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A photograph of Garr among foliage, signed with wishes for a happy life Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Kenny/Have a happy/life & good wishes/from/Teri Garr". B/w, 8x10.

Sale Price $165.00

Reg. $200.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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A photograph of Garr among foliage, signed with wishes for a happy life
Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Kenny/Have a happy/life & good wishes/from/Teri Garr". B/w, 8x10. Teri Garr (1947-2024) found early visibility with a mixture of dramatic and comic roles before maturing, so to speak, into her persona as a smart comedienne typecast as an eccentric ditz. Her first major film role was The Conversation, then Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein (both in 1974). From there she began a string of playing mothers and wives in high-profile films, few of which allowed her to dabble in her sillier side: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Oh, God! (1977) and The Black Stallion (1979). It wasn't until Tootsie in 1981 that she received full recognition for her talents and started to become identified with her knack for playing charmingly sweet airheads. Nicked and lightly stained in upper left corner, near but not touching inscription. Otherwise, fine condition.

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