James Tobin Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: March 05, 1918 in Champaign, Illinois
Died: March 11, 2002 in New Havem Connecticut
JAMES TOBIN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 266794The Nobel Prize-Winner and economic advisor of US President John F Kennedy is shown smiling and gazing into the camera in this 4x4 color photograph, signed in black ink Inscribed Photograph Signed: “James Tobin” in black ink. 4x4. Color.
Sale Price $165.00
JAMES TOBIN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 02/24/1991 - HFSID 182112The Nobel Prize-Winner and economic advisor of US President John F Kennedy is shown smiling and gazing into the camera in this 3½x4¼ color Polaroid photograph, signed in black ink Inscribed Photograph Signed: “For Andre Punseny/Good luck!
Price: $200.00
JAMES TOBIN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 02/24/1991 - HFSID 201345The Nobel Prize-Winner and economic advisor of US President John F Kennedy is shown smiling and gazing into the camera in this 3½x4¼ color Polaroid photograph, signed in black ink Inscribed Photograph Signed: “For Alana Sussman/Best wishes,/James Tobin 2-24-91” in
Price: $200.00
JAMES TOBIN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 02/24/1991 - HFSID 201777The Nobel Prize-Winner and economic advisor of US President John F Kennedy is shown smiling and gazing into the camera in this 3½x4¼ color Polaroid photograph, signed in black ink Inscribed Photograph Signed: “For Josh Monrow/Smile!
Price: $200.00
JAMES TOBIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 300193The Nobel Prize-Winner and economic advisor of US President John F Kennedy is shown with a thoughtful attitude in this 4x6¼ black and white photograph, signed in black ink Photograph Signed: "James Tobin". B/w, 4x6¼.
Price: $160.00
JAMES TOBIN - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 207282The Nobel Prize-Winner and economic advisor of US President John F Kennedy signs in black ink a copy of a President George Washington's Revolutionary War Account Book in his own hand First Day Cover Signed: “James Tobin” in black ink.8½x11.One Page.
Sale Price $135.00
JAMES TOBIN - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 182113The Nobel Prize-Winner and economic advisor of US President John F Kennedy signs an article of his authorship entitled “Lives of the Laureates” in black ink Pamphlet Signed: “James Tobin” in black ink. 11x8½. Twelve Pages.
Sale Price $150.00