Tomas Romay Chacon Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Tomas Romay Chacon (1764-1849), was a skilled doctor and forward-looking hygienist and professor of philosophy and medicine at the Royal and Pontifical University of Havana. An early advocate of vaccination, he played a major role in fighting epidemic diseases, including Yellow Fever. While promoting free primary education and other measures to improve life in Cuba, he was staunchly loyal to the Spanish crown, publishing an 1820 essay opposing independence of the Spanish colonies in the Americas. The Naples Regiment of infantry, a veteran of Europe's wars, was stationed in the Caribbean from 1784, first in Puerto Rico and later in Cuba.
TOMAS ROMAY CHACON - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/15/1839 - HFSID 250221As head of the medical staff at the Royal Military Hospital in Havana, he signs a manuscript document granting convalescent leave to a soldier in the Naples Regiment (1839). A rare signature! Manuscript Document signed: "Dr. Tomas Romay", 8¼x12. Havana, Cuba, 1839 October 15.
Price: $800.00