President James Madison Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: 03/16/1751 in Port Conway, Virginia Colony
Died: June 28, 1836 in Orange, Virginia
James Madison (1751-1836), the fourth President of the United States (1809-1817) had rendered enormous service to his country even before attaining that office. He has been called "the Father of the Constitution," as an influential voice at the Constitutional Convention and most convincing exponent - as the primary author of the Federalist Papers - of the Constitution's design. As leader of the 1st Congress, he was the chief framer of the Bill of Rights - the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. He was Secretary of State under President Jefferson (1801-1809) and an original organizer of the Democratic-Republican Party, progenitor of the Democratic Party.
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - FOUR LANGUAGE SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 02/05/1813 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 84718Ship's Papers issued during the War of 1812, less than four months before the British extended their blockade to the port of New York. Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President and future fifth U.S.
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - FOUR LANGUAGE SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 04/06/1812 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 16732President James Madison and future President James Monroe sign four language ship papers in 1812. Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President and future fifth U.S. President "Jas Monroe" as Secretary of State, 1p, 21x16½.
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - FOUR LANGUAGE SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 05/17/1814 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 285929Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President and "Jas Monroe" as Secretary of State, 1p, 21¼x16½. Signed in Washington, issued from Wilmington, Delaware, 1814 May 7.
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - FOUR LANGUAGE SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 07/23/1811 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 348145Four men signed these framed papers, including two future Presidents of the United States Four Language Ship Papers Signed: "James Madison", "Jas. Monroe" (as Secretary of State), "Simon Theus", and "Wm. Crouch".
Price: $3,800.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - FOUR LANGUAGE SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 08/18/1809 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 253553Both sign the ship's papers of the schooner Hector, bound for Havana (1809). Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as President and "R Smith" as Secretary of State, 1 page, 20¼x16¼. "Countersigned David Gelston" as Collector of the Customs at New York.
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - FOUR LANGUAGE SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 09/16/1809 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 16736Ships' papers for the safe passage of the Mary. Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth President and "R Smith" as Secretary of State, 1p, 20x16¼. Washington, D.C., 1809 September 16. Four-language ship's papers for the safe passage of the Mary of New York.
Price: $3,200.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - LAND GRANT SIGNED 06/23/1813 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 17084Land grant for a section of land in Southwestern Ohio, dated 1813. Signed by Madison and Commissioner of the General Land Office, Tiffin Land Grant signed: "James Madison", "Edward Tiffin", 14½x9. June 23, 1813.
Sale Price $2,295.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - LAND GRANT SIGNED 08/26/1813 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 4940Land Settlement in the Mississippi Territory, spurred by the Louisiana Purchase. Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as President. 1p, 14½x8¼. On vellum. Washington, 1813 August 26. Countersigned: "Edward Tiffin" as Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Price: $2,500.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - LAND GRANT SIGNED 10/07/1813 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 16415Land Grant for section of land in southwest Ohio, issued during the War of 1812. Partly Printed Document signed: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President, 1p, 15x8½. Washington, 1813 October 7. Land grant for a section of land in the vicinity of modern Dayton, Ohio.
Price: $2,500.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - LAND GRANT SIGNED 11/20/1816 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 41280President Madison signs a land grant from 1816 for land in the Territory of Ohio. Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as President, 1p, 12½x8¼. On vellum. Washington, 1816 November 20.
Sale Price $2,150.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - LAND GRANT SIGNED 12/20/1814 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 30978Land grant for a section of land in Southwestern Ohio, dated 1814. Signed by Madison and Commissioner of the General Land Office, Meigs Land Grant signed: "James Madison", "Josiah Meigs", 13½x8¾. December 20, 1814.
Sale Price $2,150.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - MILITARY APPOINTMENT SIGNED 03/09/1811 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 15471Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as President and "W Eustis" as Secretary of War, 1p, 15x17½. On vellum. Washington, 1811 March 9. Appointment of Alexander J. Williams as "Second Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers in the service of the United States...…"
Price: $2,500.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - NAVAL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 06/18/1812 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 43380Partly printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President and "Paul Hamilton" as Secretary of the Navy, 1p, 12½x8-1/8. Washington, 1812 June 18. On heavy vellum.
Price: $2,500.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - PARTIAL FOUR LANGUAGE SHIPS PAPER SIGNED 08/27/1807 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 78927Partial ship's Papers issued 1807. Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President.1p, 20½x8¾, 1807 August 27. Countersigned: "David Gelston" as Collector of the Port of New York. Four-language ship's papers issued from New York City.
Price: $3,000.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - SHIPS PAPERS 02/01/1811 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 43713As US-British tensions mount before the War of 1812, the President signs papers authorizing safe passage of a ship owned exclusively by Americans.
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - SHIPS PAPERS 04/25/1809 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 5680Ship's papers issued at beginning of Madison's administration during the six weeks in which the President permitted U.S. trade with Great Britain Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President and "R. Smith" as Secretary of State, 1 page, 10x15.
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - THIRD PERSON AUTOGRAPH LETTER 06/25/1811 - HFSID 46244The President sends thanks for a New York newspaper. Third Person ANS: "J.M." as fourth U.S. President, 1p, 5½x7¼. No place, (1811 June 25). In full: "J.M. with his thanks to Mr.…"
Sale Price $2,150.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - WHALING SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 03/08/1811 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 43280Ship's papers for a schooner out of New York, signed by president Madison and by Smith as Secretary of State in 1811 Whaling ships papers signed "James Madison" as President, "RSmith" as Secretary of State and "DGelston".
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - WHALING SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 03/22/1810 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 43822Ships' papers for the safe passage of the Thomas Murdoch. Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth President and "R Smith" as Secretary of State, 1p, 10x9. Washington, D.C., 1810 March 22. Ships' papers for the safe passage of the Thomas Murdoch of Portsmouth.
Price: $3,400.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - WHALING SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 05/07/1810 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 47882Ship's papers for the Fredericksburg schooner Ann, signed by president Madison and by Smith as Secretary of State, for a 1810 voyage out of New York City Whaling ships papers signed "James Madison" as President, "RSmith" as Secretary of State and "David Gelston Collector".
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - WHALING SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 07/24/1816 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 4937Ships' papers signed by the fourth and fifth U.S. Presidents in the year that Monroe was elected as President. Whaling Ship's Papers signed: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President and "Jas Monroe" as Secretary of State, 1p, 10x15¼. Washington, D.C., 1816 July 24.
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - WHALING SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 10/17/1809 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 13582Ship's papers for the schooner Antelope of New York City, signed by president James Madison and Secretary of State Robert Smith, for a 1809 voyage out of New York City Whaling ships papers signed "James Madison" as President, "RSmith" as Secretary of State and "David Gelsto…"
Price: $3,600.00
PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON - WHALING SHIPS PAPERS SIGNED 12/16/1813 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 285763Partly Printed DS: "James Madison" as fourth U.S. President and "Jas Monroe" as Secretary of State, 1p, 10x15, irregularly cut. Washington, D.C., 1813 December 8.
Price: $3,600.00