Tennis | Scorecards
Top Signers
MICHAEL CHANG - SCORECARD SIGNED - HFSID 292516Scorecard from PGA West golf course, signed with his best wishes Scorecard signed: "Best/Wishes/from/Michael Chang", 8x6 overall, 4x6 folded. Scorecard from the PGA West Golf Course, signed on the outside. No scores are recorded on the card. Michael Chang (b.
Price: $120.00
ROD LAVER - SCORECARD SIGNED - HFSID 292515Scorecard from PGA West golf course Scorecard signed: "Rod Laver", 8x6 overall, 4x6 folded. Scorecard from the PGA West Golf Course, signed on the outside. No scores are recorded on the card. Australian tennis star Rod "Rocket" Laver (b.
Sale Price $150.00