Sports | Magazine Covers
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MUHAMMAD "THE GREATEST" ALI - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 2372Signed upper portion of "Sports Illustrated" showing Ali being knock against the ropes by Ernie Shavers. Magazine Cover signed: "Muhammad Ali" Color, 8x7¼.
Price: $625.00
HANK BAUER - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 102510Magazine Cover signed: "Best Wishes/Hank Bauer". Color, 8¼x11½. Complete "Sports Illustrated" magazine, July 22, 1957 issue, picturing Bauer on the cover. Cover story: "The Yankees/5 big questions answered for the first time". Six-page spread (pages 8-13) inside.
Price: $160.00
YOGI BERRA - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 137370The Hall of Famer pens his name on the cover of this complete Sport magazine Magazine signed: "Yogi Berra", on cover in blue felt tip, 104p, 8½x10¾. Complete Sport magazine, May 1958.
Price: $260.00
YOGI BERRA - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 137375The legendary catcher pens his name on the complete September 1956 issue of Baseball Digest Magazine signed: "Yogi Berra", on cover in blue felt tip, 100p, 5½x7½. Complete Baseball Digest. September 1956.
Price: $260.00
BJORN BORG - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 263652Magazine inscribed and signed: "To Gary/Bjorn Borg", 72p, 8¼x10¼. "Time" magazine, 1980 June 30, signed on the cover. Color photo of Borg with cover story: "The Incredible Tennis Machine: "Sweden's Bjorn Borg". Borg won six French Opens and five straight Wimbledons.…"
Price: $280.00
JULIUS BOROS - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158265Julius Boros signs a black and white magazine cover from July 1963 for "USGA Golf Journal". Magazine Cover Photograph signed: "Best Wishes,/Julius Boros". B/w, 7¾x10½ overall, image 7¾x6¾ (one surface). "USGA Golf Journal", 1963 July.
Price: $160.00
ROD CAREW - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 37075Rod Carew signs the magazine cover of the august 1979 edition of "Sport" magazine. Magazine Cover signed: "Rod Carew", 8x10¾. Cover of "Sport" magazine, 1979 August. Color photo of Carew, and lead story: "Rod Carew Has the Angels Flying High".
Price: $160.00
CHRIS CHAMBLISS - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 2832361977 New York Yankees Yearbook signed by 1971 Rookie of the Year Chris Chambliss Magazine signed "Chris Chambliss" in blue ink on the front cover. Color and b/w, 124 pages including covers, 8¼x10¾, bound with three staples. 1977 New York Yankees Yearbook.
Price: $180.00
SIR BOB CHARLES - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158304Signed color magazine cover from the June 1970 "Golf" magazine. Magazine Cover signed: "Bob Charles". Color, 7¼x10¼. Cover (only) of "Golf" magazine, June 1970. Captioned "Bob Charles to lefties: Don't switch.…"
Price: $120.00
JIM COLBERT - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 2510351994 issue of Senior Golfer with "Jim Colbert's Secrets to Saving Strokes", signed by professional golfer Jim Colbert in silver ink on the cover Magazine signed "Jim/Colbert" in silver ink on front cover. Color, 116 pages including covers, 9x11.
Price: $100.00
NADIA COMANECI - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 263671Magazine Cover inscribed and signed: "To Gary/Nadia Comenici". 66p, 8x11. Complete issue of "Time", August 2, 1976. Lead article: "She's Perfect: But the Olympics are in Trouble." Color photo is captioned: "Rumania's Nadia Comaneci.…"
Price: $220.00
CHUCK CONNORS - COMIC BOOK SIGNED - HFSID 323771The legendary actor who starred in The Rifleman signed this 1967 edition of the Cowboy in Africa comic book Comic book signed: "Chuck / Connors", in black felt tip, 31 pages, 6¾x10.
Sale Price $245.00
DAVE COWENS - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 295687The Boston Celtic signs next to his photograph on page 45 of this 13th annual edition of Basketball magazine. Magazine signed: "D Cowens" on page 45, 86 pages, 8x11. 13th annual edition of Basketball magazine.
Price: $120.00
CATHY LEE CROSBY - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 345680The actress shown posing on the October 1980 issue of People Weekly magazine Inscribed Magazine Photograph Signed: "To Brook/Love/Cathy Lee Crosby". Color, 8x11. Cathy Lee Crosby (b.
Price: $160.00
DON DRYSDALE - 1962 LOS ANGELES DODGER YEAR BOOK SIGNED - HFSID 144314The year the Hall of Famer won the Cy Young Award. Yearbook signed: "Don/Drysdale" on cover, 60p, 8¼x10½. The 1962 Souvenir Yearbook of the Los Angeles Dodgers picturing their new home, Dodger Stadium, on the cover.
Price: $180.00
DON DRYSDALE - MAGAZINE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 285267Dodger Magazine and scorecard, signed inside by Drysdale on a printed photo and by Carter and Mitchell on a roster of the San Francisco Giants Magazine signed: "Don Drysdale", "Kevin Mitchell/#7", "Gary Carter". Color, 8¼x11, 83 pages including scorecard.
Sale Price $115.00
JULIUS "DR. J." ERVING - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 290150Shown on a cover of Sports Illustrated, dribbling an ABA basketball for the Nets Magazine Cover signed: "Julius Erving", 7½x10. Cover of Sports Illustrated (May 17, 1976). Cover story: "Dr. J. Slices Them Up: Julius Erving Rips Denver." Julius Erving (b.
Price: $600.00
NICK FALDO - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158300Magazine Cover signed: "Nick Faldo". Color, 8x10¾. Cover of the April 17, 1989 issue of "Sports Illustrated" magazine, picturing Faldo at the 1989 Masters, the first of his three Masters wins. Cover story: "The Master Blaster, Nick Faldo Wins at Augusta".
Sale Price $85.00
RAY FLOYD - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158307Color magazine cover from the June 23, 1986 "Sports Illustrated" issue. Magazine Cover Photograph signed: "Ray Floyd". Color, 8x10½. "Sports Illustrated", June 23, 1986. Caption: "Way to Go, Dad! U. S.…"
Price: $140.00
FRANK GIFFORD - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 296928The Pro Football Hall of Famer is shown with fellow Monday Night Football commentator Don Meredith in this cover of an October 1971 issue of TV Time, signed in green ink Inscribed Magazine Cover signed: "To Martin/Best Wishes/Frank Gifford" in green ink. 8x11.
Price: $160.00
DAVID GRAHAM - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 140374Signed color magazine cover of golfer David Graham from the "Sports Illustrated" June 29, 1981 issue. Magazine Cover signed: "David Graham", 8¼x10¾. "Sports Illustrated" magazine, June 29, 1981 issue.
Sale Price $135.00
PAUL V. HORNUNG - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 271271Paul Hornung signs a color magazine cover of "Sport" magazine. Magazine Cover signed: "Paul/Hornung". Color, 8¼x10¾. Cover of "Sport" magazine. January, no year, but probably 1963 (advertisement for the 1963 Chevy II on verso). Hornung is pictured on the cover.
Price: $240.00
GORDIE HOWE - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 286836The Red Wings star signed this March 16, 1984 Sports Illustrated issue Magazine signed: "9/ Gordie Howe", Color 8½x11. Front cover of March 16, 1984 issue of Sports Illustrated Captioned: "DETROIT"S GORDIE HOWE/THE TOP SKATER IN A FAST FINISH".…"
Price: $300.00
TONY JACKLIN - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158301This cover of The Golf Journal from July of 1970 featuring photographs of the golfer is signed in black felt tip Magazine cover signed: “Tony Jacklin” in black felt. 7¾x11¾. Cover of The Golf Journal, July 1970. English golfer Tony Jacklin (b.
Price: $220.00
TONY JACKLIN - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158303Tony Jacklin signs a magazine cover for "Golf", August 1970. Magazine Cover signed: "Tony Jacklin". Color, 7½x10½. Cover of "Golf" magazine, August 1970. Cover story: "New U.S. Open Champ Tony Jacklin tells his secret - 'How I use the legs for a slower tempo.…"
Sale Price $175.00
BO JACKSON - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 112132Magazine signed: "Bo Jackson", 90p, 8x10½. Complete issue of "Sport", March 1990, signed on his picture on the cover, captioned: "Bo!/The Most Exciting Athlete in the World". Bo Jackson won the Heisman Trophy in 1985 and was voted MVP of the 1989 baseball All-Star Game.
Price: $400.00
HARMON KILLEBREW - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 137369The Hall of Famer signs the cover of a Sport magazine. Magazine signed: "Harmon Killebrew". Complete copy of "Sport" magazine, cover showing a color photo of him.
Price: $200.00
JOHNNY LATTNER - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED 06/12/1995 - HFSID 184638The Heisman-winning halfback inscribed and signed this reproduction of the cover of the November 9, 1953 Time magazine Magazine Cover inscribed and signed: "To Dale,/ Best of luck/ Johnny/ Lattner/ 6-12-95". Color, 8x11. Reproduction of the cover of Time magazine.
Sale Price $175.00
TARA LIPINSKI - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 252517C, 8x10½, Magazine signed: "Michelle Kwan", "Tara Lipinski" & "Nicole/Bobek". Complete "People", February 23, 1998. Back cover torn.
Sale Price $625.00
SANDY LYLE - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158298Signed cover of the April 15, 1988 edition of Golf World, with a cover story on golfer Sandy Lyle becoming the first Briton to win the Masters. With scoreboard affixed in lower right corner. Magazine cover signed "Sandy Lyle". Color, 7¾x10½.
Price: $100.00