Peggy Stewart Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: June 05, 1923 in Palm Beach, Florida
Died: May 29, 2019 in Valencia, California
Peggy Stewart (born Peggy O'Rourke in 1923), who appeared in many films, mostly Westerns, from the late 1930s into the 1960s, was one of Republic Picture's leading ladies in the 1940s. Tired of being cast in serials, she left Republic, but continued making occasional films. Stewart later appeared in several made-for-TV movies and was a guest star on a number of TV series, and she made stage appearances in the Los Angeles area. Stewart, who was married to actors Don "Red" Barry (1940-1944) and Buck Young (1953 until his death in 2000), is also a popular figure at Western film and nostalgia gatherings.
1953-Six-Gun-Decision (Other), 2012-That's-My-Boy (Performer), 2009-2010-The-Office (Performer), 2010-Justified (Performer), 2004-Hollywood,-It's-a-Dog's-Life (Performer), 2001-Popular (Performer), 1993-Seinfeld (Performer), 1980-Taxi (Performer), 1977-Black-Oak-Conspiracy (Performer), 1974-1976-Emergency! (Performer), 1973-The-Stranger (Performer), 1972-Sarge (Performer), 1970-The-Animals (Performer), 1961-When-the-Clock-Strikes (Performer), 1960-Hotel-de-Paree (Performer), 1958-1959-The-Life-and-Legend-of-Wyatt-Earp (Performer), 1950-1953-The-Cisco-Kid (Performer), 1953-The-Range-Rider (Performer), 1952-Kansas-Territory (Performer), 1952-The-Roy-Rogers-Show (Performer), 1951-Adventures-of-Wild-Bill-Hickok (Performer), 1950-The-Gene-Autry-Show (Performer), 1949-The-Fighting-Redhead (Performer), 1949-Desert-Vigilante (Performer), 1948-Frontier-Revenge (Performer), 1947-Messenger-of-Peace (Performer), 1946-Stagecoach-to-Denver (Performer), 1946-Affairs-of-Geraldine (Performer), 1946-The-Invisible-Informer (Performer), 1945-The-Tiger-Woman (Performer), 1945-Rough-Riders-of-Cheyenne (Performer), 1945-Bandits-of-the-Badlands (Performer), 1944-Sheriff-of-Las-Vegas (Performer), 1944-Code-of-the-Prairie (Performer), 1943-Girls-in-Chains (Performer), 1940-Star-Dust (Performer), 2011-Dadgum,-Texas (Performer), 2009-FlashForward (Performer), 2009-Operating-Instructions (Performer), 2001-Yes,-Dear (Performer), 2001-Norm (Performer), 1979-The-Fall-of-the-House-of-Usher (Performer), 1976-Bobbie-Jo-and-the-Outlaw (Performer), 1975-Baretta (Performer), 1972-Pickup-on-101 (Performer), 1972-The-Smith-Family (Performer), 1967-The-Way-West (Performer), 1964-The-Fugitive (Performer), 1961-Twilight-Zone (Performer), 1959-Not-for-Hire (Performer), 1952-Gang-Busters (Performer), 1952-The-Black-Lash (Performer), 1952-The-Living-Bible (Performer), 1950-Cody-of-the-Pony-Express (Performer), 1949-Ride,-Ryder,-Ride! (Performer), 1948-Dead-Man's-Gold (Performer), 1948-Tex-Granger:-Midnight-Rider-of-the-Plains (Performer), 1947-Rustlers-of-Devil's-Canyon (Performer), 1946-California-Gold-Rush (Performer), 1946-Gay-Blades (Performer), 1945-Marshal-of-Laredo (Performer), 1945-The-Vampire's-Ghost (Performer), 1944-Firebrands-of-Arizona (Performer), 1944-End-of-the-Road (Performer), 1944-Silver-City-Kid (Performer), 1942-Sleepytime-Gal (Performer), 1940-All-This,-and-Heaven-Too (Performer), 1939-5th-Ave-Girl (Performer), 1938-Little-Tough-Guy (Performer), 1938-White-Banners (Performer), 2003-Time-Machine:-When-Cowboys-Were-King (in person), 1993-Cliffhangers!-Adventures-from-the-Thrill-Factory (in person), 1994-Gene-Autry,-Melody-of-the-West (in person), 2010-The-Runaways (Performer), 2007-2008-The-Riches (Performer), 2007-My-Name-Is-Earl (Performer), 1999-Beverly-Hills,-90210 (Performer), 1980-Quincy-M.E. (Performer), 1975-White-House-Madness (Performer), 1973-Terror-in-the-Wax-Museum (Performer), 1969-Mod-Squad (Performer), 1957-1961-Have-Gun---Will-Travel (Performer), 1960-1961-National-Velvet (Performer), 1959-Peter-Gunn (Performer), 1957-The-Silent-Service (Performer), 1952-Montana-Incident (Performer), 1947-The-Ghost-Goes-Wild (Performer), 1947-Trail-to-San-Antone (Performer), 1946-Passkey-to-Danger (Performer), 1946-The-Phantom-Rider (Performer), 1945-Oregon-Trail (Performer), 1945-Utah (Performer), 1944-Cheyenne-Wildcat (Performer), 1944-Stagecoach-to-Monterey (Performer), 1944-Tucson-Raiders (Performer), 1941-Back-Street (Performer), 1939-Man-About-Town (Performer), 1938-That-Certain-Age (Performer), 1937-Wells-Fargo (Performer), 1961-Lassie (Performer), 1946-Conquest-of-Cheyenne (Performer), 1946-Red-River-Renegades (Performer), 1946-Alias-Billy-the-Kid (Performer), 1946-Sheriff-of-Redwood-Valley (Performer), 1946-Days-of-Buffalo-Bill (Performer), 1939-Everybody's-Hobby (Performer), 1938-Little-Tough-Guys-in-Society (Performer), 2010-Community (Performer), 2010-The-Bag (Performer), 2009-Weeds (Performer), 2008-NCIS (Performer), 1980-Beyond-Evil (Performer), 1972-The-Bold-Ones:-The-New-Doctors (Performer), 1970-Ironside (Performer), 1967-Hondo (Performer), 1965-Daniel-Boone (Performer), 1959-1964-Gunsmoke (Performer), 1961-The-Clown-and-the-Kid (Performer), 1961-Gun-Street (Performer), 1961-The-Americans (Performer), 1961-The-Rebel (Performer), 1960-Pony-Express (Performer), 1959-Yancy-Derringer (Performer), 1956-The-Millionaire (Performer), 1951-The-Pride-of-Maryland (Performer), 1950-Hollywood-Varieties (Performer), 1947-Vigilantes-of-Boomtown (Performer), 1947-Son-of-Zorro (Performer)
Theater Credits
Higher-and-Higher - Performer (August 5, 1940 - August 24, 1940)
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/18/1981 - HFSID 272341A letter from Stewart saying she would be happy to comply with a request for an autograph, if the recipient sends hear a self-addressed and stamped envelope: "Sorry that mailing has reached this point" Autograph Letter signed: "Peggy Stewart", 1p, 5¾x7¾.
Sale Price $135.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 296336The actress signs note on a 6x4 yellow card in black ink . Autograph Note signed: "To Nick/love always/Peggy Stewart" in black ink, 6x4 yellow card.
Price: $100.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 323202Short note signed with love to a fan Autograph note signed: "To Carey/Love,/Peggy Stewart", in black felt tip, 5x3.
Price: $100.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 326655Color candid photo of Peggy Stuart and her son, signed, "Now you got my other young'un!" (5x3½) Inscribed Photograph Signed: "Clint--now/you got my other/ young'un!/Peggy Stewart", in black ink. Color, 5x3½.
Price: $140.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 341433Photograph of the of the actress pointing a revolver, signed with love to a fan Inscribed photograph signed: "To Glenn-/love,/Peggy Stewart", in black felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $240.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 342158The Western film actress signs 7x5 candid photograph in black ink Inscribed photograph signed: "To "my" Clint,/ Peggy Stewart" in black ink. Color, 7x5. Also, unsigned inscription: 'Hang in there/ Clint" in blue ink.…"
Sale Price $135.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 310728The actress signs on a black and white photograph shown in a classic western style checkered dress. Inscribed Photograph Signed: "To Robert-/ Love, / Peggy Stewart". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $195.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 320068Shown in darling western attire Inscribed photograph signed: "To Archie/love/Peggy Stewart". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $240.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 320844Actress prettily poses in her characteristic western wear, signs her name in black ink Inscribed photograph signed: "To Tommy - / Love always/ Peggy Stewart" in black ink. B/w, 8x10.
Price: $240.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 322909Photograph of a smiling Stewart in Western attire, inscribed to a fan "with love" Inscribed photograph signed: "To Carl Oliver/with love-/Peggy Stewart", in blue felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $240.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 322910The actress signs her name to a fan on a black and white photograph, pictured wearing a gingham and lace dress Inscribed photograph signed: "To my Carl,/I love ya;/Peggy Stewart", in black felt tip, B/w 8½x11.
Price: $280.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 277399Leading lady of Republic Westerns of the 1940s Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Nick -/love you,/Peggy Stewart". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $165.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 342725The leading Western film star poses in her cowboy attire, signs name in black ink Inscribed photograph signed: "Hello Charles -/ & thank you for your/ kind thoughts./ Love,/ Peggy Stewart" in black ink. B/w, 8x10.
Price: $240.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 342742The popular Western actress signs still form her 1946 film Sheriff of Redwood Valley in black ink Inscribed photograph signed: "Melvin -/ love all ways/ Peggy Stewart" in black ink. Color, 10x8. Still from Stewarts 1946 film Sheriff of Redwood Valley.
Sale Price $175.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 342201Candid photograph of the two Western actresses posing with two friends, signed to a fan (6x4) Inscribed photograph signed: "To my Clint -/Peggy Stewart/", "and-/Carolina/Cotton", Color 6x4.
Sale Price $150.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 296494Eight Hollywood Western stars sign this 11½x13½ photograph for the 4th annual Western Film Collector's Western Film Festival.
Price: $380.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 301316Shown in Western costume Photograph signed: "Peggy Stewart". B/w, 8x10. Peggy Stewart (born Peggy O'Rourke in 1923), who appeared in many films, mostly Westerns, from the late 1930s into the 1960s, was one of Republic Picture's leading ladies in the 1940s.
Price: $220.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 324866Candid photograph of the actress posing in front of her swimming pool. (3½x5) Photograph Signed: "Peggy Stewart", in green ink. B/w, 3½x5.
Price: $140.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 342084Actress poses in her characteristic western wear, signs her name in black ink Photograph signed: "Love/Peggy Stewart" in black ink. B/w, 8x10.
Price: $220.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 296351Black and white movie still for the 1952 film Kansas Territory. Photograph signed: "Love/Peggy Stewart" in black felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $220.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 344451The actress signs this 11x8½ photograph of her with costar Robert Kent from The Phantom Rider Photograph signed: "love,/Peggy Stewart" in black felt. 11x8½.
Price: $200.00
PEGGY STEWART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 344584The Western actress is shown at a later age, sitting in the shade in this candid 4½x3½ photograph Photograph signed: "Peggy Stewart" in blue ink. 4½x3½.
Price: $160.00
PEGGY STEWART - HAND/FOOT PRINT OR SKETCH SIGNED - HFSID 286627Right hand print signed with her autograph note advocating daily prayer Hand Print signed with her autograph note: "Put your hand in mine/and let's tell God (good), 'Thank/you for this beautiful day.' I do it every night and every morning. Let's do it together.…"
Sale Price $225.00
CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH MOVIE CAST - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED 09/28/1981 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 323594Peggy Stewart and director R.G. Springsteen sign on a colorized 14x11 lobby card for the 1946 film Inscribed lobby card signed: "To Clint -/Thank you for comin'/through my life/Peggy Stewart/9/28/81", "R.G. Springsteen", Colorized 14x11.
Price: $320.00
DEAD MANS GOLD MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 341317Cast members LaRue and Stewart sign promotional photo Photograph signed: "Las LaRue" in black ink and "Bless ya/ Peggy Stewart" in blue ink. Color, 10x8. Promotional photo from their film Dead Man's Gold (1948).
Price: $360.00
FRONTIER REVENGE MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 341309The two western stars sign on their respective images on a still from the 1948 film Photograph signed: "Lash La Rue", "bless ya!/Peggy Stewart", in felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $360.00
HELEN TALBOT - INSCRIBED PROGRAM SIGNED 1997 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 342824Program from the 1997 Western Film Caravan in Knoxville, Tennessee, featuring signed pages from 11 famed western film stars throughout.
Sale Price $315.00
JIM "RED RYDER" BANNON - INSCRIBED PROGRAM SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 322931Rare program for the 4th Annual Western Film Festival in 1975, signed by ten country stars, including Peggy Stewart, Buster Crabbe, Eddie Dean, Reb Russell, and Al Hoxie, all on their respective bios within the program Inscribed program signed: "To/Carl-/Best of luck/to my [illegi…"
Price: $300.00
JOHN HART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 342330Photograph showing the classic Republic Pictures logo, signed by stars John Hart, Peggy Stewart, Ann Gillis, and Gary Gray in black felt tip. Extremely rare signature from Gary Gray!
Price: $320.00
NELL O'DAY - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 323881Candid 5x3½ photograph of the Western stars in their later years, with Nell O'Day signing the photograph to a fan Inscribed photograph signed: "Dear Clint -/Warm good wishes!/Nell O'Day", "Pierce Lyden", "Peggy Stewart", Color 5x3½.
Price: $180.00