Milt Kamen Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: March 05, 1921 in Hurleyville, New York
Died: February 24, 1977 in Beverly Hills, California
Milt Kamen (1921-1977, born in Hurleyville, New York) was an American actor and stand-up comedian. A frequent guest star on TV shows during the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, he got his TV start in 1954 on Caesar's Hour and was a regular on Sid Caesar Invites You (1958) and The Carol Burnett Show (1960). He also starred in the Neil Simon movie The Out of Towners (1970) and appeared on Broadway in 1964 in Paddy Chayefsky's The Passion of Josef D. Kamen is also credited with discovering Woody Allen while he was performing in the Catskills.
1957-1961-The-Jack-Paar-Tonight-Show (in person), 1963-The-Doctors-and-the-Nurses (Performer), 1958-Stump-the-Stars (in person), 1977-Quincy-M.E. (Performer), 1975-Karen (Performer), 1973-Group-Marriage (Performer), 1973-Mannix (Performer), 1973-Here-We-Go-Again (Performer), 1972-1973-The-F.B.I. (Performer), 1969-That's-Life (Performer), 1958/I-Sid-Caesar-Invites-You (Performer), 1965-1974-The-Mike-Douglas-Show (in person), 1969-The-David-Frost-Show (in person), 1969-You're-Putting-Me-On (in person), 1963-What's-My-Line (in person), 1962-The-Tonight-Show (in person), 1968-The-Ed-Sullivan-Show (in person), 1971-The-Dean-Martin-Comedy-Hour (in person), 1976-Mother,-Jugs-&-Speed (Performer), 1976-W.C.-Fields-and-Me (Performer), 1973-This-Is-a-Hijack (Performer), 1973-Search (Performer), 1971-The-Partridge-Family (Performer), 1964-Ben-Casey (Performer), 1962-Naked-City (Performer), 1967-The-Hollywood-Palace (in person), 1963-To-Tell-the-Truth (in person), 1959-1962-The-Garry-Moore-Show (in person), 1960-The-Carol-Burnett-Show (in person), 1974-Kolchak:-The-Night-Stalker (Performer), 1972-The-Judge-and-Jake-Wyler (Performer), 1972-Fol-de-Rol (Performer), 1972-Cade's-County (Performer), 1971-Love,-American-Style (Performer), 1961-Route-66 (Performer), 1960-Play-of-the-Week (Performer), 1960-The-Robert-Herridge-Theater (Performer), 1963-1972-The-Tonight-Show-Starring-Johnny-Carson (in person), 1971-Mantrap (in person), 1969-Della (in person), 1964-The-Jimmy-Dean-Show (in person), 1963-Missing-Links (in person), 1973-The-Streets-of-San-Francisco (Performer), 1957-Caesar's-Hour (Performer), 1956-1957-The-Steve-Allen-Plymouth-Show (in person), 1963-1964-The-Match-Game (in person), 1960-Perry-Como's-Kraft-Music-Hall (in person), 1972-1973-The-New-Temperatures-Rising-Show (Performer), 1977-Lanigan's-Rabbi (Performer), 1976-Switch (Performer), 1973-Love-Thy-Neighbor (Performer), 1973-The-Paul-Lynde-Show (Performer), 1971-Believe-in-Me (Performer), 1971-McMillan-&-Wife (Performer), 1971-Dan-August (Performer), 1970-The-Interns (Performer), 1970-The-Out-of-Towners (Performer), 1969-Me,-Natalie (Performer), 1960-1961-True-Story (Performer), 1960-The-Comedy-Spot (Performer), 1962-1975-The-Merv-Griffin-Show (in person), 1970-The-Steve-Allen-Show (in person), 1969-Playboy-After-Dark (in person), 1968-The-Dick-Cavett-Show (in person), 1966-The-Eamonn-Andrews-Show (in person), 1963-The-Jack-Paar-Program (in person)
Theater Credits
The-Passion-of-Josef-D. - Performer (February 11, 1964 - February 22, 1964)
MILT KAMEN - CONTRACT DOUBLE SIGNED 01/17/1961 - HFSID 262647Kamen signed this contract in 1961 in order to appear as a guest artist on Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall. He was paid $1,000 for this appearance, which isn't bad for one night's work. Contract double signed: "Milt Kamen" on page 1 and initialed "M.K.…"
Sale Price $250.00
MILT KAMEN - INSCRIBED ALBUM LEAF SIGNED - HFSID 223449Orange album leaf, signed "Good Luck" by Kamen Inscribed album leaf signed "To Warren,/Good Luck/Milt Kamen". 5x3¾. Kamen (1921-1977, born in Hurleyville, New York) was an American actor and stand-up comedian.
Price: $100.00