Paul Picerni Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: December 01, 1922 in Corona, New York
Died: January 12, 2011 in Llano, California
Paul Picerni (1922-2011) earned a Distinguished Flying Cross flying bombers in the CBI Theater of World War II, and his early post-war films were mostly war-themed (Twelve O'Clock High, To Hell and Back). An exception was his role as hero of the Vincent Price 3-D horror film House of Wax (1953). He appeared in multiple TV Westerns and detective dramas of the 1950s before finding the role for which he is best remembered: Federal Agent Lee Hobson, Robert Stack's #2 man on The Untouchables (1960-1963). He comes from a family of stuntmen, including brother Charlie Picerni, who started as Paul's double on The Untouchables and went on to be stuntman/stunt coordinator on Die Hard and Lethal Weapon films. Paul Picerni, married to over 60 years to former ballet dancer Marie Mason, was half-time announcer for the LA Rams for over 30 years, and Mayor of Tarzana, California (1965-1968).
1973-Circle-of-Fear (Performer), 1970-The-Name-of-the-Game (Performer), 1954-The-Red-Skelton-Hour (Performer), 2005-The-Adventures-of-Errol-Flynn (Other), 1974-Run,-Joe,-Run (Performer), 1954-Public-Defender (Performer), 1971-The-Fearmaker (Performer), 1955-Passport-to-Danger (Performer), 1956-1958-The-Gale-Storm-Show:-Oh!-Susanna (Performer), 1977-The-Red-Hand-Gang (Performer), 1975-Kolchak:-The-Night-Stalker (Performer), 1974-Ironside (Performer), 1967-1974-Gunsmoke (Performer), 1974-Big-Rose:-Double-Trouble (Performer), 1973-Emergency! (Performer), 1971-The-Partners (Performer), 1968-1970-The-F.B.I. (Performer), 1969-Land-Raiders (Performer), 1969-Che! (Performer), 1960-Markham (Performer), 1957-1960-Colt-.45 (Performer), 1960-Sugarfoot (Performer), 1960-Hawaiian-Eye (Performer), 1960-Alcatraz-Express (Performer), 1959-The-Life-and-Legend-of-Wyatt-Earp (Performer), 1959-M-Squad (Performer), 1959-Behind-Closed-Doors (Performer), 1958-Torpedo-Run (Performer), 1958-Zorro (Performer), 1957-Broken-Arrow (Performer), 1957-Code-3 (Performer), 1957-Omar-Khayyam (Performer), 1957-The-Shadow-on-the-Window (Performer), 1955-To-Hell-and-Back (Performer), 1955-Wiretapper (Performer), 1955-Lord-of-the-Jungle (Performer), 1955-Waterfront (Performer), 1954-The-Bounty-Hunter (Performer), 1954-My-Little-Margie (Performer), 1954-Mr.-&-Mrs.-North (Performer), 1954-Fireside-Theatre (Performer), 1954-Drive-a-Crooked-Road (Performer), 1953-1954-Dragnet (Performer), 1954-His-Majesty-O'Keefe (Performer), 1951-Jim-Thorpe--All-American (Performer), 1951-Fort-Worth (Performer), 1951-Inside-the-Walls-of-Folsom-Prison (Performer), 1951-I-Was-a-Communist-for-the-FBI (Performer), 1950-Saddle-Tramp (Performer), 1950-When-Willie-Comes-Marching-Home (Performer), 1949-Twelve-O'Clock-High (Performer), 1980-Alcatraz:-The-Whole-Shocking-Story (Performer), 1979-The-Incredible-Hulk (Performer), 1979-Escape-to-Athena (Performer), 1979-Women-in-White (Performer), 1978-Project-U.F.O. (Performer), 1982-Capitol (Performer), 1957-1960-The-Millionaire (Performer), 1955-Goodyear-Playhouse (Performer), 1964-The-Age-of-Violence (Performer), 1958-Marjorie-Morningstar (Performer), 1958-Return-to-Warbow (Performer), 1957-Matinee-Theatre (Performer), 1957-The-Brothers-Rico (Performer), 1957-Operation-Mad-Ball (Performer), 1957-The-Silent-Service (Performer), 1957-Panic! (Performer), 1954-1957-Cavalcade-of-America (Performer), 1956-The-Come-On (Performer), 1956-Miracle-in-the-Rain (Performer), 1955-Bobby-Ware-Is-Missing (Performer), 1955-Navy-Log (Performer), 1954-1955-Four-Star-Playhouse (Performer), 1955-Hell's-Island (Performer), 1955-Stories-of-the-Century (Performer), 1954-The-Adventures-of-Hajji-Baba (Performer), 1954-Pushover (Performer), 1954-The-Shanghai-Story (Performer), 1953-The-Desert-Song (Performer), 1953-The-System (Performer), 1953-She's-Back-on-Broadway (Performer), 1952-The-Miracle-of-Our-Lady-of-Fatima (Performer), 1951-The-Tanks-Are-Coming (Performer), 1950-The-Killer-That-Stalked-New-York (Performer), 1950-Dial-1119 (Performer), 1950-A-Lady-Without-Passport (Performer), 2007-Three-Days-to-Vegas (Performer), 1987-Dirty-Dozen:-The-Deadly-Mission (Performer), 1986-Simon-&-Simon (Performer), 1982-1983-T.J.-Hooker (Performer), 1982-Strike-Force (Performer), 1981-The-Fall-Guy (Performer), 1980-Vega$ (Performer), 1979-Beyond-the-Poseidon-Adventure (Performer), 1977-The-Last-Hurrah (Performer), 1975-1977-Barnaby-Jones (Performer), 1975-Police-Story (Performer), 1970-1975-Mannix (Performer), 1975-Lucy-Gets-Lucky (Performer), 1974-Banacek (Performer), 1973-Marcus-Welby,-M.D. (Performer), 1971-Kotch (Performer), 1971-Medical-Center (Performer), 1971-Love,-American-Style (Performer), 1971-The-Immortal (Performer), 1970-Kelly's-Heroes (Performer), 1968-1969-Felony-Squad (Performer), 1968-The-Scalphunters (Performer), 1967-The-Virginian (Performer), 1967-Batman (Performer), 1966-Combat! (Performer), 1964-The-Young-Marrieds (Performer), 1964-The-Great-Adventure (Performer), 1964-The-Greatest-Show-on-Earth (Performer), 1960-The-Rebel (Performer), 1960-Strangers-When-We-Meet (Performer), 1960-The-Apartment (Performer), 1960-Bonanza (Performer), 1959-Westinghouse-Desilu-Playhouse (Performer), 1959-The-Scarface-Mob (Performer), 1998-2000-Diagnosis-Murder (Performer), 1986-Sledge-Hammer! (Performer), 1981-Quincy-M.E. (Performer), 1979-Marciano (Performer), 1979-Fantasy-Island (Performer), 1978-Sword-of-Justice (Performer), 1978-Sam (Performer), 1974-1978-Kojak (Performer), 1977-Capricorn-One (Performer), 1976-1977-Starsky-and-Hutch (Performer), 1977-Something-for-Joey (Performer), 1976-NBC-Special-Treat (Performer), 1972-Room-222 (Performer), 1972-The-Sixth-Sense (Performer), 1971-1972-O'Hara,-U.S.-Treasury (Performer), 1970-1971-Here's-Lucy (Performer), 1970-The-Old-Man-Who-Cried-Wolf (Performer), 1968-Hawaii-Five-O (Performer), 1964-The-Fugitive (Performer), 1958-1963-Perry-Mason (Performer), 1960-Men-Into-Space (Performer), 1960-Bourbon-Street-Beat (Performer), 1960-Shotgun-Slade (Performer), 1959-1960-Fury (Performer), 1959-The-Young-Philadelphians (Performer), 1959-Northwest-Passage (Performer), 1958-The-Donna-Reed-Show (Performer), 1958-Maverick (Performer), 1958-The-Deep-Six (Performer), 1957-Tales-of-the-Texas-Rangers (Performer), 1957-Circus-Boy (Performer), 1957-The-Big-Caper (Performer), 1956-The-Count-of-Monte-Cristo (Performer), 1956-Flight-to-Hong-Kong (Performer), 1956-Ford-Star-Jubilee (Performer), 1955-Dial-Red-O (Performer), 1954-Climax! (Performer), 1954-Studio-57 (Performer), 1954-The-Lone-Wolf (Performer), 1953-The-Charge-at-Feather-River (Performer), 1953-The-Beast-from-20,000-Fathoms (Performer), 1952-Cattle-Town (Performer), 1952-Mara-Maru (Performer), 1950-Three-Secrets (Performer), 1950-I'll-Get-By (Performer), 1948-Beyond-Glory (Performer), 1946-In-Fast-Company (Performer), 1954-1958-The-Loretta-Young-Show (Performer), 1961-Fury-River (Other), 1983-1985-Matt-Houston (Performer), 1982-The-Powers-of-Matthew-Star (Performer), 1981-Trapper-John,-M.D. (Performer), 1976-Alice (Performer), 1975-McCoy (Performer), 1964-1974-Insight (Performer), 1970-1974-Adam-12 (Performer), 1970-Airport (Performer), 1969-Bracken's-World (Performer), 1968-Lancer (Performer), 1967-Hogan's-Heroes (Performer), 1967-My-Three-Sons (Performer), 1966-The-Big-Valley (Performer), 1959-1963-The-Untouchables (Performer), 1961-Whispering-Smith (Performer), 1960-Rawhide (Performer), 1959-The-Adventures-of-Rin-Tin-Tin (Performer), 1958-The-Man-Who-Died-Twice (Performer), 1957-1958-Boots-and-Saddles (Performer), 1958-26-Men (Performer), 1958-Flight (Performer), 1957-The-Life-of-Riley (Performer), 1957-Tales-of-the-77th-Bengal-Lancers (Performer), 1957-Alfred-Hitchcock-Presents (Performer), 1956-The-Ford-Television-Theatre (Performer), 1955-Big-Town (Performer), 1954-Lux-Video-Theatre (Performer), 1954-Riding-Shotgun (Performer), 1953-House-of-Wax (Performer), 1952-Operation-Secret (Performer), 1951-Force-of-Arms (Performer), 1951-Operation-Pacific (Performer), 1950-Breakthrough (Performer), 1950-The-Secret-Fury (Performer), 1962-Here's-Hollywood (in person)
PAUL PICERNI - AUTOGRAPH NOTE ON PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - HFSID 323821Vintage sepia photo (5x7) of a very young Paul Picerni donning a sharp suit and tie. Signed with a note to a fan. Autograph note on photograph signed: "To Kathleen/It's good to/know that I/have a fan and friend such/as you rooting for me./Thanks sincerely/Paul Picerni", in black ink.
Sale Price $225.00
PAUL PICERNI - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 22700The Untouchables co-star signs a handwritten note. Autograph Note signed: "To Jim/with my/sincere good wishes. Sorry/I kept you/waiting so long./Paul Picerni", 5x3 card. Typed caption.
Price: $160.00
PAUL PICERNI - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 323817Shown in a still for the 1968 western comedy The Scalphunters. Inscribed to a fan. Inscribed photograph signed: "To/Mitchell/Paul Picerni", in blue ink. B/w, 8x10. Captioned movie still for The Scalphunters (1968).
Price: $200.00
PAUL PICERNI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 323813Shown in a still with Paul Newman in the 1959 film The Young Philadelphians Photograph signed: "Paul Picerni", in black ink. B/w, 8x10. Captioned movie still for The Young Philadelphians (1959).
Sale Price $225.00
PAUL PICERNI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 324010Shown in a still from the classic thriller House of Wax starring Vincent Price. Photograph signed: "Paul Picerni ", in black ink. B/w, 10x8. Captioned movie still for House Wax (1953) starring Vincent Price, Frank Lovejoy, Phyllis Kirk and Paul Picerni.
Price: $280.00
PAUL PICERNI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 323832Gritty still from To Hell and Back, signed as Paul Picerni and his character "Valentino". He also points out stars Audie Murphy and Greg Palmer.
Price: $280.00
PAUL PICERNI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 342234The film star signs black and white still from Maru Maru in black ink Photograph signed: "Paul Picerni" in black ink. B/w, 10x8.
Price: $280.00
PAUL PICERNI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 321183Candid 12x8 photograph of The Untouchables stars, signed in blue ink Photograph signed: "Paul Picerni" and "Bruce Gordon" in blue felt tip. Color, 12x8.
Price: $320.00
PAUL PICERNI - EPHEMERA SIGNED - HFSID 324011The cover for the VHS of the 1953 film House of Wax, signed by the actor who portrayed Scott Andrews in the film Ephemera signed: "Paul Picerni", in blue felt tip, 4¼x7½. Cover for the 1953 film House of Wax, starring Vincent Price.
Price: $180.00
PAUL PICERNI - INSCRIBED PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 323845The ator poses in a suit and tie in this inscribed publicity photo. Inscribed Printed Photograph signed in ink: "To StevenPaul Picerni", in black felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Sale Price $215.00
PAUL PICERNI - INSCRIBED PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 323871A young looking Picerni in a white turtle neck and suit, signed to a fan (3½x5½) Inscribed printed photograph signed in ink: "To Lamar/Paul Picerni", in black ink, 3½x5½.
Price: $280.00
PAUL PICERNI - INSCRIBED PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 323876Shown as Lee Hobson from The Untouchables which aired on ABC from 1959-1963. Inscribed Printed Photograph signed in ink: "To Tony/Paul Picerni", in black felt tip, B/w 8x10. Captioned in lower margin. The Untouchables was televised on ABC from 1959-1963.
Sale Price $225.00
PAUL PICERNI - PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 342233The popular actor signs promotional photograph from To Hell and Back in blue ink Printed photograph signed in ink: "Paul Picerni" in blue ink. B/w, 10x8. Still from Picerni's film To Hell and Back (1955).
Sale Price $225.00
PAUL PICERNI - SCRIPT COVER SIGNED - HFSID 324012Cover for a script of the 1953 film House of Wax (tentatively titled here as "The Wax Works"), signed boldly by actor Paul Picerni in blue felt tip Script cover signed: "Paul Picerni", in blue felt tip, 8½x11.
Price: $320.00
UNTOUCHABLES TV CAST - AUTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 324007Clear, bold signatures from the two Untouchables stars, framed with a photograph of them in character to an overall size of 11½x14½ Signatures: "Paul Picerni", "Robert Stack", 5x3 cards framed with an unsigned photograph to an overall size of 11½x14
Sale Price $175.00
UNTOUCHABLES TV CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 05/16/1999 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 325168A black and white photograph of the three actors as they appear on the 1960's series, with each signing under their image Photograph signed: "Abel Fernandez", "Paul Picerni", "Nick Georgiade", in black felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $500.00
UNTOUCHABLES TV CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 264999This rare color photograph from the show is signed by three key cast members! Photograph signed: "Paul Picerni" as Lee Hobson, "Abel Fernandez" as William Youngfellow and "Nick Georgiade" as Rico Rossi. Color, 10x8.
Sale Price $495.00
UNTOUCHABLES TV CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 290810The actors who played Eliot Ness and Lee Hobson in the television series The Untouchables are shown with two other cast members. Photograph signed: "Paul Picerni" and "Robert Stack", Color 8x10. The Untouchables was televised on ABC from 1959-1963.
Sale Price $245.00
UNTOUCHABLES TV CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 257454This black and white photograph of the four members of the elite crime-fighting squad is signed by them in felt tip Photograph signed: "Robert Stack" (Eliot Ness), "Abel Fernandez" (William Youngfellow), "Nick Georgi…"
Price: $500.00
UNTOUCHABLES TV CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 345479Still from the 1960's television series signed by primary cast members, signed in black and blue felt tip Photograph Signed: "Abel Fernandez", "Paul Picerni", "Robert Stack/ Eliot Ness'", "Nick Georgiade", Color. 10¼x8.
Price: $450.00