John Huston Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: August 05, 1906 in Nevada, Missouri
Died: August 28, 1987 in Middletown, Rhode Island
John Huston (1906-1987), the son of actor Walter Huston and father of Academy Award-winning actress Anjelica Huston, won an Academy Award for Best Director (The Treasure of Sierra Madre, 1948, for which his father won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor) and Huston was nominated for Oscars for Best Director (The Asphalt Jungle, 1950; The African Queen, 1951; Moulin Rouge, 1952; and, Prizzi's Honor, 1985, for which his daughter won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress), Best Screenplay (Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet, 1940; Sergeant York, 1941; The Maltese Falcon, 1941; The Treasure of Sierra Madre, 1948; The Asphalt Jungle, 1950; The African Queen, 1951), Best Adapted Screenplay (Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison, 1957) and Best Supporting Actor (The Cardinal, 1963).
2010-Gilles-Jacob:-CIitizen-Cannes (Other), 2002-Sean-Connery,-an-Intimate-Portrait (Other), 1954-Screen-Snapshots:-Hula-from-Hollywood (Other), 1984-Bunuel (in person), 1951-The-Screen-Director (Other), 2007-Cannes,-60-ans-d'histoires (Other), 2003-Discovering-Treasure:-The-Story-of-'The-Treasure-of-the-Sierra (Other), 1983-AFI-Life-Achievement-Award:-A-Tribute-to-John-Huston (in person), 1997-Humphrey-Bogart:-You-Must-Remember-This... (Other), 1965-The-Ed-Sullivan-Show (Other), 1980-Head-On (Performer), 1978-Angela (Performer), 1976-Bronk (Performer), 1972-The-Life-and-Times-of-Judge-Roy-Bean (Performer), 1972-The-Other-Side-of-the-Wind (Performer), 1971-The-Deserter (Performer), 1970-The-Kremlin-Letter (Performer), 1966-ABC-Stage-67 (Performer), 1948-The-Treasure-of-the-Sierra-Madre (Performer), 1929-Two-Americans (Performer), 1985-Prizzi's-Honor (Director), 1984-Under-the-Volcano (Director), 1973-The-MacKintosh-Man (Director), 1972-The-Life-and-Times-of-Judge-Roy-Bean (Director), 1970-The-Kremlin-Letter (Director), 1958-The-Roots-of-Heaven (Director), 1953-Beat-the-Devil (Director), 1952-Moulin-Rouge (Director), 1948-The-Treasure-of-the-Sierra-Madre (Director), 1942-Across-the-Pacific (Director), 1942-In-This-Our-Life (Director), 1970-The-Kremlin-Letter (Writer), 1953-Beat-the-Devil (Writer), 1952-Moulin-Rouge (Writer), 1948-The-Treasure-of-the-Sierra-Madre (Writer), 1935-Death-Drives-Through (Writer), 1931-A-House-Divided (Writer), 1970-The-Kremlin-Letter (Producer), 1953-Beat-the-Devil (Producer), 1952-Moulin-Rouge (Producer), 1943-Background-to-Danger (Other), 1990-A-Linguagem-de-Orson-Welles (in person), 1985-Herman-Melville:-Damned-in-Paradise (in person), 1980-Cities (in person), 1975-Call-It-Magic (in person), 1973-Rufino-Tamayo:-The-Sources-of-His-Art (in person), 1971-The-43rd-Annual-Academy-Awards (in person), 1969-The-Joey-Bishop-Show (in person), 1967-Saga-of-Western-Man (in person), 1964-The-36th-Annual-Academy-Awards (in person), 1964-On-the-Trail-of-the-Iguana (in person), 1984-AFI-Life-Achievement-Award:-A-Tribute-to-Lillian-Gish (in person), 2001-American-Masters (Other), 2008-Treasures-of-the-Academy:-Guardians-of-History (Other), 2003-Biography (Other), 1981-Boldog-szuletesnapot,-Marilyn! (in person), 2000-Fellini-Narrates:-A-Discovered-Self-Portrait (Other), 1988-AFI-Life-Achievement-Award:-A-Tribute-to-Jack-Lemmon (Other), 1988-Mr.-North (Writer), 1953-TV-de-Vanguarda (Writer), 1950-The-Asphalt-Jungle (Writer), 1946-The-Killers (Writer), 1946-The-Stranger (Writer), 1945-San-Pietro (Writer), 1944-Dark-Waters (Writer), 1943-Report-from-the-Aleutians (Writer), 1941-Sergeant-York (Writer), 1941-High-Sierra (Writer), 1940-Dr.-Ehrlich's-Magic-Bullet (Writer), 1939-Juarez (Writer), 1938-The-Amazing-Dr.-Clitterhouse (Writer), 1938-Jezebel (Writer), 1932-Murders-in-the-Rue-Morgue (Writer), 1988-Mr.-North (Producer), 1972-Fat-City (Producer), 1969-Sinful-Davey (Producer), 1945-San-Pietro (Producer), 1945-San-Pietro (Cinematographer), 1945-San-Pietro (in person), 1984-George-Stevens:-A-Filmmaker's-Journey (in person), 1981-To-the-Western-World (in person), 1966-The-Legend-of-Marilyn-Monroe (in person), 1959-Face-to-Face (in person), 1943-Report-from-the-Aleutians (in person), 1985-The-Black-Cauldron (Performer), 1985-Alfred-Hitchcock-Presents (Performer), 1978-The-Bermuda-Triangle (Performer), 1977-Tentacles (Performer), 1975-The-Wind-and-the-Lion (Performer), 1975-Breakout (Performer), 1971-Man-in-the-Wilderness (Performer), 1970-Myra-Breckinridge (Performer), 1969-De-Sade (Performer), 1967-Casino-Royale (Performer), 1962-Freud (Performer), 1961-The-Misfits (Performer), 1987-The-Dead (Director), 1981-Victory (Director), 1980-Phobia (Director), 1976-Independence (Director), 1972-Fat-City (Director), 1969-Sinful-Davey (Director), 1967-Casino-Royale (Director), 1962-Freud (Director), 1961-The-Misfits (Director), 1958-The-Barbarian-and-the-Geisha (Director), 1950-The-Asphalt-Jungle (Director), 1945-San-Pietro (Director), 1943-Report-from-the-Aleutians (Director), 1942-Winning-Your-Wings (Director), 2006-Huston's-Gamble (Other), 2005-Filmmakers-vs.-Tycoons (Other), 1993-Katharine-Hepburn:-All-About-Me (Other), 1966-The-Bible:-In-the-b_eginning... (Performer), 1966-The-Bible:-In-the-b_eginning... (Director), 1987-Film-2014 (Other), 1958-The-Jack-Paar-Tonight-Show (in person), 1988-2002-Great-Performances (Other), 1996-We-Remember-Marilyn (Other), 1989-John-Huston:-The-Man,-the-Movies,-the-Maverick (Other), 1987-Mister-Corbett's-Ghost (Performer), 1985-Epic (Performer), 1983-Lovesick (Performer), 1982-Annie (Performer), 1980-The-Return-of-the-King (Performer), 1979-Wise-Blood (Performer), 1979-Jaguar-Lives! (Performer), 1979-Winter-Kills (Performer), 1979-The-Visitor (Performer), 1978-The-Biggest-Battle (Performer), 1976-Sherlock-Holmes-in-New-York (Performer), 1971-The-Bridge-in-the-Jungle (Performer), 1969-A-Walk-with-Love-and-Death (Performer), 1968-Candy (Performer), 1963-The-Cardinal (Performer), 1949-We-Were-Strangers (Performer), 1929-Hell's-Heroes (Performer), 1982-Annie (Director), 1979-Wise-Blood (Director), 1975-The-Man-Who-Would-Be-King (Director), 1969-A-Walk-with-Love-and-Death (Director), 1967-Reflections-in-a-Golden-Eye (Director), 1960-The-Unforgiven (Director), 1957-A-Farewell-to-Arms (Director), 1957-Heaven-Knows,-Mr.-Allison (Director), 1949-We-Were-Strangers (Director), 1948-Key-Largo (Director), 1975-The-Man-Who-Would-Be-King (Writer), 1957-Heaven-Knows,-Mr.-Allison (Writer), 1949-We-Were-Strangers (Writer), 1948-Key-Largo (Writer), 1945-Know-Your-Enemy---Japan (Writer), 1939-Wuthering-Heights (Writer), 1934-The-Mighty-Barnum (Writer), 1967-Reflections-in-a-Golden-Eye (Producer), 1999-John-Huston-War-Stories (in person), 1986-American-Masters (in person), 1986-The-58th-Annual-Academy-Awards (in person), 1984-Observations-Under-the-Volcano (in person), 1982-Arena (in person), 1980-1982-Live-from-Lincoln-Center (in person), 1979-Hollywood-Greats (in person), 1974-The-46th-Annual-Academy-Awards (in person), 1972-Cinema (in person), 1972-The-Crucifixion-of-Jesus (in person), 1968-Rocky-Road-to-Dublin (in person), 1966-The-Eamonn-Andrews-Show (in person), 1987-AFI-Life-Achievement-Award:-A-Tribute-to-Barbara-Stanwyck (in person), 1965-Noah-hatte-es-leichter (in person), 2004-Pele-Forever (Other), 2004-Words-in-Progress (Other), 2010-Cameraman:-The-Life-and-Work-of-Jack-Cardiff (Other), 1996-Bogart:-The-Untold-Story (Other), 1986-Momo (Performer), 1983-A-Minor-Miracle (Performer), 1982-Cannery-Row (Performer), 1977-The-Hobbit (Performer), 1974-Chinatown (Performer), 1973-Battle-for-the-Planet-of-the-Apes (Performer), 1972-Appointment-with-Destiny (Performer), 1963-The-List-of-Adrian-Messenger (Performer), 1956-Moby-Dick (Performer), 1951-The-Red-Badge-of-Courage (Performer), 1930-The-Storm (Performer), 1929-The-Shakedown (Performer), 1979-Love-and-Bullets (Director), 1971-The-Last-Run (Director), 1964-The-Night-of-the-Iguana (Director), 1963-The-List-of-Adrian-Messenger (Director), 1956-Moby-Dick (Director), 1951-The-African-Queen (Director), 1951-The-Red-Badge-of-Courage (Director), 1948-On-Our-Merry-Way (Director), 1946-Let-There-Be-Light (Director), 1944-Tunisian-Victory (Director), 1941-The-Maltese-Falcon (Director), 1941-The-Maltese-Falcon (Writer), 1964-The-Night-of-the-Iguana (Writer), 1961-The-Asphalt-Jungle (Writer), 1956-Lux-Video-Theatre (Writer), 1956-Moby-Dick (Writer), 1951-The-African-Queen (Writer), 1951-The-Red-Badge-of-Courage (Writer), 1946-Three-Strangers (Writer), 1946-Let-There-Be-Light (Writer), 1935-It-Happened-in-Paris (Writer), 1932-Law-and-Order (Writer), 1930-The-Storm (Writer), 1930-The-Storm (Producer), 1956-Moby-Dick (Producer), 1956-Moby-Dick (Other), 1987-John-Huston-and-the-Dubliners (in person), 1984-Notes-from-Under-the-Volcano (in person), 1984-Flight-of-the-Whooping-Crane (in person), 1983-Errol-Flynn:-Portrait-of-a-Swashbuckler (in person), 1982-Lights,-Camera,-Annie! (in person), 1980-Agee (in person), 1970-The-Unfinished-Journey-of-Robert-Kennedy (in person), 1970-Ride-This-Way-Grey-Horse (in person), 1967-Christ-Is-Born (in person), 1967-The-Levin-Interview (in person), 1967-The-Life-and-Times-of-John-Huston,-Esq. (in person), 1956-1963-The-Ed-Sullivan-Show (in person), 1948-Screen-Snapshots:-Hawaii-in-Hollywood (in person)
Theater Credits
No-Exit - Director (November 26, 1946 - December 21, 1946), In-Time-to-Come - Writing (December 28, 1941 - January 31, 1942), A-Passenger-to-Bali - Staging (March 14, 1940 - March 16, 1940), Adam-Solitaire - Performer (November 6, 1925 - November 1925), Ruint - Performer (April 7, 1925 - May 1925)
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 100642John Huston signs an index card in black ink. Signature: "John Huston", 5x3 index card.
Sale Price $85.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 56013Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston in profile holding a paper cup and cigar. Photograph inscribed and signed: "For Olive Shambles/with my very/kindest regards/John Huston". B/w, 7¾x9¾.
Price: $320.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 89254Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston sitting in a window looking out. Photograph inscribed and signed: "For David - with every good wish/John Huston". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 6¼x9¼ (one surface). ©, F. Duhamel/Mega.
Price: $320.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 191194Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston in profile with his hand on his cheek. Photograph inscribed and signed: "For Dianne Clemons/best wishes/John Huston". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $320.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 198156Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston wearing a winter coat and hat. Photograph inscribed and signed: "For Linda Atkins/best wishes/John Huston". B/w, 8x10. ©1973, Warner Bros, Inc. Captioned at lower margin.
Price: $320.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 198157Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston wearing a top hat and riding clothes leaning against a monument. Photograph inscribed and signed: "For Karol Boatman/best wishes/John Huston". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $320.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 255530Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston with his hand resting on his cheek smoking a cigarette. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Gertrude Snitaly/with my sincere/regards/John Huston". B/w, 7¾x10¼. ©, M. Cartier-Bresson, Magnum (stamp on verso).
Sale Price $525.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 274140Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston on the set of Victory talking to Freddie Fields. Photograph signed: "John Huston". B/w, 10x8.
Price: $625.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 203927Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston in profile smoking a cigar. Photograph signed: "John Huston". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 6½x8¾ (one surface).
Sale Price $250.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 217345Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston in profile with his hand on his cheek. Photograph signed: "John Huston". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $480.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 55973Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston wearing a fur leaning on a wheel. Photograph signed: "John Huston". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $250.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 101143Black and white publicity photograph of the famous director with his finger resting on his chin, signed in black felt tip Photograph signed: "John Huston" in black felt tip. 8x10 overall, image 6x9¼ (one surface). B/w. Photo: F. Duhamel.
Price: $320.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 172058Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston wearing a suit, tie and hat. Photograph signed: "John Huston". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $320.00
JOHN HUSTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 180464Black and white publicity photograph of John Huston in a scene from Myra Breckinridge. Photograph signed "John Huston". B/w, 8x10. Still from the 1970 romantic farce, Myra Breckinridge, in which Huston starred as Buck Loner, a former cowboy star turned acting school entrepreneur.
Sale Price $315.00
JOHN HUSTON - CHECK ENDORSED 10/06/1966 - HFSID 38380John Huston endorses a check for $1,000.00 from Seven Arts Associated Corporation. Check endorsed: "John Huston", 8½x3¼. New York, New York, 1966 October 6. Check number 1294 from the Seven Arts Associated Corporation at the Franklin National Bank.
Price: $180.00
JOHN HUSTON - DOCUMENT SIGNED 04/05/1974 - HFSID 168937John Huston signs a document appointing four representatives for the Franchise tax board. Partly Printed Document Signed: "John Huston" as Taxpayer, 1p, 8½x11. Los Angeles County, California, 1974 April 5. State of California Franchise Tax Board Form.
Price: $420.00
JOHN HUSTON - DOCUMENT SIGNED 1/29/1958 - HFSID 250675John Huston files for exemption of withholding of tax because he is a resident of Ireland, his home after the McCarthy era. Partly printed carbon Document Signed: "John Huston" in ink, 1p, 8½x11. No place, 1958 January 29.
Sale Price $345.00
JOHN HUSTON - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 01/27/1972 - HFSID 259127John Huston sends a typed letter to Joan Crawford about how producer John Foreman, while a young MCA agent, used to take her to the theatre. Typed Letter Signed: "John", 1p, 8x10. Los Angeles, California, 1972 January 27. To actress Joan Crawford.
Price: $600.00
KEY LARGO MOVIE CAST - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE PHOTO SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 157028John Huston, Lauren Bacall and Claire Trevor sign a book page for Key Largo. Book Page portion inscribed and signed: "For George Torres/John Huston", "Lauren Bacall" and "Claire Trevor", 7½x6¼.
Sale Price $315.00