President Grover Cleveland Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: March 18, 1837 in Caldwell, New Jersey
Died: June 24, 1908 in Princeton, New Jersey
Cleveland (1837-1908), served as the 22nd U.S. President from 1885-1889. He was the first Democratic President elected after the Civil War and became a Democratic candidate again in 1892 as a fighter of protective tariffs. He ran for re-election on Nov. 6, 1888, receiving more popular votes than Benjamin Harrison (5,537,857 to 5,447,129), but lost in the Electoral College, 233 to 168 electoral votes, 20 to 18 states. After his first Presidential term he retired to New York to resume his law practice as he had no private fortune. In 1892, Cleveland was the first ballot nominee at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. He defeated President Harrison in popular votes (5,556,918 to 5,176,108), electoral votes (277-145), and states (23-16). Grover and Frances Cleveland, married in the White House in 1886, had their first child, Ruth, in 1891, Esther, the only presidential child born in the White House, in 1893, a third daughter Marion in 1895, son Richard in 1897, and son Francis in 1903. Cleveland is the only former U.S. President to be elected President.
Film Credits
1897-McKinley-and-Cleveland-Going-to-the-Capitol (in person), 1897-President-Cleveland-and-President-McKinley (in person), 1897-Return-of-McKinley-from-the-Capitol (in person), 1952-Days-of-McKinley,-Bryan,-and-Teddy-Roosevelt (Other)
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 49248Grover Cleveland signs a piece of paper. Signature: "Grover Cleveland", 1¼x3¾ paper. Cleveland served as the 22nd U.S. President from 1885-1889.
Price: $750.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH ENVELOPE UNSIGNED - HFSID 142108Grover Cleveland addresses an envelope to General John Gillam. Autograph Envelope, unsigned, 4½x3½. Printed return address: "Executive Mansion". Addressed by President Cleveland to "Gen John Gillam/Army and Navy Club/Washington/D.C.". No stamp or postmark.
Price: $750.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH ENVELOPE UNSIGNED 01/12/1887 - HFSID 17442Grover Cleveland addresses an envelope to Charles A. Hickok, Esq. Autograph Envelope unsigned, 5x4, postmarked Washington, D.C., January 12, 1887. Grover Cleveland addressed the envelope to "Charles A. Hickok Esq/Beckford/Pennsylvania".
Sale Price $625.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 31206ALS: "Grover Cleveland", 1p, 4¼x3¾. Unnamed recipient. In full: "You failed to enclose the card referred to in your note. So I write this, hoping that it will answer your purpose." Cleveland served as the 22nd and 24th President (1885-1889, 1893-1897).
Price: $1,400.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 01/11/1887 - HFSID 4732The President thanks a Pennsylvanian for his letter offering sympathy to him for all he has to do and suffer through as President. Autograph Letter Signed: "Grover Cleveland" as 22nd U.S. President, 1½p, 5x8. Executive Mansion, Washington, 1887 January 11. To Charles N.
Price: $2,400.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 04/08/1896 - HFSID 16576The President writes to Robert E. Lee's nephew before appointing him Consul General in Havana. ALS: "Grover Cleveland" as 24th U.S. President, 1½p, 4½x6¾, front and verso. Executive Mansion, Washington, 1896 April 8.
Price: $2,250.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 04/11/1898 - HFSID 31320Grover Cleveland wrote this letter to a New York City resident in 1898 to schedule an afternoon to meet the recipient. Autograph letter signed: "Grover Cleveland". 1 page, 5¼x6½, 1 sheet folded. April 11,1898. Addressed To Melville E. [illegible], Esq., New York City.
Sale Price $1,650.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 05/07/1889 - HFSID 253869ALS: "Grover Cleveland", 11/2p, 8x101/4, separate sheets. New York, 1889 May 7. On stationery of the law firm Bangs Stetson Tracy & Mac Veigh. The partners are listed at left, Cleveland is listed on a line above them. To W.C. Lewis Esq., Secretary.
Price: $1,950.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/06/1900 - HFSID 4843The former President declines an offer of property on the Georgia coast because "I am not in a situation financially or otherwise to consider a proposition for its purchase." Autograph Letter Signed: "Grover Cleveland". 1 page, 4½x7. Princeton, 1900 June 6. To Miss Platt.
Price: $1,950.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/09/1886 - HFSID 31093ALS: "Grover Cleveland" as President, 1p, 4½x6½. Executive Mansion, Washington, 1886 June 9. Begins: "My dear Sir". In full: "Please accept my sincere thanks for the beautiful book which you so kindly sent me.…"
Sale Price $1,895.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 07/03/1884 - HFSID 27722ALS: "Grover Cleveland" as Governor of New York, 1p, 5½x8½. Buffalo, 1884 July 3. Date in another hand. To an unnamed General. In full: "I obtained the photographs more easily than I expected and enclose them (not present) for the ladies.…"
Price: $1,950.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 07/10/1882 - HFSID 252461Personal letter of introduction written as Mayor. ALS: "Grover Cleveland" as Mayor of Buffalo, 1p, 7¾x10½. Buffalo, N.Y., 1882 July 10. Penned in an unknown hand at upper right "Grover Cleveland/Jany '82". To James F. Crocker, Esq.
Price: $1,700.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 08/26/1906 - HFSID 31321ALS: "Grover Cleveland", 1p, 5¼x6½. Tamworth, N.H., 1906 August 26. To Harper and Brothers. Begins: "Gentlemen". In full: "In reply to your letter of the 20th instant, I have to say that I cannot undertake to write the article to which you refer. Yours very truly.…"
Price: $1,600.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 11/02/1891 - HFSID 85470Grover Cleveland handwrote this letter in 1891 to decline an invitation from the South Carolina Bar Association, even though "I should very much enjoy visiting my brethren of the bar in your State". Autograph letter signed"Grover Cleveland".
Sale Price $1,650.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 11/08/1904 - HFSID 17488GROVER CLEVELAND The former President prepares for a speech. ALS: "Grover Cleveland", 1¼p, 5x6½, front and verso. Princeton (New Jersey), (Tuesday) 1904 November 8. To Nathaniel Myers, Esq.
Price: $1,600.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 11/14/1905 - HFSID 33258Grover Cleveland sends an autograph note requesting the Society take action. Autograph Note Signed: "Grover Cleveland", 1p, 3¼x5. No place, 1905 November 14.
Price: $1,600.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 11/27/1891 - HFSID 30058. ALS: "Grover Cleveland". 1p, 4x6. New York, 1891 November 27. To Mr. Lawrance (sic) F. Brown. In full: "Dear Sir: Your letter is received.…"
Price: $1,950.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/06/1900 - HFSID 15630Recalling recipient's support in the 1892 election. ALS: "Grover Cleveland", 2p, 5¼x6¾, front and verso. Westland, Princeton, New Jersey, 1900 December 6. To Colonel William L. Brown, New York.
Price: $1,950.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/08/1900 - HFSID 30794Grover Cleveland wrote this letter from Princeton, New Jersey in 1900, thanking him for a letter, adding that "I wish everybody would read the letter back, and practice its teachings." Autograph letter signed "Grover Cleveland".
Sale Price $1,650.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/15/1890 - HFSID 5831Grover Cleveland sends an autograph letter forwarding something he has received and to say that he is glad Don M. Dickinson is coming. Autograph Letter Signed: "Grover Cleveland", 1p, 8x10. New York, 1890 December 15. To Hon. Don M. Dickinson, Detroit.
Price: $1,950.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 08/15/1889 - HFSID 32595ANS: "This is the best I can/do. See opposite page./G. C." 1p, 3¾x1¼. No place, no date. Grover Cleveland served as President from 1885-1889 and 1893-1897. Removed from a larger sheet, lower right corner torn off. Light surface wear.
Price: $1,200.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - CIVIL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 03/05/1894 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 27694The two-term United States President and his Attorney General signed this document that appointed Anson Taylor as a Federal Judge Civil Appointment Signed: "Grover Cleveland" as 24th U.S. President, and "Richard Olney" as Attorney General. One page. 18x13½.
Price: $2,600.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - CIVIL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 05/08/1896 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 13112Cleveland, as President, and Wilson, as Postmaster General, sign the civil appointment of a postmaster for Sidney, Delaware (1896) Civil Appointment signed: "Grover Cleveland" as President; "Wm L. Wilson" as Postmaster General, 18x14½. Washington, D.C., 1896 May 8.
Price: $2,500.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - CIVIL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 06/01/1885 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 15494President Grover Cleveland and his Secretary of the Treasury Daniel Manning signed this in 1885 to appoint a Second Lieutenant in the United States Revenue Service. Civil appointment signed "Grover Cleveland" as President and "Daniel Manning" as Secretary of the Treasury.
Price: $2,800.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - CIVIL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 06/28/1895 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 3916Both sign the partly printed appointment of a District of Columbia official (1895) Partly Printed DS: "Grover Cleveland" as President and "Judson Harmon" as Attorney General, 1p, 21x16. Washington, 1895 June 28. Appointment of Henry C. Stewart, Jr.
Price: $2,800.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - CIVIL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 12/04/1885 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 43178GROVER CLEVELAND and DANIEL MANNING 1885 Cleveland appointment exemplifies push for merit-based civil service reforms. Partly Printed DS: "Grover Cleveland" as 22nd U.S. President and "Daniel Manning" as Secretary of the Treasury. 1p, 16½x13½.
Price: $2,400.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - COLLECTION WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 277201Cards from the Executive Mansion in Washington, D. C., signed by President Grover Cleveland and his wife Frances. Matted to 25¾x17½ in a mottled black matte with a color illustration and bio of Grover Cleveland.
Price: $2,000.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - COLLECTION WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 310839The President and First Lady, who had been married in the White House, signed separate Executive Mansion cards, which have been matted and framed with a portrait of the President to 16½x19¼, Collection including 1) White House card signed: "Grover Cleveland", 4
Price: $2,250.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENT SIGNED 01/03/1895 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 15558Partly Printed DS: "Grover Cleveland" as 24th U.S. President and "W.Q. Gresham" as Secretary of State, 1p, 22½x18½. Washington, 1895 January 3. In full: "Satisfactory evidence having been exhibited to me that Paul T.…"
Price: $3,250.00
PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND - DOCUMENT SIGNED 05/12/1885 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 254660Grover Cleveland and Thomas F. Bayard, Sr. sign a document suspending John B. Glover from his office. Partly Printed Document Signed: "Grover Cleveland" as President and "T.F. Bayard" as Secretary of State, 1p, 22¾x18¼. On vellum. Washington, 1885 May 12.
Price: $2,250.00