Price: $300.00
Journalist and explorer Walter Wellman wrote this letter from
Washington, D. C., asking about a letter that he was to receive from the
Autograph letter signed "Walter Wellman". 1 page, 7¾x8¼.
Washington, D. C., dated "March 3". In full:
"Dear Mr. Seymour: Fear I did not prove sufficiently appreciative of your
past and proposed kindnesses to me. But if you only knew how I value your
friendship - a friendship like yours at a time when one needs friends. Did Mr.
Scott write you about sending me a letter to use on the other side? He told me
he would. Something of the sort may be of help to me; though I know it is not to
place the Herald under any financial obligations. Per-haps you can get around
that and give me something useful. I sure you will if you can. May the good Lord
be kind to you and yours - Sincerely your friend". Wellman
(1858-1934, born in Mentor, Ohio) was a journalist, explorer and early
aviation pioneer. He carried out five expeditions to the North Pole, three of
them attempted flights in dirigibles (two in 1907, one in 1909). He also
tried to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in an airship in 1910. This
attempt was a failure, but it did break existing world records for time and
distance sailing by airship: 1,008 miles in 72 hours. Lightly toned and
creased. Folded once horizontally and twice vertically. Otherwise in fine
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