), 1979-1981-Fantasy-Island (Performer), 1981-The-Adventures-of-Huckleberry-Finn (Performer), 1974-Marcus-Welby,-M.D. (Performer), 1973-Jarrett (Performer), 1972-Norman-Corwin-Presents (Performer), 1971-Cade's-County (Performer), 1971-Rod-Serling's-Night-Gallery (Performer), 1970-1971-Medical-Center (Performer), 1971-The-Name-of-the-Game (Performer), 1970-Barquero (Performer), 1969-Doc (Performer), 1967-1968-Daniel-Boone (Performer), 1959-Counterplot (Performer), 1958-Gunsmoke-in-Tucson (Performer), 1957-Climax! (Performer), 1956-1957-Lux-Video-Theatre (Performer), 1955-1956-Crunch-and-Des (Performer), 1953-Pony-Express (Performer), 1952-Flaming-Feather (Performer), 1950-California-Passage (Performer), 1949-Brimstone (Performer), 1948-Coroner-Creek (Performer), 1947-Gunfighters (Performer), 1946-Never-Say-Goodbye (Performer), 1942-Boston-Blackie-Goes-Hollywood (Performer), 1942-Tramp,-Tramp,-Tramp (Performer), 1942-Shut-My-Big-Mouth (Performer), 1940-The-Westerner (Performer), 1997-The-Legend-of-Forrest-Tucker (in person), 1972-The-Ken-Berry-'Wow'-Show (in person), 1967-1970-The-Merv-Griffin-Show (in person), 1969-Rowan-&-Martin's-Laugh-In (in person), 1966-The-Milton-Berle-Show (in person), 1947-Week-End-in-Hollywood (in person), 1984-Murder,-She-Wrote (Performer), 1984-Katy-Caterpillar (Performer), 1984-Rare-Breed (Performer), 1983-Blood-Feud (Performer), 1982-Filthy-Rich (Performer), 1976-S.W.A.T. (Performer), 1975-The-Wild-McCullochs (Performer), 1972-Footsteps (Performer), 1972-Bobby-Jo-and-the-Good-Time-Band (Performer), 1965-1972-Gunsmoke (Performer), 1972-Welcome-Home,-Johnny-Bristol (Performer), 1971-Alias-Smith-and-Jones (Performer), 1970-Bracken's-World (Performer), 1965-1967-F-Troop (Performer), 1963-Rawhide (Performer), 1963-Dr.-Kildare (Performer), 1958-Auntie-Mame (Performer), 1958-Girl-in-the-Woods (Performer), 1958-Wagon-Train (Performer), 1957-The-Abominable-Snowman (Performer), 1956-Three-Violent-People (Performer), 1956-Appointment-with-Adventure (Performer), 1955-Paris-Follies-of-1956 (Performer), 1955-The-Vanishing-American (Performer), 1955-Night-Freight (Performer), 1955-Finger-Man (Performer), 1955-Rage-at-Dawn (Performer), 1955-Break-in-the-Circle (Performer), 1951-Warpath (Performer), 1951-Fighting-Coast-Guard (Performer), 1950-The-Nevadan (Performer), 1949-Hellfire (Performer), 1949-The-Big-Cat (Performer), 1946-The-Yearling (Performer), 1942-My-Sister-Eileen (Performer), 1942-Submarine-Raider (Performer), 1941-Honolulu-Lu (Performer), 1987-Outtakes (in person), 1971/I-Monsanto-Presents-Mancini (in person), 1970-The-Dean-Martin-Comedy-Hour (in person), 1961-Playboy's-Penthouse (in person), 1960-About-Faces (in person), 1982-It-Came-from-Hollywood (Other), 1987-Timestalkers (Performer), 1986-Thunder-Run (Performer), 1980-1983-The-Love-Boat (Performer), 1982-Matt-Houston (Performer), 1980-Flo (Performer), 1977-Incredible-Rocky-Mountain-Race (Performer), 1976-Ellery-Queen (Performer), 1972-Cancel-My-Reservation (Performer), 1971-Bonanza (Performer), 1971/II-Cat-Ballou (Performer), 1970-1971-Love,-American-Style (Performer), 1970-Ironside (Performer), 1969-The-Flim-Flam-Man (Performer), 1967-Walt-Disney's-Wonderful-World-of-Color (Performer), 1967-Hondo (Performer), 1965-Slattery's-People (Performer), 1963-Death-Valley-Days (Performer), 1963-Channing (Performer), 1958-The-Crawling-Eye (Performer), 1957-The-Quiet-Gun (Performer), 1956-Stagecoach-to-Fury (Performer), 1954-Schlitz-Playhouse (Performer), 1954-Jubilee-Trail (Performer), 1953-Flight-Nurse (Performer), 1953-Laughing-Anne (Performer), 1952-Ride-the-Man-Down (Performer), 1952-Montana-Belle (Performer), 1952-Hoodlum-Empire (Performer), 1951-The-Wild-Blue-Yonder (Performer), 1951-Oh!-Susanna (Performer), 1950-The-Chevrolet-Tele-Theatre (Performer), 1949-Sands-of-Iwo-Jima (Performer), 1949-The-Last-Bandit (Performer), 1946-Dangerous-Business (Performer), 1946-Renegades (Performer), 1946-The-Man-Who-Dared (Performer), 1942-Keeper-of-the-Flame (Performer), 1942-The-Spirit-of-Stanford (Performer), 1942-Counter-Espionage (Performer), 1942-Parachute-Nurse (Performer), 1941-New-Wine (Performer), 1992-Phroid (in person), 1970-The-Movie-Game (in person), 1968-Silent-Treatment (in person), 1965-The-Hollywood-Palace (in person), 1955-Screen-Snapshots:-Hollywood-Plays-Golf (in person), 1946-Rough-But-Hopeful (in person), 1979-The-Rebels (Performer), 1979-Alice (Performer), 1978-A-Real-American-Hero (Performer), 1978-Police-Woman (Performer), 1977-The-Life-and-Times-of-Grizzly-Adams (Performer), 1977-Final-Chapter:-Walking-Tall (Performer), 1976-The-Bionic-Woman (Performer), 1976-Kojak (Performer), 1975-The-Ghost-Busters (Performer), 1975-Little-House-on-the-Prairie (Performer), 1973-1974-Dusty's-Trail (Performer), 1972-Columbo (Performer), 1970-Chisum (Performer), 1968-The-Night-They-Raided-Minsky's (Performer), 1966-Don't-Worry,-We'll-Think-of-a-Title (Performer), 1965-The-Virginian (Performer), 1964-Burke's-Law (Performer), 1957-1963-The-Red-Skelton-Hour (Performer), 1958-Fort-Massacre (Performer), 1957-The-Deerslayer (Performer), 1957-The-Ford-Television-Theatre (Performer), 1957-The-Kaiser-Aluminum-Hour (Performer), 1956-General-Electric-Summer-Originals (Performer), 1956-Robert-Montgomery-Presents (Performer), 1954-Trouble-in-the-Glen (Performer), 1953-San-Antone (Performer), 1952-Hurricane-Smith (Performer), 1952-Bugles-in-the-Afternoon (Performer), 1951-Crosswinds (Performer), 1950-Rock-Island-Trail (Performer), 1948-The-Plunderers (Performer), 1948-Two-Guys-from-Texas (Performer), 1948-Adventures-in-Silverado (Performer), 1946-Talk-About-a-Lady (Performer), 1942-Canal-Zone (Performer), 1941-Emergency-Landing (Performer), 1971-Stand-Up-and-Cheer (in person), 1971-The-Mickie-Finn-Special (in person), 1970-Dinah's-Place (in person), 1969-Della (in person), 1967-The-Joey-Bishop-Show (in person), 1960-Celebrity-Golf (in person), 1949-1955-The-Ed-Sullivan-Show (in person), 1940-Screen-Snapshots-Series-19,-No.-9:-Sports-in-Hollywood (in person), 1963-Wide-Country (Performer), 1961-Here's-Hollywood (in person)
Theater Credits
Fair-Game-for-Lovers - Performer (February 10, 1964 - February 15, 1964)
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 100665Signature from Tucker in black ink Signature: "Forrest/Tucker", 5x3 card.
Price: $100.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 26172The actor best remembered as "Sergeant O'Rourke" on F Troop pens a note on a card bearing a magazine photo of him in military-style cap Autograph Note signed: "To Kayo/Cheerio/Forrest/Tucker', 4¼x2¾ card. Magazine photo (b/w, 1¼x1½) affixed in upper right.…"
Price: $220.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 83550The Western actor's signature, inscribed to a fan with "Cheerio" Autograph note signed: "To Kayo/Cheerio/Forrest/Tucker", 4¼x2¾ card.
Price: $160.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED CIRCA 1954 - HFSID 83549Blank postcard sent to a fan, signed with "Greetings and Success" Autograph Note Signed: "To Bill/Greetings and Success/Forrest/Tucker", 5½x3¼. Addressed on verso (unknown hand) to William Gray Jr., Portland, Maine, postmarked Van Nuys, California, July 28, 1954.
Price: $160.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 298567The actor signs "Cheers!" in black ink on a 5x3 card. Autograph Sentiment signed: "Cheers!/Forest Tucker" in black ink, 5x3 card.
Price: $160.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 26171The Western character actor signs his name with "Luck Always" in blue ink Autograph Sentiment signed: "Luck Always/Forrest/Tucker", 5x3 card.
Sale Price $135.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 70001Signed still of Forrest Tucker as he appears in F Troop Photograph signed: "Forrest/Tucker". Color, 10x8. Shown in still from TV series F Troop.
Sale Price $345.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 84685Photograph of the actor in his later years, inscribed with warm wishes to a fan Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Brother Bill -/Stay in there and/Keep laughing -/Cheers!/Tuck". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $315.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 30698B/w publicity photo of Forrest Tucker as F Troop's Sergeant O'Rourke leaning on a wagon Inscribed photograph signed: "To Ray -/Happy Days/always!/Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 8x10. Shown in F Troop uniform.
Price: $380.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 143362B/w publicity photo from 1951's The Wild Blue Yonder of actor Forrest Tucker in a cap and flight gear, signed with a wish of "Much Happiness" Inscribed photograph signed: "Roberta/Much Happiness/Forrest/Tucker" in blue ink.
Price: $380.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 176188Photograph of the actor in his later years, signed "Happy Days" Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Peter/Happy Days-/Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $300.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 323290Signed photograph of a smiling tucker in suit and cape, standing in front of a poster promoting his appearance in the musical The Music Man Inscribed photograph signed: "To Harry-/Happiness always!/Cheers/Forrest/Tucker", in black ink, B/w 8x10.
Price: $380.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 315377A vintage 3½x5¾ candid photograph of the actor wearing a dark suit. Photograph signed: "Forrest/Tucker", in blue ink, 3½x5¾.
Price: $440.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 294472Younger image in Western suit with bandana, leaning on a wooden fence Photograph signed: "Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $375.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 345751This 5x7 sepia-toned photograph is signed by the Western actor known for his towering stature Photograph Signed: “Cheers/Forrest/Tucker” in black ink on a 5x7 sepia-toned photograph. Actual image 4½x6½ with a white border (one surface).
Sale Price $375.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 180502Photograph of Tucker dressed in aviation gear, signed "Happy Days" Photograph signed: "Happy Days/Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $375.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 250679B/w publicity photo of Forrest Tucker as F Troop's Sergeant O'Rourke, signed "Happy Days" Inscribed photograph inscribed and signed: "To Ray -/Happy Days/always!/Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 8x10 overall, 6½x8 image, one surface. Shown in F Troop uniform.
Price: $480.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 251942B/w publicity photo from 1951's The Wild Blue Yonder of Forrest Tucker in a cap and flight gear, signed with "Much Happiness" Inscribed photograph signed: "Roberta/Much Happiness/Forrest/Tucker".
Price: $440.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 264977Photograph of the handsome actor in a finely tailored suit, signed "Cheers!" in felt tip marker Photograph signed: "Cheers!/Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 7x9.
Price: $440.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 52307Still from the film Hurricane Smith, signed by Tucker across his image Photograph signed: "Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 10x8. Shown in movie still from Hurricane Smith. © 1952 Paramount Pictures.
Sale Price $445.00
FORREST TUCKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 52308Photograph of a younger Tucker wearing an ascot, signed in black felt tip Photograph signed: "Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $440.00
FORREST TUCKER - INSCRIBED PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 84686A printed photograph for an award ceremony in the Western actor's honor, inscribed to a member of the organization, "Brother Bill" Printed photograph inscribed and signed: "To Brother Bill/With affection/Tuck". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 5¾x7¾ (one surface).
Price: $220.00
FORREST TUCKER - PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 176619Shown with cigarette in hand, signed "Greetings and Best Wishes" Printed photograph signed: "Greetings/and/Best Wishes/Forrest/Tucker". Sepiatone, 8x9¾, affixed to 8½x10½ cardstock.
Price: $380.00
FORREST TUCKER - PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 180498Still from 1956 film Stagecoach to Fury, signed in black in at the bottom margin Photograph signed: "Forrest/Tucker". B/w, 10x8. Movie still from Stagecoach to Fury. © 1956 20th Century Fox.
Sale Price $315.00
FORREST TUCKER - PROGRAM SIGNED - HFSID 274613Program signed: "Forrest/Tucker", 4p, 5½x8½. Program for performance of The Music Man, starring Forrest Tucker as "professor" Harold Hill, New Circle Arts THeatre, San Diego, n.d. Signed on front cover.
Price: $220.00
F TROOP TV CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295248The two actors are shown together in a scene from the ABC television seriesF Troop. Photograph signed: "Hi/Larry/Storch" and "Forrest/Tucker", B/w 10x8. F Troop, a western sitcom set at Fort Courage after the Civil War, was televised on ABC from 1965-1967.
Price: $320.00
HELLFIRE MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 341461The three cast members sign this promotional still from their 1949 film Hellfire Photograph signed: "Bill Elliot", "The best -/ Forrest/ Tucker", and "Thanks/ Marie/ Windsor" in various inks, b/w, 8x10. Still from the 1949 film Hellfire.
Price: $750.00
ONCE AN EAGLE MOVIE CAST - BOOK PAGE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 298990Their signatures in red ink on a book page with plot summary and cast list for the TV mini-series Once an Eagle, in which all three appeared.
Sale Price $425.00