Lt. Colonel Oliver L. North Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: October 07, 1943 in San Antonio, Texas
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North (born 1943) of the National Security Council (NSC) staff was convicted on three of the 12 criminal counts for his participation in Iran-Contra. In July, the court fined North $150,000 and gave him a three-year suspended sentence. North has remained active since as a conservative talk show host, syndicated columnist and (unsuccessful) candidate for the U.S. Senate. He has also written several books including Under Fire, One More Mission and his latest American Heroes (2008) that addresses global terrorism.
2013-Lou-Dobbs-Tonight (in person), 2002-VH-1-Where-Are-They-Now (in person), 1994-The-Maltese-Double-Cross (Other), 2012-Ai-Weiwei:-Never-Sorry (Other), 1995-2002-JAG (Performer), 2012-Happening-Now (in person), 2010-Hold-at-All-Costs:-The-Story-of-the-Battle-of-Outpost-Harry (in person), 2003-2009-There's-Hope-America (in person), 2005-2006-Hannity-&-Colmes (in person), 1999-Hostage (in person), 1998-ACLU:-A-History (in person), 1992-Equal-Time (in person), 1991-The-Howard-Stern-Show (in person), 1987-The-Secret-Government:-The-Constitution-in-Crisis (Other), 2003-CIA:-Secret-Wars (Other), 1997-Jeopardy! (in person), 2013-The-Kelly-File (in person), 1987-The-Iran/Contra-Hearings (in person), 2013-Behind-the-Freedom-Curtain (Other), 2002-First-Monday (in person), 1996-Ollie's-Army (in person), 1992-Wings (in person), 2011-Reagan (Other), 2006-Declassified (Other), 2002-Family-Fundamentals (Other), 1992-Beyond-'JFK':-The-Question-of-Conspiracy (Other), 2013-The-'80s:-The-Decade-That-Made-Us (Other), 2011-Air-Emergency (Other), 1992-Life-Today-with-James-Robison (in person), 2009-2013-Hannity (in person), 2012-Call-of-Duty:-Black-Ops-II (in person), 2011-Never-Surrender (in person), 2006-Encore-with-John-Palmer (in person), 2006-The-O'Reilly-Factor (in person), 1996-Gore-Vidal's-American-Presidency (in person), 1996-A-Perfect-Candidate (in person), 1993-The-Last-Party (in person), 2010-Conspiracy-Theory-with-Jesse-Ventura (Other), 2005-They-Made-History (Other), 2005-Letter-to-the-President (Other), 2002-I-Love-the-'80s (Other), 2002-Bowling-for-Columbine (Other), 1992-The-Panama-Deception (Other), 1988-Cover-Up:-Behind-the-Iran-Contra-Affair (Other), 2000-2002-The-Daily-Show-with-Jon-Stewart (in person), 2012-2013-America-Live (in person), -2007-War-Stories-with-Oliver-North (in person), 2012-2013-Fox-and-Friends (in person), 2004-2013-On-the-Record-w/-Greta-Van-Susteren (in person), 2013-Fox-Files (in person), 2012-2013-America's-Book-of-Secrets (in person), 2010-The-Story-of-the-Battle-of-Outpost-Harry (in person), 1991-Post-No-Bills (in person), 2007-American-Drug-War:-The-Last-White-Hope (Other), 1992-Tribulation-99:-Alien-Anomalies-Under-America (Other), 1990-Superstar:-The-Life-and-Times-of-Andy-Warhol (Other)
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 323169The controversial Lieutenant Colonel signs a War Stories promotional card for a fan in blue ink Autograph note signed: "Chris -/ Airborne!/ Soldier on!/ Oliver L. North" in blue ink. 5x3. Oliver North (b.
Sale Price $115.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 344565The Vietnam vet who participated in the 1985 arms scandal signs this photograph of himself at a microphone with an inscription to a fan Inscribed photograph signed: "To Irene,/All the best/Oliver North" in gold felt. 8x10. Oliver North (b.
Price: $200.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 211543The U.S. Marine Corps officer and New York Times best-selling author is shown in a suit and tie in this black and white photograph. Photograph inscribed and signed: "Dana - Many thanks/Oliver". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7x8 (one surface). Photo credit on verso (A. Paul Audia, 1990).
Price: $160.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 216376The U.S. Marine Corps officer and New York Times best-selling author is shown from the chest up in his uniform, sitting in front of a microphone Photo inscribed and signed: "Linda-Many thanks for your support/Oliver L. North". Color, 8x10.
Price: $200.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 290309The U.S. Marine Corps officer and New York Times best-selling author is shown from the chest up in his uniform, sitting in front of a microphone Photo inscribed and signed: "T. Edward with all the very best. /Oliver L. North". Color, 8x10.
Price: $200.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 3040398½x11 black and white publicity photograph for The Oliver North Show Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Erin - Stay Tuned!/O L North" in blue felt tip, B/w 8½x11. In December 1986, President Reagan confirmed reports that the U.S.
Sale Price $115.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 296824The U.S. Marine Corps officer and New York Times best-selling author is shown from the chest up in his uniform, sitting in front of a microphone. Photograph signed: "Many thanks for your support/Oliver L. North". Color, 8x10.
Price: $200.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - HAND/FOOT PRINT OR SKETCH SIGNED - HFSID 286686North signs outline of his right hand Hand Print signed: " O [with smiley face inside] L North". 8½x11 card stock with 1½x2 color photo affixed at upper left margin (2 surfaces). In December 1986, President Reagan confirmed reports that the U.S.
Price: $320.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - INSCRIBED BOOK SIGNED - HFSID 322506North's book One More Mission signed by it's author to a pair of fans Inscribed book page signed: "Alan & Kris -/see the best in/Mongolia!/O L. North", in blue ink, 6½x9½. 279 pages. Hardcover. Oliver North (b.
Price: $160.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - INSCRIBED BOOK SIGNED 09/29/1992 - HFSID 322435Copy of North's book Under Fire, signed by North with "All the best" in 1992. Rare signature from the Iran-Contra involved Lt. Colonel! Inscribed book signed: "Kerry,/All the best./Oliver North/29Sep92", in blue felt tip, 6½x9½. 446 pages.
Sale Price $135.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - INSCRIBED PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1990 - HFSID 156796The U.S. Marine Corps officer signs a program for Coachella Valley Panchellenic Alumnae Scholarship Benefit honoring him Program inscribed and signed: "Tom-All the best/Oliver L. North", 4 p., 4¼x11.
Price: $300.00
LT. COLONEL OLIVER L. NORTH - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 09/28/1998 - HFSID 317621Signing on letterhead of the Freedom Alliance, which he urges this autograph-seeker to join. Typed letter signed: "Oliver", in blue ink, 1 page, 8½x11. September 28, 1998. Jamesville, Wisconsin. Freedom Alliance.
Sale Price $165.00