Price: $450.00
He signs a typed letter on his personal stationery (1952)
Typed Letter signed: "Thos. J. Watson". 1 page, 7¼x10½. New York,
N.Y., 1952 August 21. On personal letterhead to Thomas K. Boyce, Middletown,
N.Y. In full: "I am in receipt of your letter of August 20th and I
have noted all that you say in connection with writing to me requesting a signed
photograph. We have made a thorough search of our files and have been unable to
locate the letter about which you speak. It must have gone astray. I am pleased,
however, to send you, under separate cover, a signed photograph [Item not
included], and I want you to know that I deeply appreciate your interest in
writing as you did. With every good wish and kindest regards, I remain Sincerely
yours". Seasoned by 15 years of sales experience at the National Cash
Register Company (1898-1913), where he first introduced his motto "Think",
Thomas J. Watson, Sr. (1874-1956) joined the Computing-Tabulating-Recording
Company as President in 1914. Ten years later, that company changed its
name to the International Business Machines Corporation and, while under his
leadership, forged a worldwide command of the business-machine industry.
As President of IBM, Watson unleashed an aggressive two-fold plan
consisting of innovative research and development and the formation of a highly
motivated, well-trained sales force. Exercising his IBM slogan, "World Peace
Through World Trade", Watson built bridges of his own by encouraging his forces
to expand internationally, while being one of the first industrialists to
offer his employees wide-ranging benefits. Watson's regard for his workers
and his efforts toward world peace (he was elected President of the
International Chamber of Commerce) earned him great respect worldwide. For
the conscientious and limited-profit production of military munitions by IBM
during WWII, Watson was honored by President Harry S Truman with the
Congressional Medal of Merit (1947). Normal mailing folds. Fine
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