Mindy Mccready Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: November 30, 1975 in Fort Myers, Florida
Died: February 17, 2013 in Heber Springs, Arkansas
2014-The-56th-Annual-Grammy-Awards (in person), 2010-Celebrity-Rehab-with-Dr.-Drew (in person), 2010-Entertainment-Tonight (in person), 2009-Access-Hollywood (in person), 1998-Naked-Nashville (in person), 1997-The-24th-Annual-American-Music-Awards (in person), 1997-The-Tonight-Show-with-Jay-Leno (in person), 1997-CMT-Presents:-The-King's-Covers (in person), 1996-Top-of-the-Pops-2 (Other), 2011-Celebrity-Close-Calls (in person), 2010-Fox-and-Friends (in person), 1999-CMT-All-Access (in person), 1997-Long-Live-the-King:-Country-Salutes-Elvis (in person), 2013-CMT-News-Presents:-Mindy-Mccready-Fallen-Angel (Other), 2010-Mindy-McCready:-Baseball-Mistress (in person), Celebrity-Rehab-with-Dr.-Drew (Sound), 2011-Celebrity-Ghost-Stories (in person), 2005-Larry-King-Live (in person), 2005-Inside-Edition (in person)
MINDY MCCREADY - DVD/CD COVER SIGNED - HFSID 343968The popular country singer who led a tumultuous life signs this CD cover with love DVD/CD cover signed: "Love/Mindy" in black felt. 4¾x4¾. CD booklet for the singer's self-titled album. Malinda Gayle "Mindy" McCready (1975-2013) was an American country music singer.
Price: $180.00