Price: $360.00
Our Choice: a Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, signed by the
author on the dedication page
Book signed: "Al Gore", 7½x9½. 416 pages. Our Choice: a
Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, by Al Gore. New York: Melcher Media, 2009.
Paperback. Albert Gore, Jr., the son of former Tennessee Senator Albert Gore,
Sr., represented the same state in the US House of Representatives (1977-1985)
and Senate (1985-1993). As Bill Clinton's running mate on the Democratic ticket,
he was elected Vice-President in 1992 and re-elected in 1996. As his Party's
Presidential nominee in 2000, Gore won the popular vote but lost to Republican
Gore W. Bush, Jr. in the Electoral College after the US Supreme Court, by a
5-4 decision, halted further recounts in the swing state of Florida. Although
urged by many to seek the Presidency again, Gore declined to do so, focusing his
attention on his priority issue: global climate change. Gore was awarded a
Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. His documentary film, An Inconvenient
Truth, won an Oscar. Our Choice, which distills recent scientific
discoveries about the climate crisis, presents the problem as more urgent than
ever, but also as solvable. Fine condition.
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