Frederic Dannay Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: October 20, 1905 in New York City, New York
Died: September 03, 1982 in White Plains, New York
Frederic Dannay (1905-1982), with his cousin, MANFRED B. LEE (1905-1971), created the fictional detective/author Ellery Queen, an author who solved mysteries and then wrote about them, for a writing contest in 1929. Their winning entry, The Roman Hat Mystery, was published in June of that year. Their more than 110 mysteries included The French Powder Mystery(1930), The Dutch Shoe Mystery(1931) and The Greek Coffin Mystery (1932). In 1941, the cousins, who would sell over 100 million books worldwide, began publishing "Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine", which today, along with "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine", is the world's longest-running short story mystery magazine. Dannay also wrote the Drury Lane mystery series, which included The Tragedy of X and The Tragedy of Y in 1932 and The Tragedy of Z and Drury Lane's Last Case in 1933.
1963-The-Alfred-Hitchcock-Hour (Writer), 1950-The-Adventures-of-Ellery-Queen (Writer), 1942-Enemy-Agents-Meet-Ellery-Queen (Writer), 1941-Ellery-Queen-and-the-Murder-Ring (Writer), 1940-Ellery-Queen,-Master-Detective (Writer), Ellery-Queen (Writer), 1958-The-Further-Adventures-of-Ellery-Queen (Writer), 1942-A-Close-Call-for-Ellery-Queen (Writer), 1941-Ellery-Queen's-Penthouse-Mystery (Writer), 1979-The-Three-Undelivered-Letters (Writer), 1971-Ellery-Queen:-Don't-Look-Behind-You (Writer), 1942-A-Desperate-Chance-for-Ellery-Queen (Writer), 1941-Ellery-Queen-and-the-Perfect-Crime (Writer), 1937-The-Crime-Nobody-Saw (Writer), 1936-The-Mandarin-Mystery (Writer), 1935-The-Spanish-Cape-Mystery (Writer), 1978-Crime-Writers (in person), 1953-Schlitz-Playhouse (Writer), 1971-Ten-Days-Wonder (Writer)
FREDERIC DANNAY - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 167893Signature: "Frederic Dannay ('EQ')", 3¾x¾. Frederic Dannay (1905-1982), with his cousin, Manfred B. Lee (1905-1971), created the fictional detective/author Ellery Queen for a writing contest in 1929.
Price: $80.00
FREDERIC DANNAY - AUTOGRAPH ENVELOPE SIGNED CIRCA 1975 - HFSID 142190He hand addressed this Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine envelope, signing it on the reverse flap, "EQ." Autograph Envelope signed: "EQ" on reverse flap, 7¼x3¾. Envelope with printed logo of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.
Sale Price $115.00
FREDERIC DANNAY - AUTOGRAPH ENVELOPE UNSIGNED CIRCA 1978 - HFSID 167894Frederic Dannay addresses an envelope to Mr. Ronald Rayman. Autograph Envelope, unsigned, 7x4. Larchmont, New York, 1975 November 29. Addressed by Dannay to: "Mr. Ronald Rayman/12 Heath Court/Stratford West/Macomb,/Illinois 61455".
Sale Price $85.00
FREDERIC DANNAY - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 181578ALS: "Sincerely,/Frederic Dannay/'Ellery Queen'", ¼p, 7¼x10½. New York, no date. On letterhead of "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" to "Dear Michael Judd". In full: "Please forgive the delay -- I have been ill. Good luck on your own writing!…"
Price: $200.00
FREDERIC DANNAY - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 12/03/1968 - HFSID 174571Autograph Note signed with his real name and also his pen name ("Ellery Queen") Autograph Note signed: "from/'Ellery Queen'/(Frederic Dannay)", 1 page, 7x10. Larchmont, N.Y., 1968 Decenber 3. On Ellery Queen letterhead.
Price: $260.00