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Lt. Colonel Oliver L. North Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles

Born: October 07, 1943 in San Antonio, Texas
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North (born 1943) of the National Security Council (NSC) staff was convicted on three of the 12 criminal counts for his participation in Iran-Contra. In July, the court fined North $150,000 and gave him a three-year suspended sentence. North has remained active since as a conservative talk show host, syndicated columnist and (unsuccessful) candidate for the U.S. Senate. He has also written several books including Under Fire, One More Mission and his latest American Heroes (2008) that addresses global terrorism.
Film Credits | show moreshow less
2013-Lou-Dobbs-Tonight (in person), 2002-VH-1-Where-Are-They-Now (in person), 1994-The-Maltese-Double-Cross (Other), 2012-Ai-Weiwei:-Never-Sorry (Other), 1995-2002-JAG (Performer), 2012-Happening-Now (in person), 2010-Hold-at-All-Costs:-The-Story-of-the-Battle-of-Outpost-Harry (in person), 2003-2009-There's-Hope-America (in person), 2005-2006-Hannity-&-Colmes (in person), 1999-Hostage (in person), 1998-ACLU:-A-History (in person), 1992-Equal-Time (in person), 1991-The-Howard-Stern-Show (in person), 1987-The-Secret-Government:-The-Constitution-in-Crisis (Other), 2003-CIA:-Secret-Wars (Other), 1997-Jeopardy! (in person), 2013-The-Kelly-File (in person), 1987-The-Iran/Contra-Hearings (in person), 2013-Behind-the-Freedom-Curtain (Other), 2002-First-Monday (in person), 1996-Ollie's-Army (in person), 1992-Wings (in person), 2011-Reagan (Other), 2006-Declassified (Other), 2002-Family-Fundamentals (Other), 1992-Beyond-'JFK':-The-Question-of-Conspiracy (Other), 2013-The-'80s:-The-Decade-That-Made-Us (Other), 2011-Air-Emergency (Other), 1992-Life-Today-with-James-Robison (in person), 2009-2013-Hannity (in person), 2012-Call-of-Duty:-Black-Ops-II (in person), 2011-Never-Surrender (in person), 2006-Encore-with-John-Palmer (in person), 2006-The-O'Reilly-Factor (in person), 1996-Gore-Vidal's-American-Presidency (in person), 1996-A-Perfect-Candidate (in person), 1993-The-Last-Party (in person), 2010-Conspiracy-Theory-with-Jesse-Ventura (Other), 2005-They-Made-History (Other), 2005-Letter-to-the-President (Other), 2002-I-Love-the-'80s (Other), 2002-Bowling-for-Columbine (Other), 1992-The-Panama-Deception (Other), 1988-Cover-Up:-Behind-the-Iran-Contra-Affair (Other), 2000-2002-The-Daily-Show-with-Jon-Stewart (in person), 2012-2013-America-Live (in person), -2007-War-Stories-with-Oliver-North (in person), 2012-2013-Fox-and-Friends (in person), 2004-2013-On-the-Record-w/-Greta-Van-Susteren (in person), 2013-Fox-Files (in person), 2012-2013-America's-Book-of-Secrets (in person), 2010-The-Story-of-the-Battle-of-Outpost-Harry (in person), 1991-Post-No-Bills (in person), 2007-American-Drug-War:-The-Last-White-Hope (Other), 1992-Tribulation-99:-Alien-Anomalies-Under-America (Other), 1990-Superstar:-The-Life-and-Times-of-Andy-Warhol (Other)

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