Howard K. Smith Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: May 12, 1914 in Ferriday, Louisiana
Died: February 15, 2002 in Bethesda, Maryland
1965-Friends-of-Edward-R.-Murrow (in person), 1960-The-Great-Challenge (in person), 1959-The-Geneva-Conference (in person), 1967-Year-Out:-Year-in-1967 (in person), 1968-The-Movie-Orgy (Other), 1962-1963-Howard-K.-Smith (Writer), 1987-Escape-from-Sobibor (Performer), 1977-Close-Encounters-of-the-Third-Kind (Performer), 1974-The-Odd-Couple (Performer), 1972-The-Candidate (Performer), 1996-To-the-Contrary (in person), 1962-1963-Howard-K.-Smith (in person), 1962-ABC-Close-Up! (in person), 1959-1962-CBS-Reports (in person), 1960-1961-Eyewitness-to-History (in person), 1950-1960-Years-of-Crisis (in person), 1960-1960-Presidential-Debates (in person), 1959-Behind-the-News-with-Howard-K.-Smith (in person), 1957-1958-The-Twentieth-Century (in person), Howard-K.-Smith (Writer), 1964-1967-ABC-Scope (in person), 2011-Gloria:-In-Her-Own-Words (Other), 1957-The-Black-Star-Rises (Writer), 1953-1976-World-News-with-Diane-Sawyer (in person), 1957-The-Black-Star-Rises (in person), 1976-Network (Other), 1958-Hungary:-Return-of-the-Terror (Writer), 1958-Hungary:-Return-of-the-Terror (in person), 1968-The-View-from-the-White-House (in person), 1988-Slaying-the-Dragon (Other), 1965-Winston-Churchill:-In-Memory (Writer), 1966-Year-End-Review:-Dinner-at-Howard-K.-Smith's (in person), 1965-Winston-Churchill:-In-Memory (in person), 1959-CBS-Reports (Writer), 1975-Nashville (Performer), 2007-King:-Man-of-Peace-in-a-Time-of-War (in person), 1976-The-Pink-Panther-Strikes-Again (in person), 1963-1964-ABC-News-Reports (in person), 1960-General-Electric-Theater (in person), 1951-1956-See-It-Now (in person), 1954-Adventure (in person), 1958-The-Ruble-War (Writer), 1958-The-Ruble-War (in person), 1962-The-Year-of-Confrontation (in person), 1959-Section-315 (in person), 1959-Where-We-Stand:-1959 (in person), 1964-Year-Out:-Year-in-1964 (in person), 1962-The-Other-Walls (in person), 1982-The-Best-Little-Whorehouse-in-Texas (Performer), 1976-The-Bionic-Woman (Performer), 1964-The-Best-Man (Performer), 1977-Nasty-Habits (in person), 1967-Africa (in person), 1960-1961-Face-the-Nation (in person), 2013-The-Sixties (Other), 1964-Politics-'64 (in person), 1958-The-Year-Gone-By (Writer), 1965-Year-Out:-Year-in-1965 (in person), 1963-New-Year-and-the-Nation (in person), 1958-The-Year-Gone-By (in person), 1956-You-Are-There (in person), 1970-Dinner-at-Howard-K.-Smith's (in person), 1956-World-in-Crisis (in person), 1984-1985-V (Performer), 1983-V (Performer), 1981-The-Pursuit-of-D.B.-Cooper (Performer), 1974-Trapped-Beneath-the-Sea (Performer), 1973-The-President's-Plane-Is-Missing (Performer), 1972-The-Man (Performer), 2000-The-Remarkable-20th-Century (in person), 1998-Sworn-to-Secrecy:-Secrets-of-War (in person), 1990-American-Masters (in person), 1980-1980-Presidential-Debates (in person), 1969-60-Minutes (in person), 1963-1966-Issues-and-Answers (in person), 1964-Discovery (in person), 1960-Kennedy-Nixon-Debate (in person)
HOWARD K. SMITH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 83793Photograph inscribed and signed: "Best Wishes To/Paul J. Friscat/Howard K. Smith". B/w, 8x10. Respected reporter and anchorman Howard K. Smith (1914-2002) was Chief European Correspondent for CBS News (1946-1957) and Washington Correspondent for CBS (1957-1961).
Price: $140.00
HOWARD K. SMITH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 222925Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Gregor/Shurakassky/Best Wishes/Howard K. Smith". B/w, 9x7. Respected reporter and anchorman Howard K. Smith (1914-2002) was Chief European Correspondent for CBS News (1946-1957) and Washington Correspondent for CBS (1957-1961).
Price: $140.00
HOWARD K. SMITH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 222926Photograph inscribed and signed: "To J.L. Pruett and His Students/With Best Wishes/Howard K. Smith". B/w, 7x9. Respected reporter and anchorman Howard K. Smith (1914-2002) was Chief European Correspondent for CBS News (1946-1957) and Washington Correspondent for CBS (1957-1961).
Sale Price $115.00
HOWARD K. SMITH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 222927Photograph inscribed and signed: "To/Dale Mott/With Best Wishes/Howard K. Smith". B/w, 6¾x7¾. Respected reporter and anchorman Howard K. Smith (1914-2002) was chief European correspondent for CBS News (1946-1957) and Washington correspondent for CBS (1957-1961).
Price: $140.00
HOWARD K. SMITH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 278242Inscribed 6x9 photo, shown at the ABC News desk Photograph inscribed and signed: "Best Wishes to/Jeff Marsh/Howard K. Smith". Respected reporter and anchorman Howard K.
Sale Price $115.00
HOWARD K. SMITH - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 01/21/1963 - HFSID 31460Howard K. Smith types a letter to a fan. Typed Letter signed: "Howard K. Smith", 7x10½. Washington, D. C., 1963 January 21. On personal letterhead form American Broadcasting Company.
Price: $180.00