President George H.W. Bush Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: June 12, 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts
Died: November 30, 2018 in Houston, Texas
George H.W. Bush (1924-2018) was Ronald Reagan's Vice President (1981-1989) before serving as 41st U.S. President (1989-1993), the first incumbent Vice President to be elected President since 1836. Bush's distinguished resume included oil company executive, Texas Congressman, Chairman of the Republican Party, Director of Central Intelligence, Ambassador to China and Ambassador to the United Nations. As President he conducted a largely successful foreign policy, including the first Gulf War against Iraq, Operation Desert Storm, and the 1989 invasion of Panama to depose General Manuel Noriega. His son, George W. Bush, became 43rd president in 2001 and served two terms.
1981-All-Star-Celebration-Opening-the-Gerald-R.-Ford-Presidential (in person), 2013-Moyers-&-Company (Other), 2009-Mars:-A-Horizon-Guide (Other), 2003-CIA:-Secret-Wars (Other), 2005-2013-Frontline (Other), 2013-Margaret-Thatcher:-Prime-Minister (Other), 2004-Total-Onslaught (Other), 2004-Saddam-Hussein:-le-proces-que-vous-ne-verrez-pas (Other), 2004-101-Most-Unforgett_able-SNL-Moments (Other), 1992-EBN:-Commercial-Entertainment-Product (Other), 1986-CNN-Prime-News (Other), 2007-War-Made-Easy:-How-Presidents-&-Pundits-Keep-Spinning-Us-to-Death (Other), 2010-Magic-&-Bird:-A-Courtship-of-Rivals (Other), 2013-The-Presidents'-Gatekeepers (in person), 2005-2006-NBC-Nightly-News-with-Brian-Williams (in person), 2011-His-Way (in person), 2004-2010-Larry-King-Live (in person), 2009-White-House-Revealed (in person), 2008-The-Return-of-the-War-Room (in person), 2008-Splendor-and-Wisdom (in person), 2006-Billy-Graham:-God's-Ambassador (in person), 2005-The-Green-Bus-v.-the-White-House (in person), 2005-Aristide-and-the-Endless-Revolution (in person), 2005-Fox-NFL-Sunday (in person), 2005-Tsunami-Aid:-A-Concert-of-Hope (in person), 2004-Open-Access (in person), 1999-2003-ESPN-SportsCentury (in person), 2000-Saturday-Night-Live:-Presidential-Bash-2000 (in person), 1993-The-War-Room (in person), 1992-Brokaw-Reports:-58-Days (in person), 1992-20/20 (in person), 1992-Convention-'92 (in person), 1989-In-Performance-at-the-White-House:-The-House-I-Live-in-2 (in person), 2012-The-Untold-History-of-the-United-States (Other), 2012-Kriegsversprechen-II---Terrormanagement-im-21.-Jahrhundert (Other), 2011-Love,-Hate-&-Propaganda:-The-Cold-War (Other), 2011-Lives-Worth-Living (Other), 2011-Secret-Access:-UFOs-on-the-Record (Other), 2011-Reagan (Other), 2010-30-for-30 (Other), 2010-Psywar (Other), 2010-The-Special-Relationship (Other), 2010-The-Simpsons-20th-Anniversary-Special:-In-3-D!-On-Ice! (Other), 2009-Mao's-Last-Dancer (Other), 2009-Biography (Other), 2008-Horizon (Other), (Other), 2008-Jeremiah-Wright-Painting-a-Picture-of-US-Aggression (Other), 2007-Endgame:-Blueprint-for-Global-Enslavement (Other), 2007-Penn-&-Teller:-Bullshit! (Other), 2007-Underworld-Histories (Other), 2007-Elvis-Presley:-Hot-Shots-and-Cool-Clips-Volume-2 (Other), 2007-Unter-falscher-Flagge (Other), 2006-Ellen:-The-Ellen-DeGeneres-Show (Other), 2006-An-Inconvenient-Truth (Other), 2004-The-World-According-to-Bush (Other), 2004-Fahrenheit-9/11 (Other), 2004-Strip-Search (Other), 2004-Michael-Moore,-el-gran-agitador (Other), 2003-History's-Mysteries:-Infamous-Murders (Other), 2003-Bob-Hope-at-100 (Other), 2002-The-True-Story-of-Killing-Pablo (Other), 2000-Truth-Behind-the-Sitcom-Scandals-5 (Other), 2000-Challenger:-Go-for-Launch (Other), 1999-Yana's-Friends (Other), 1996-Bob-Hope:-Hollywood's-Brightest-Star (Other), 1996-Fear-&-Favor-in-the-Newsroom (Other), 1995-The-Hemp-Revolution (Other), 1993-TV-aktuelt (Other), 1992-Peter's-Friends (Other), 1992-Stalking-the-President:-A-History-of-American-Assassins (Other), 1992-Beyond-'JFK':-The-Question-of-Conspiracy (Other), 1991-Hyperdelic-E-Mission (Other), 2006-Maxed-Out:-Hard-Times,-Easy-Credit-and-the-Era-of-Predatory (Other), 2006-Challenger:-The-Untold-Story (Other), 1995-Juan-Carlos-I:-Cronica-de-20-anos (in person), 1998-WW-III:-World-War-III (Other), 2000-Hooked:-Illegal-Drugs-&-How-They-Got-That-Way---LSD,-Ecstasy,-and (in person), 2012-Rogues-in-Robes (Other), 2005-Saddam,-le-meilleur-ennemi-de-l'Amerique (Other), 2012-Age-of-Deceit:-Fallen-Angels-and-the-New-World-Order (Other), 1994-The-Maltese-Double-Cross (Other), 2011-This-Is-England-'88 (Other), 2009-HouseQuake (in person), 2009-NASA:-Triumph-and-Tragedy (in person), 2009-A-Call-to-Arms (in person), 2008-Today (in person), 2008-The-Early-Show (in person), 2008-When-We-Left-Earth:-The-NASA-Missions (in person), 2008-Being-W (in person), 2007-Ain't-Easy-Being-Green (in person), 2007-USA-vs-Al-Arian (in person), 2006-Swing-State-Ohio (in person), 2006-Dear-Mister-President (in person), 2005-Martial-Law-9/11:-Rise-of-the-Police-State (in person), 2005-Super-Bowl-XXXIX (in person), 2004-Inside-the-U.S.-Secret-Service (in person), 2003-Paula-Zahn-Now (in person), 2001-Last-Party-2000 (in person), 2000-Deutschlandspiel (in person), 1999-20-heures-le-journal (in person), 1994-Saturday-Night-Live (in person), 1993-Bob-Hope:-The-First-90-Years (in person), 1992-Feed (in person), 1991-Yellow-Ribbon-Party (in person), 1990-Cartoon-All-Stars-to-the-Rescue (in person), 1990-Sammy-Davis,-Jr.-60th-Anniversary-Celebration (in person), 1990-Saddam-Hussein:-Defying-the-World---A-Visual-Biography (in person), 1989-In-Performance-at-the-White-House:-The-House-I-Live-in-1 (in person), 1988-The-Kennedy-Center-Honors:-A-Celebration-of-the-Performing-Arts (in person), 2012-The-Announcement (Other), 2012-How-to-Survive-a-Plague (Other), 2011-This-Week (Other), 2009-House-of-Boys (Other), 2009-Life-on-the-Edge-of-a-Bubble (Other), 2008-Superpower (Other), 2008-William-F.-Buckley:-Right-from-the-Start (Other), 2008-The-World-According-to-Monsanto (Other), 2002-2008-Democracy-Now! (Other), 2008-I.O.U.S.A. (Other), 2007-How-It-Was:-The-Shooting-of-Ronald-Reagan (Other), 2007-The-War-on-Democracy (Other), 2006-...So-Goes-the-Nation (Other), 2006-TV-Junkie (Other), 2005-National-Geographic:-Inside-9/11 (Other), 2004-2005-Nova (Other), 2004-Fahrenhype-9/11 (Other), 2004-Bush-Family-Fortunes:-The-Best-Democracy-Money-Can-Buy (Other), 2004-Bush's-Brain (Other), 2003-JFK-II:-The-Bush-Connection (Other), 2003-Big-Bucks:-The-Press-Your-Luck-Scandal (Other), 2002-Live-from-Baghdad (Other), 2002-Journeys-with-George (Other), 2001-The-Frank-Truth (Other), 1999-Grass (Other), 1999-Strange-Justice (Other), 1997-Blood-Makes-the-Grass-Grow (Other), 1996-Talking-with-David-Frost (Other), 1995-Saturday-Night-Live (Other), 1993-One-on-One:-Classic-Television-Interviews (Other), 1993-The-Positively-True-Adventures-of-the-Alleged-Texas (Other), 1990-Den-go'e,-den-onde-og-den-virk'li-sjove (Other), 2012-2013-America's-Book-of-Secrets (in person), 1989-Kinkyu-UFO-tettei-shuzai-tokuho! (Other), 2012/II-41 (Other), 2010-2013-The-Tonight-Show-with-Jay-Leno (Other), 2006-NCIS (Other), 2000-Surviving-the-Good-Times (Other), 2011-All-Together-Now:-A-Celebration-of-Service (in person), 2009-The-Shock-Doctrine (in person), 2009-President-Obama:-The-Inauguration (in person), 2007-Loose-Change:-Final-Cut (in person), 2007-TV-Junkie:-Faces-of-Addiction (in person), 2006-Tiger-at-30 (in person), 2005-The-Presidents (in person), 2000-Save-Our-History (in person), 2000-The-American-President (in person), 1999-When-the-Wall-Came-Tumbling-Down:-50-Hours-that-Changed-the-World (in person), 1998-Cold-War (in person), 1995-Victory-in-the-Pacific (in person), 1993-The-November-Men (in person), 1992-1992-Presidential-Debates (in person), 1992-This-Week (in person), 1992-CNN:-The-1992-State-of-the-Union-Address (in person), 1991-The-Kennedy-Center-Honors:-A-Celebration-of-the-Performing-Arts (in person), 1991-Christmas-in-Washington (in person), 1991-25th-Annual-Country-Music-Association-Awards (in person), 1989-From-the-Heart...-The-First-International-Very-Special-Arts (in person), 1989-Presidential-Inaugural-Gala (in person), 1988-1988-Presidential-Debates (in person), 1984-1984-Vice-Presidential-Debate (in person), 2010-A-polos-25 (Other), 2009-Live-from-Studio-Five (Other), 2009-Iran-and-the-West (Other), 2008-Late-Night-with-Conan-O'Brien (Other), 2008-Blood-and-Oil (Other), 2008-Dorfers-Donnerstalk (Other), 2008-Where-in-the-World-Is-Osama-Bin-Laden (Other), 2007-Disneyland:-Secrets,-Stories,-&-Magic (Other), 2007-El-hormiguero (Other), 2007-14-Women (Other), 2007-Objetos-perdidos (Other), 2007-American-Drug-War:-The-Last-White-Hope (Other), 2006-American-Fugitive:-The-Truth-About-Hassan (Other), 2005-Beyond-Treason (Other), 2005-Beyond-the-Moon:-Failure-Is-Not-an-Option-2 (Other), 2005-First-Command (Other), 2004-Prinsen-bli'r-70 (Other), 2003-MTV-Europe-Music-Awards-2003 (Other), 2000-Noriega:-God's-Favorite (Other), 1999-ABC-2000:-The-Millennium (Other), 1998-Secrets-of-the-CIA (Other), 1998-Cold-War (Other), 1996-Bob-Hope:-Laughing-with-the-Presidents (Other), 1996-Courage-Under-Fire (Other), 1995-The-Death-of-Vince-Foster:-What-Really-Happened (Other), 1995-The-Speeches-of-Nelson-Mandela (Other), 1994-Totally-Bill-Hicks (Other), 1992-Comic-Relief:-Behind-the-Nose (Other), 1992-The-Horrors-of-War (Other), 1991-A-Desert-Bush (Other), 1990-Superstar:-The-Life-and-Times-of-Andy-Warhol (Other), 2005-Now (in person), 1985-All-Star-Party-for-'Dutch'-Reagan (in person), 2013-America's-Book-of-Secrets (Other), 2013-The-World-According-to-Dick-Cheney (Other), 2013-The-'80s:-The-Decade-That-Made-Us (Other), 2002-2012-60-Minutes (Other), 1991-Desert-Storm:-The-War-b_egins (Other), 2010-The-President's-Photographer:-Fifty-Years-Inside-the-Oval-Office (in person), 2013-American-Secrets (Other), 2012-Advise-&-Dissent (in person), 2009-Ted-Williams (in person), 2009-The-Colbert-Report (in person), 2009-Thunder-Man:-The-Don-Aronow-Story (in person), 2007-60-Minutes (in person), 2006-CMT-Giants (in person), 2005-God,-Country,-Notre-Dame:-The-Story-of-Father-Ted-Hesburgh,-C.S.C. (in person), 2005-Kelly (in person), 2004-WMD:-Weapon-of-Mass-Destruction (in person), 2001-2003-Breakfast-with-Frost (in person), 2002-Air-Force-One (in person), 1999-Modern-Marvels (in person), 1996-Happy-Birthday-Ma'am (in person), 1995-Inside-the-White-House (in person), 1993-The-Last-Party (in person), 1992-The-Kennedy-Center-Honors:-A-Celebration-of-the-Performing-Arts (in person), 1991-Pearl-Harbor:-Two-Hours-That-Changed-the-World (in person), 1989-Macy's-Thanksgiving-Day-Parade (in person), 1987-Meet-the-Press (in person), 1987-Biography (in person), 1986-Liberty-Weekend (in person), 1981-All-Star-Comedy-Birthday-Party-from-West-Point (in person), 1981-NBC-White-Paper (in person), 1978-1980-Good-Morning-America (in person), 2012-American-Masters (Other), 2012-I,-Putin:-A-Portrait (Other), 2012-Glaube,-Liebe,-Tod (Other), 2010-Conspiracy-Theory-with-Jesse-Ventura (Other), 2009-Double-Take (Other), 2009-Looking-Back-to-the-Future (Other), 2008-Boogie-Man:-The-Lee-Atwater-Story (Other), 2008-The-O'Reilly-Factor (Other), 2008-Fit-for-a-King (Other), 2008-Thank-You,-Mr.-President:-Helen-Thomas-at-the-White-House (Other), 2008-Bigger-Stronger-Faster* (Other), 2008-Crawford (Other), 2008-The-World-Without-US (Other), 2007-Wir-sind-Kaiser (Other), 2007-The-Kingdom (Other), 2007-The-Union:-The-Business-Behind-Getting-High (Other), 2007-The-Mars-Underground (Other), 2004-2006-Hardball-with-Chris-Matthews (Other), 2005-Letter-to-the-President (Other), 2005-Why-We-Fight (Other), 2004-How-It-Began (Other), 2004-With-God-on-Our-Side:-George-W.-Bush-and-the-Rise-of-the-Religious (Other), 2004-Star-Trek:-Enterprise (Other), 2004-The-Power-of-Nightmares:-The-Rise-of-the-Politics-of-Fear (Other), 2003-UFO-Invasion-at-Rendlesham (Other), 2002-Massacre:-The-Story-of-East-Timor (Other), 2002-Bowling-for-Columbine (Other), 2002-Horns-and-Halos (Other), 2002-Temps-de-silenci (Other), 2000-Twilight:-Los-Angeles (Other), 1996-The-Gulf-War (Other), 1995-Nixon (Other), 1995-Spin (Other), 1992-Under-Siege (Other), 1992-The-Panama-Deception (Other), 1992-Portraits-of-Presidents:-Presidents-of-a-World-Power-1901- (Other), 1988-Cover-Up:-Behind-the-Iran-Contra-Affair (Other), 1981-Showtime-Looks-at-1981 (Other)
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 148764George Bush signed a 1989 inauguration gold seal in blue ink. Inauguration Seal signed: "George Bush", 8¾x6 overall, image 1x1 (one surface). When George Herbert Walker Bush was inaugurated as the 41st U.S.
Sale Price $375.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 51962A handwritten letter signed on the campaign trail, "I stay out on the road - thus out of the staffing." Rare Autograph Letter Signed: "George Bush", 2 pages, 6¼x4½, front and verso. Houston, Texas, no date. To Fred.
Price: $650.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 303457A handwritten note to his friends Jim and Norma McNerney, accompanied by four candid photos of the former President and First Lady, taken aboard a cruise ship. Autograph Letter signed: "George Bush", 6¼x4¾ personal note card. No place, no date.
Sale Price $725.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 01/01/1982 - HFSID 78878A rare autographed letter signed as Vice President, sending a get well message and New Year's wishes for 1982, also accompanied by the original envelope with Bush's rubber-stamped frank.
Sale Price $725.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 02/10/1990 - HFSID 310824A handwritten and signed letter by President George H.W. Bush on an engraved White House letterhead to an associate. Autograph letter signed: "George Bush", in blue ink, 1 page, 6½x4. Engraved White House letterhead. February 10, 1990.
Sale Price $1,495.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 03/05/1996 - HFSID 298254A handwritten note to a Tech Sergeant. Autograph Letter signed: "George Bush", 1 page, 6¼x4¼. No place, 1996 March 5. On personal notecard to "Dear T Sgt Sams", in full: "Upon receipt of your letter, I wrote to Lt. Col. Bruce Coughman.…"
Price: $650.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 03/18/1987 - HFSID 265835A signed autograph letter as Vice President discussing wooing the vote of Black Americans for the 1988 campaign. Autograph Letter Signed: "George" as Reagan's Vice President, 1 page, 6½x9. Washington, D.C., 1987 March 3.
Price: $1,200.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 04/23/1987 - HFSID 303251As Vice President, Bush thanks horseracing Triple Crown Winner Eddie Arcaro, for his help on the campaign. Autograph Letter signed: "George", 1 page (front and verso), 6¼x4¼ card bearing the Vice President of The United States seal. Washington, 1987 April 23.
Price: $800.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/14/1978 - HFSID 256974George Bush sends an autographed letter of thanks for the great event. Autograph Letter Signed: "George", 2p, 6¼x4¼ card, both sides. Houston, Texas, 1978 June 14. To Cy.
Price: $650.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/15/1983 - HFSID 10060059-year-old Vice President George Bush, signed a letter discussing his exercise program: "59 seems old, but it isn't." Autograph Letter Signed: "George Bush" as Vice President, on both sides of a 6¼x4¼ blue-bordered card. (Washington), 1983 June 15.
Sale Price $925.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 07/29/1980 - HFSID 155381An autographed letter signed shortly after George Bush was nominated for Vice President in 1980: "Now I head out for the campaign trail." Autograph Letter Signed: "George Bush", 2 pages, 6¼x4½, blue-bordered card, front and verso.
Price: $1,400.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 09/29/1999 - HFSID 263056George Bush writes a letter of "thanks" for fundraising suport! Autograph Letter Signed: "George", 1p, 6½x4¼ card. Walker's Point (Maine), 1999 September 28. To Cy. In full: "The cards arrived. Thanks so much for signing these stars up for W. Warm regards.…"
Price: $750.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 1/22 - HFSID 266113George H.W. Bush signed a cordial autographed letter to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Autograph Letter signed: "George", 1 page, 6¼x4¼ card. On personal letterhead. Houston, Texas, January 22 (no year).
Sale Price $1,195.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 10/05/1999 - HFSID 327080The President handwrote and signed a letter on an engraved Walker's Point letterhead to an associate. Autograph letter signed: "George B.", in blue ink, 1 page, 6½x4. Letter laminated. Engraved Walker's Point, Bush compound, letterhead. October 5, 1999.
Price: $1,150.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 10/26 - HFSID 155579A handwritten and signed letter during the 1980 Presidential campaign: "Here's the button." Autograph Letter Signed: "George Bush", 1 page, 6¼x4½. Washington, D.C., October 26, no year. To Larry. In full: "Here's the button [not included].…"
Sale Price $725.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/22/1985 - HFSID 265834Vice President George Bush,signed and autographed a letter sent at Christmas in1985. Autograph Letter Signed: "George Bush" as Reagan's Vice President, 6½x4½ card imprinted with the seal of the Vice President of the United States. Washington, D.C., 1985 December 22.
Price: $700.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/23/1987 - HFSID 178496George Bush sends an autographed letter to his friend Cy Laughter, referencing former Ohio Governor James Rhodes, and the large Bush family gathering for the Holiday Season. Autograph Letter Signed: "George" as Reagan's Vice President, 2p, 6¼x4¼.
Sale Price $625.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 8/17 - HFSID 202239George Bush wrote to friend and confided that interest rates are "killing a lot of people". Autograph Letter Signed: "George" as Reagan's Vice President, 1p, 6¼x4¼ card. No place, [1981] July 17. To his friend and Republican politico, Cy (Laughter).
Price: $850.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED CIRCA 1986 - HFSID 266112As The Vice President, George Bush, signed a handwritten letter to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, "my favorite N. Y. Democrat." Autograph Letter Signed: "George" as Vice President, 2 pages, 6¼x4¼.
Price: $1,400.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 100602A signed autographed note about "my boy & me" losing a game. Autograph Note Signed: "George Bush", 1 page, 5½x4¼. No place, no date. To Lew. In full: "Sorry we had to dump you. Sonny & Battle beat my boy & me 2 to 1.…"
Price: $850.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 10/14/1988 - HFSID 322701A Note to a close supporter, was signed at a cocktail reception in Beverly Hills for Bush's 1988 presidential campaign, only a few weeks before he would win the election. Autograph note signed: "Jo-/-Love-George Bush/Special night-/10-14-88", in black felt tip, 4x3.
Price: $350.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 323018The former President and his National Security Advisor signed a bookplate bearing the printed title of the book they co-authored: A World Transformed. Autograph note signed: "To Joe/ with our/ warm regards/ Brent Scowcroft" and "George Bush" in black ink.
Price: $400.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 304890A signed bookplate bearing the printed title of the book they co-authored: A World Transformed, handsomely framed to 5x7. Autograph Note Signed: "George Bush" and "To Justin Horton/with our/very best wishes/Brent Scowcroft", 3¾x5½, framed to 5x7.
Price: $450.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 306235U.S. President George H.W. Bush, inscribes and autographs a photo of himself shown in a suit. Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Wm L. Smith/with thanks for your/many courtesies George Bush", 8x9½, matted to 11¼x13.
Price: $450.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 304868The President of the United States George H. W. Bush, inscribes and autographs a signed photo of himself in a suit and tie. Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Mike with best wishes,/George Bush", Color 8x10. Calligraphic inscription. George Herbert Walker Bush (b.
Price: $500.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 302619The 41st U.S. President is shown in suit and tie, calligraphically inscribed. Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Tim Prox/with best wishes,/George Bush", Color 8x10. Calligraphic inscription. George Herbert Walker Bush (b.
Price: $500.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 310935George Bush is shown shaking hands with William L. Smith, to whom the photo is calligraphically inscribed. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To William L. Smith,/With best wishes/George Bush". Color, 10x8. Calligraphic inscription. George Herbert Walker Bush (b.
Price: $450.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 311252The U.S. President is shown as captain of the Yale baseball team, receiving a gift from a dying Babe Ruth. Photograph signed and calligraphically inscribed: "To Pat Alberts/with best wishes,/George Bush".
Price: $700.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 100280Black and white publicity photograph of George Bush wearing a tie and suit. Photograph inscribed and signed: "Samuel S Kloda -/Sincerely George Bush". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7¾x8½ (one surface). Kloda was a noted Canadian collector of autographs.
Price: $475.00
PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 100598Black adn white publicity photograph of George Bush wearing a suit and tie. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To: Susan/Best Wishes/George Bush". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 6x9¼ (one surface).
Price: $500.00