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President Theodore Roosevelt Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles

Born: October 27, 1858 in New York City, New York
Died: January 06, 1919 in Oyster Bay, New York
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ROOSEVELT (1858-1919) is one of America's most well-known presidents. Roosevelt's heroism in the Spanish-American War, where he earned the Medal of Honor for leading his volunteer "Rough Riders" in a charge up San Juan Hill (1898), helped him win the governorship of New York the next year. Elected Vice President in 1900, Roosevelt assumed the presidency upon President William McKinley's assassination (1901), becoming America's youngest president. He was re-elected in 1904. Roosevelt was the first American to win a Nobel Prize for Peace, receiving the 1906 award for mediating the end of the Russo-Japanese War. Known for his "Speak softly and carry a big stick" foreign policy, Roosevelt settled the Canadian-Alaskan boundary dispute in 1903 and initiated construction of the Panama Canal in 1904. He converted more than 125 million acres of land into national forests and was a staunch advocate of antitrust legislation. After failing to secure the Republican nomination, he ran as the Progressive ("Bull Moose") candidate in the famous presidential contest of 1912. He lost to Democrat Woodrow Wilson but securing more votes than incumbent William Howard Taft, becoming the most successful third-party candidate in recent United States history.

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#flbgn# 2014 America's First Park: River Common#fidbgn#80721#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1919 Thru the Roosevelt Country with Colonel Roosevelt#fidbgn#3912#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1914/II The Universal Boy#fidbgn#2081#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1907 Pres. Roosevelt Reviewing West Point Cadets#fidbgn#258#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 The Inauguration of President Roosevelt#fidbgn#232#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 Inauguration of President Roosevelt, the Grand Inaugural Parade#fidbgn#221#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1904 President Theodore Roosevelt#fidbgn#211#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 President Roosevelt's Arrival at 'Kearsarge'#fidbgn#203#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 President Reviewing School Children#fidbgn#200#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 The President's Carriage#fidbgn#206#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 Launch of the Kaiser's Yacht 'Meteor'#fidbgn#166#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 Unveiling the Rochambeau Statue, Washington, D.C.#fidbgn#181#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 Arrival of Prince Henry of Prussia and President Roosevelt at#fidbgn#139#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901 Taking President McKinley's Body from Train at Canton, Ohio#fidbgn#132#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1898 Theodore Roosevelt#fidbgn#39#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 2012 America's Book of Secrets#fidbgn#77354#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2011 Off Limits#fidbgn#76337#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1996-2011 The American Experience#fidbgn#52556#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2005 The Presidents#fidbgn#65392#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2004 Celsius 41.11: The Temperature at Which the Brain... b_egins to Die#fidbgn#62354#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2003 National Geographic: The FBI#fidbgn#61272#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2002 Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of the American Century#fidbgn#60342#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1995 Inside the White House#fidbgn#50523#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1994 The Story of Mount Rushmore: America in Stone#fidbgn#49891#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1986 National Geographic Explorer#fidbgn#41611#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1983 The Indomit_able Teddy Roosevelt#fidbgn#39259#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1977 The Glory of Their Times#fidbgn#34620#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1963 Was der Wehrmachtsbericht verschwieg#fidbgn#24658#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1954 This Was Yesterday#fidbgn#18741#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1953 The Ford 50th Anniversary Show#fidbgn#18075#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1951 The Littlest Expert on My Favorite President#fidbgn#16987#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1950 Fifty Years Before Your Eyes#fidbgn#16128#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1949 Let's Go to the Movies#fidbgn#15685#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1901 Funeral Leaving the President's House and Church at Canton, Ohio#fidbgn#102#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901 President Roosevelt Entering Grounds at Army-Navy Football Game#fidbgn#126#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901 Arrival of the Funeral Cortege at the City Hall, Buffalo, N.Y.#fidbgn#100#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1900 Sound Money Parade, New York, Nov. 3, 1900#fidbgn#92#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1899/I Governor Roosevelt and Staff#fidbgn#73#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1898 Col. Theodore Roosevelt and Officers of His Staff#fidbgn#26#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 2014 The Roosevelts: An Intimate History#fidbgn#81714#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2014 Baggage Battles#fidbgn#80760#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2010 Jeopardy!#fidbgn#74252#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2005 The Goebbels Experiment#fidbgn#65323#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1999 The Panama Canal#fidbgn#56077#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1996 Assassinations That Changed the World#fidbgn#51427#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1952 Days of McKinley, Bryan, and Teddy Roosevelt#fidbgn#17255#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1940 The Ramparts We Watch#fidbgn#12136#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1940 Trifles of Importance#fidbgn#12172#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1939 Cowboys from Texas#fidbgn#11346#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1918 America Goes Over#fidbgn#3403#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1915 The Spirit of Audubon#fidbgn#2477#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1918 Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's Expedition Into the Wilds#fidbgn#3416#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1912 Theodore Roosevelt#fidbgn#1008#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1912 Presidential Possibilities#fidbgn#860#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1910 Col. Theodore Roosevelt's Reception#fidbgn#446#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1910 Roosevelt in Africa#fidbgn#498#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1907 Pres. Roosevelt Reviewing U.S. Regulars#fidbgn#257#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1907 Jamestown Exposition#fidbgn#250#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 Inauguration of President Roosevelt, Leaving the Capitol#fidbgn#220#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 President Roosevelt at Portland#fidbgn#227#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1904 President Roosevelt's Homecoming#fidbgn#210#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1904 Roosevelt Dedicating at St. Louis Exposition#fidbgn#212#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1904 Roosevelt Dedication at Lewis and Clark Exposition#fidbgn#213#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 President Roosevelt at Walla Walla#fidbgn#202#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 Pres. Roosevelt's Sunday Visit to Kearsarge#fidbgn#199#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 President Roosevelt's Departure from 'Kearsarge'#fidbgn#204#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 President Roosevelt Addressing Crew of 'Kearsarge'#fidbgn#201#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 Unveiling the Rochambeau Statue in Washington, D.C.#fidbgn#180#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 Biograph Snapshots at the President#fidbgn#141#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 Christening and Launching Kaiser Wilhelm's Yacht 'Meteor'#fidbgn#142#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1916 Ex-President Roosevelt's Feathered Pets#fidbgn#2690#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1910 Revue de Vincennes en l'honneur de T. Roosevelt#fidbgn#496#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 President Roosevelt at Tacoma#fidbgn#229#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 Inauguration of President Roosevelt. Taking the Oath of Office#fidbgn#223#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 President Roosevelt's Inauguration#fidbgn#230#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 Pres. Roosevelt Leaving the Flagship#fidbgn#197#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 Pres. Roosevelt's Fourth of July Oration#fidbgn#198#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 Pres. Roosevelt at the Dedication Ceremonies, St. Louis Exposition#fidbgn#196#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 President Roosevelt Reviewing the Troops at Charleston Exposition#fidbgn#170#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901 President Roosevelt at the Army-Navy Game#fidbgn#124#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901 President Roosevelt at the Canton Station#fidbgn#125#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901/V Funeral of President McKinley#fidbgn#136#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901 Opening of the Pan-American Exposition Showing Vice President#fidbgn#121#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901 President McKinley Inauguration#fidbgn#123#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1899/II Governor Roosevelt and Staff#fidbgn#74#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 2011 National Parks Exploration Series: The Black Hills and the#fidbgn#76303#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2011 The Simpsons#fidbgn#76835#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2006 Secrets of New York#fidbgn#67022#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2003 National Geographic: Beyond the Movie - The Lord of the Rings:#fidbgn#61271#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2000 Canada: A People's History#fidbgn#56603#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1999 The 20th Century: A Moving Visual History#fidbgn#55953#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1999 The Century: America's Time#fidbgn#55998#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1998 Sworn to Secrecy: Secrets of War#fidbgn#54692#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1992 Stalking the President: A History of American Assassins#fidbgn#47679#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1968 Legendary Champions#fidbgn#27790#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1956-1957 Project XX#fidbgn#20110#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1932 The Conquerors#fidbgn#8039#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1944 Wilson#fidbgn#13890#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1943 Forgotten Treasure#fidbgn#13225#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1942 The Film That Was Lost#fidbgn#13000#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1977 Simple Gifts#fidbgn#34517#fidend##flend# (Writer), #flbgn# 1917 Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation#fidbgn#3373#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1910 Roosevelt Visits Denmark#fidbgn#499#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 President Roosevelt at Seattle#fidbgn#228#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1905 Inauguration of President Roosevelt. President-Elect Roosevelt,#fidbgn#222#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 President Roosevelt's Visit to Admiral Barker#fidbgn#205#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1903 Panorama, Union Square, San Francisco#fidbgn#195#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 President and Prince at Washington#fidbgn#169#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1902 Installation Ceremonies, Columbia University#fidbgn#157#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 1901/XI President McKinley's Funeral#fidbgn#137#fidend##flend# (in person), #flbgn# 2011 Conan#fidbgn#75736#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2008 The American Future: A History#fidbgn#70998#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2008 Food, Inc.#fidbgn#70268#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2007 Why Be Good Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema#fidbgn#69500#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2005 I'm King Kong!: The Exploits of Merian C. Cooper#fidbgn#64576#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2005 First Command#fidbgn#64414#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1997-2003 Modern Marvels#fidbgn#53796#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2000 Hooked: Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way - Opium, Morphine,#fidbgn#56854#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 2000 Race for the Poles#fidbgn#57135#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1997 Shooting Indians: A Journey with Jeffrey Thomas#fidbgn#53325#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1997 Ancient Mysteries#fidbgn#52659#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1994-1996 Biography#fidbgn#50032#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1992 Portraits of Presidents: Presidents of a World Power 1901-#fidbgn#47578#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1992 The Panama Deception#fidbgn#47815#fidend##flend# (Other), #flbgn# 1989 In the Blood#fidbgn#44364#fidend##flend# (Other)

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