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The American mystery writer penned her signature and this handwritten letter in 1992 Typed Letter signed: "Warmest /regards,/ Sue", front and verso of a printed 6¾x4¾ card with printed floral trim. Signed on verso. No place, 1992 November 29. To Erika (Holzer).

Sale Price $195.00

Reg. $240.00

Condition: Slightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The American mystery writer penned her signature and this handwritten letter in 1992
Typed Letter signed: "Warmest /regards,/ Sue", front and verso of a printed 6¾x4¾ card with printed floral trim. Signed on verso. No place, 1992 November 29. To Erika (Holzer). In full: "Thanks for your letter of October 13. Sorry we missed each other at Bouchercon. Steve & I have been out of the country for three weeks; Paris, Madrid, Barcelona and New York. It probably sounds like fun to you, especially since we were doing it on other people's money, but it was actually a working trip for me, promoting the French and Spanish editions of the books. I'm realizing I don't like to travel. I really live in paradise and I can't see the point in going anywhere else. I came home, of course, to find an odious mountain of mail piled up. I'm just now plowing my way out from under. I'm also gearing up for 'K' which means an end to any reading except for fun. I wish I could help with your request for a blurb, but I'd go mad these days trying to keep up. It does sound like your publisher is really getting behind you and I hope the strategy works. It took me six books and I never did really break out. It was more a steady building process over the years. I hope this finds you well and happy, hard at work on your next book with the writing going smoothly. As for me, I still don't have a clue what 'K' is about and I'm trying not to panic. Ah well. Surely something will occur to me."  Sue Grafton (1940-2017) is an American novelist who specializes in fictional detective stories. She's best known for "alphabet series", which includes a book for each letter of the alphabet. The first of these books was published in 1982. The "K" novel mentioned in this letter was published as K is for Killer in 1994. Holzer, the recipient of this letter, is a lawyer, essayist and novelist. Her novel An Eye for an Eye became a motion picture (1996). Ink note on verso shows through faintly in upper left. Slightly creased. Staple holes at top. Otherwise, fine condition.

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