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Hubert H. Humphrey sends a typed letter inviting the recipient to become a member. Typed Letter signed: "Hubert H." as U.S. Senator, 1p, 8x10½. On Senate letterhead. Washington, D.C., 1978 January 3. To Senator Daniel P. Moynihan.

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Hubert H. Humphrey sends a typed letter inviting the recipient to become a member.
Typed Letter signed: "Hubert H." as U.S. Senator, 1p, 8x10½. On Senate letterhead. Washington, D.C., 1978 January 3. To Senator Daniel P. Moynihan. In full: "I want to invite you to be a member of the Washington Policy Council of the International Management and Development Institute. [Pencil underlining in text, unknown hand] Members of Congress who are presently serving on the Council include Jacob Javits, Barber Conable, John B. Anderson, Abner Mikva, Al Ullman, Jonathan Bingham and myself. The International Management and Development Institute is associated with the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, the George Washington University, and the Fund for multinational Management Education. The purpose of the Institute is to bring together policy leaders from the Executive and Legislative branches of government, corporate executives, labor representatives, and academicians to discuss international economic policy and the role of private investment in this policy. I believe the Institute affords Members of Congress and excellent opportunity to discuss our concerns and thoughts on these important matters. I have agreed to extend this invitation because of the excellent reputation of the Institute, its Directors, and Board of Advisors. Gene E. Bradley, President of the Institute, will be contacting you in the next few weeks as a follow-up to my letter. In the meantime, if you agree to serve on the Council, please contact Dick McCall in my office at Ext. 43244, or Gene Bradley at 337-1022, for further details. With best wishes for the New Year. Sincerely." Hubert Horatio Humphrey (1911-1978) was Mayor of Minneapolis (1945-1948), U.S. Senator from Minnesota (1949-1964, 1971-1978, Senate Democratic Whip 1961-1964) and LBJ's Vice President (1965-1969). Well-known for his long and witty speeches on the Senate floor, he was known as "The Happy Warrior". Humphrey, who ran unsuccessfully for President against Nixon in 1968, returned to the Senate in 1971. The post of Deputy President Pro Tempore of the Senate was created for Humphrey. He held it from January 5, 1977 until his death at his home in Waverly, Minnesota on January 13, 1978, just ten days after writing this letter. His wife, Muriel, was appointed by the Governor of Minnesota to the U.S. Senate on January 25, 1978 to fill the vacancy caused by his death, becoming the only Vice President's wife to become a U.S. Senator. Democrat Daniel Patrick MOYNIHAN (1927-2003) represented New York in the U.S. Senate for four full terms (1977-2001). A prolific author, Moynihan held important executive posts under four Presidents: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Ford. DIRECTLY FROM THE SALE OF THE ESTATE OF DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN. Date stamp on verso shows through at signature. Ink notes at top, pencil notes at bottom (unknown hand). Ink stamp number in left margin. Otherwise, fine condition.

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