Jack Haley Sr. Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: August 10, 1897 in Boston, Massachusetts
Died: June 06, 1979 in Los Angeles, California
Jack Haley (1897-1979), fondly remembered as The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz, was originally a vaudeville star. Haley also starred in such films as Pigskin Parade (1936) and the 1938 films Alexander's Ragtime Band and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. After last starring role in Vacation in Reno (1946), Haley did not make another feature film until 1970s Norwood, although he was frequently seen as a guest star on television series. His son, Jack Haley, Jr. (1933-2001) was a Hollywood producer.
1990-The-Wonderful-Wizard-of-Oz:-50-Years-of-Magic (Other), 1932-Sherlock's-Home (Performer), 1928-Haleyisms (Performer), 2006-Boffo!-Tinseltown's-Bombs-and-Blockbusters (Other), 2009-The-Tonight-Show-with-Conan-O'Brien (Other), 1977-New-York,-New-York (Performer), 1970-Norwood (Performer), 1944-Take-It-Big (Performer), 1937-Wake-Up-and-Live (Performer), 1935-Coronado (Performer), 1935-Redheads-on-Parade (Performer), 1933-Salt-Water-Daffy (Performer), 1933-Nothing-But-the-Tooth (Performer), 1979-The-Making-of-'The-Wizard-of-Oz' (in person), 1937-Ali-Baba-Goes-to-Town (in person), 1933-An-Idle-Roomer (Performer), 2009-Hollywood-Singing-and-Dancing:-A-Musical-History---The-1930s: (Other), 1977-Tomorrow-Coast-to-Coast (in person), 2005-Because-of-the-Wonderful-Things-It-Does:-The-Legacy-of-Oz (Other), 1974-That's-Entertainment! (Sound), 1994-Hal-Roach:-King-of-Laughter (Other), 1974-That's-Entertainment! (Other), 1932-The-Imperfect-Lover (Performer), 1959-Westinghouse-Desilu-Playhouse (Performer), 1946-People-Are-Funny (Performer), 1945-Scared-Stiff (Performer), 1943-Higher-and-Higher (Performer), 1941-Moon-Over-Miami (Performer), 1937-Danger:-Love-at-Work (Performer), 1935-The-Girl-Friend (Performer), 1933-Sitting-Pretty (Performer), 1933-Wrongorilla (Performer), 1930-The-20th-Amendment (Performer), 1927-Broadway-Madness (Performer), 1969-The-Jackie-Gleason-Show (in person), 2008-Hollywood-Singing-and-Dancing:-A-Musical-History---The-1920s:-The (Sound), 2008-Hollywood-Singing-and-Dancing:-A-Musical-Treasure (Other), 2005-The-Art-of-Imagination:-A-Tribute-to-Oz (Other), 1956-Ford-Star-Jubilee (Other), 1959-1960-The-Jack-Paar-Tonight-Show (in person), 1950-1951-Ford-Star-Revue (in person), 1946-Screen-Snapshots-Series-25,-No.-10:-Famous-Fathers-and-Sons (in person), 2009-The-Yellow-Brick-Road-and-Beyond (Other), 1985-That's-Dancing! (Other), 1974-Fred-Astaire-Salutes-the-Fox-Musicals (Other), 1974-ABC-Late-Night (in person), 2000-The-Legend-Floyd:-The-Dark-Side-of-the-Rainbow (Other), 1988-The-1930's:-Music,-Memories-&-Milestones (Other), 1932-Absent-Minded-Abner (Performer), 1933-The-Build-Up (Performer), 2001-Life-with-Judy-Garland:-Me-and-My-Shadows (Sound), 1972-Marcus-Welby,-M.D. (Performer), 1963-Burke's-Law (Performer), 1958-Playhouse-90 (Performer), 1954-The-Christophers (Performer), 1946-Vacation-in-Reno (Performer), 1945-George-White's-Scandals (Performer), 1941-Navy-Blues (Performer), 1938-Thanks-for-Everything (Performer), 1938-Alexander's-Ragtime-Band (Performer), 1936-Pigskin-Parade (Performer), 1936-Mister-Cinderella (Performer), 1936-Poor-Little-Rich-Girl (Performer), 1936-F-Man (Performer), 1935-Spring-Tonic (Performer), 1975-The-29th-Annual-Tony-Awards (in person), 1953-1960-The-Christophers (in person), 1955-The-Colgate-Comedy-Hour (in person), 1939-Screen-Snapshots-Series-18,-No.-9 (in person), 1933-Mr.-Broadway (in person), 1955-The-Ray-Milland-Show (Performer), 1952-All-Star-Revue (Performer), 2009-To-Oz!-The-Making-of-a-Classic (Other), 1949-Make-Mine-Laughs (Other), 1955-MGM-Parade (Sound), 1995-Biography (Other), 1955-MGM-Parade (Other), 1960-Make-Room-for-Daddy (Performer), 1953-The-Revlon-Mirror-Theater (Performer), 1945-Sing-Your-Way-Home (Performer), 1944-One-Body-Too-Many (Performer), 1942-Beyond-the-Blue-Horizon (Performer), 1939-The-Wizard-of-Oz (Performer), 1938-Hold-That-Co-ed (Performer), 1938-Rebecca-of-Sunnybrook-Farm (Performer), 1937-She-Had-to-Eat (Performer), 1937-Pick-a-Star (Performer), 1934-Here-Comes-the-Groom (Performer), 1932-Then-Came-the-Yawn (Performer), 1931-Success (Performer), 1930-Follow-Thru (Performer), 1939-The-Wizard-of-Oz (Writer), 1979-The-51st-Annual-Academy-Awards (in person), 1972-The-Mike-Douglas-Show (in person), 1962-1963-The-Merv-Griffin-Show (in person), 1960-This-Is-Your-Life (in person), 1946-Screen-Snapshots:-The-Skolsky-Party (in person), 1933-Hollywood-on-Parade-No.-A-9 (in person)
Inside-U.S.A. - Performer (April 30, 1948 - February 19, 1949), Show-Time - Performer (September 16, 1942 - April 3, 1943), Higher-and-Higher - Performer (August 5, 1940 - August 24, 1940), Higher-and-Higher - Performer (April 4, 1940 - June 15, 1940), Take-a-Chance - Performer (November 26, 1932 - July 1, 1933), Free-For-All - Performer (September 8, 1931 - September 19, 1931), Follow-Thru - Performer (January 9, 1929 - December 21, 1929), Gay-Paree-[1926] - Performer (November 9, 1926 - April 9, 1927), Gay-Paree-[1925] - Performer (August 18, 1925 - January 30, 1926), Round-the-Town - Performer (May 21, 1924 - May 31, 1924)
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 251961Photograph inscribed and signed: "To 'Bob'/Sincerely/Jack Haley". B/w, 8x10. Jack Haley (1900-1979), fondly remembered as The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz, was originally a vaudeville star.
Price: $500.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 255006Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Thom-/This picture is/from 20th Century's/'Alexander's Ragtime/Band' I won the/1st World War/singhanded (sic), and/didn't ever soil/my uniform./Best,/Jack Haley". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $425.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH CIRCA 1939 - HFSID 289073Promotional photo for Redheads on Parade, inscribed in person to collector Saul Goodman Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Saul/Jack Haley". B/w, 8x10. Promotional photo for Redheads on Parade (1935), captioned in lower margin.
Price: $800.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 01/31/1971 - HFSID 202449Check signed: "Jack Haley", 8½x3¼. Beverly Hills, California, 1971 January 31. Check No. 13544, drawn on the trust account of Lake Madera Country Estates, payable to Larry Stabulis for $18.99. Endorsed: "Larry Stabulis" on verso.
Sale Price $325.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 02/19/1934 - HFSID 283856He filled out and signed this $20 check in 1934. Check signed: "Jack Haley", 8½x3. Los Angeles, California, 1934 February 19. Un-numbered check, drawn on the Bank of America, payable to "Lew Olsen" for "Twenty (20.xx") dollars. Endorsed by Olsen on verso.
Price: $400.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 02/24/1969 - HFSID 345466The famed actor signs this check for $13.08 in blue ink Check Signed: "Jack Haley" in blue ink. 8½x3½. February 24, 1969. Check no. 3612 drawn from the account of Jack Haley at The Bank of California, N.A. in Beverly Hills, California. Payable for $13.08 to J.A.
Price: $320.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/13/1968 - HFSID 323106His signed check for $34.34, dated in 1968. Check signed: "Jack Haley", 8½x3½. Los Angeles, California, 1968 March 13. Check no. 1655, drawn on the Bank of California, payable to Bererand Snider for $34.34 dollars.
Price: $320.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/08/1966 - HFSID 342468The famed actor signs check for $15.00 in black ink Check signed: "Jack Haley" in black ink. 8¼x3¼. June 8, 1966. Check no. 162 drawn from the account of Lake Pillsbury Properties at Security First National Bank in Beverley Hills, California. Payable for $15.
Sale Price $250.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/24/1970 - HFSID 341887The legendary actor signs a 1970 check for $1500.00 in black ink, affixed underneath 6x3½ photograph of The Wizard of Oz cast Check signed: "Jack Haley" in black ink. 8½x3½ check from Lake Pillsbury Properties in Beverly Hills, California. Check No. 5900.
Price: $320.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 08/12/1970 - HFSID 341886The famed Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz signs a 1970 check for $62.50 in black ink Check signed: "Jack Haley" in black ink. 8½x3½ check from Lake Pillsbury Properties in Beverly Hills, California. Check No. 6132. Paid $62.50 to a Mr. John Blake of San Bruno, California.
Price: $320.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 08/18/1978 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 345468The famed actor signs this check for $13.25 in black ink Check Signed: "Jack Haley" in black ink and endorsed on the back “Gary Zukav” in black ink. 8½x3½. August 18, 1978. Check no.
Price: $320.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/26/1978 - HFSID 345469The famed actor signs this check for $40.41 in black ink Check Signed: "Jack Haley" in black ink. 8½x3½. September 26, 1978. Check no. 13415 drawn from the account of Jack Haley at The Bank of California, N.A. in Beverly Hills, California. Payable for $40.
Price: $320.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/26/1978 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 345475The famed actor signs this check for $26.50 in black ink Check Signed: "Jack Haley" in black ink and endorsed on the back “Gary Zukav” in black ink. 8½x3½. September 26, 1978. Check no.
Price: $320.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 10/08/1966 - HFSID 322218The actor signs a check to Lease Plans One for $139.38, dated in 1966. Check signed: "Jack Haley ", 8½x3½. Beverly Hills, California, 1966 October 8. Check No.
Price: $320.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 263115Photograph signed: "Jack Haley". B/w, 5x7 overall, image 4½x5¾ (one surface). An informal photograph taken on the set of the 1939 film classic, The Wizard of Oz, depicting Haley partially costumed as the Tin Man.
Price: $450.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 255005Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jacques -/Maestro Excellenté/Best musician/'Inside U.S.A.'/Good luck -/Jacques - Haley". B/w, 8x10. Jack Haley (1900-1979), fondly remembered as The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz, was originally a vaudeville star.
Price: $500.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 81381Photograph signed: "Jack/Haley". B/w, 10x8. Shown with Ozzie Nelson and Harriet Hilliard (later Mrs. Nelson of Ozzie and Harriet) in promotional photo for film Take It Big. © 1944 Paramount Pictures. Jack Haley (1900-1979), fondly remembered as The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz.
Sale Price $325.00
JACK HALEY SR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 100158Photograph signed: "Sincerely/Jack Haley". Sepiatone, 5x7. Jack Haley (1900-1979), fondly remembered as The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz.
Sale Price $245.00
JACK HALEY SR. - CHECK ENDORSED 05/08/1974 - HFSID 202450Check endorsed: "Jack Haley/For Deposit", 8½x3½. Beverly Hills, California, 1974 May 8. Check No. 14162, drawn on the trust account of Lake Madera Country Estates at Security First National Bank of Beverly Hills, payable to Jack Haley for $15,000.
Price: $400.00
JACK HALEY SR. - CHECK SIGNED & ENDORSED 08/07/1968 - HFSID 345458The famed actor signs this check for $18.32 in blue ink Check Signed: "Jack Haley" in blue ink and endorsed on verso: “Jack Haley/Deposit” in blue ink. 8½x3½. August 7, 1968. Check no.
Sale Price $250.00
JACK HALEY SR. - DOCUMENT DOUBLE SIGNED 10/07/1946 - HFSID 289174Consent form authorizing the Motion Picture Relief Fund to reproduce Jack Haley's signature and likeness for a series of stamps raising money for needy film industry veterans. The form is signed twice by Haley, once as an autograph sample and again to grant permission.
Price: $1,100.00
JACK HALEY SR. - DOCUMENT SIGNED 11/26/1948 - HFSID 176343Document signed: "Jack Haley", 1 page, 8¼x11. New York, N.Y., 1948 November 26. In consideration for publicity given, Haley consents to the use of his name and image in publications of the Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, excluding commercial advertising.
Price: $400.00
INSIDE U.S.A. PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 324887Jack Haley and Beatrice Lillie signs a program for Inside U.S.A. at The New Century Theatre. Haley signs twice! Show bill signed twice: "Jack Haley", at top and, "Jack Haley", at lower margin and, "Beatrice Lillie", in blue ink. 40 pages, 6½x9.
Sale Price $245.00
JOHN RAITT - ORIGINAL ART SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295195Original portrait of Haley, drawn by John Raitt, signed by both! Original Art signed: "Sincerely/Jack Haley", "J Raitt". B/w, 5½x8½. Haley has signed in ink, Raitt with the pencil he used for the portrait.
Sale Price $245.00
WIZARD OF OZ MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 59704Color 24x30 poster of a montage of 12 images from The Wizard of Oz signed by Ray Bolder and Jack Haley. Poster signed: "Ray Bolger" and "Jack/Haley". Color, 22x27¼ with rainbow border. ©1977, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. and The Nostalgia Merchant Inc.
Price: $1,000.00
WIZARD OF OZ MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 59732Color 24x30 poster of a montage of 12 images from The Wizard of Oz signed by Ray Bolder and Jack Haley. Poster signed: "Ray Bolger" and "Jack/Haley". Color, 24x30. ©1977, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc., and by The Nostalgia Merchant Inc. for their signatures.
Sale Price $675.00