Price: $400.00
The Harvard gentleman writes to his intended, asking for a few locks
of hair, signs name in black ink
Autograph letter signed: "Will" in black ink. 9 pages, 4½x7
folded, 7x9 flat. Perkins Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
February 8, 1896. In full: "My Darling:- I hope you will forgive me
for asking you to do anything of which I do not do my share. Now you said my
letters were not long enough to merit long answers. However that may be you must
remember that you have (as all girls do) two or three times as much time for
writing letters as a boys do. This particularly applies to "College Boys". So
you must not gauge the length or frequency, so to speak, of your letters by
mine. Indeed - for the last three weeks I have hardly had time enough to
breathe. I never worked so hard in all my life - I don't know as that is saying
much, but still it is saying something. The cause of all this was, as you can
probably guess - the mid-year exams. I was a little behind in two or three
courses and, of course, had to catch up before the exams. However, they are all
over now, and although I have not heard the marks I received in any of them, I
will take nothing lower than a "B" without protest. I got through about five
o'clock Friday afternoon, and Friday night about 6:30 a fellow by the name of
Clifford and myself left of Lynn to attend a dance. It was a swell affair and we
had a swell time so you can easily see why our heads felt a little heavy this
morning. This fellow, by the way, lives in Lynn and eats at my table in
Memorial, and it was on his special invitation that I went. He has a beautiful
place there. A sister, not half bad and this sister had some other females
visiting her - some of them were bad and some, not half bad. Well, to proud - as
I said before when we awoke our heads felt rather heavy - mine especially, since
I had not retired before twelve for over a week. So, after breakfast we all
strolled down to the beach. It was a beautiful morning and the ocean was grand -
this had a soothing effect on my head and before noon was feeling in fine form.
We retunred this afternoon - and after a smoke repaired to the Gymnasium where
we had our little game of hand-vall. Thus, I think I have given a full account
of myself for the last couple days. This was about the first let-up from
"grunding" in three weeks straight so it is worthy of note. From now on till the
"Finals" in June will be one big grand loaf - broken now and then by an
occasional hour exam. I hope Grandpa's little sister enjoys her daily walks.
Wish Grandpa might enjoy them too. Percival and myself take a five-mile walk
every now and then - usually to manage to have some fun before we get back.
Indeed, that is principally what we go for. Most always scare up something on
the way. You asked about the skating - we have had very little- what little we
did have, was during the mid-year, when it was almost impossible to get away. I
hope you will learn; it is fine exercise. Can the "Doctor" skate? Should not
wonder but what he would "cut ice" on skates. Take him down some afternoon and
buckle him in. Oh - "hell a mile" - here's just two hours wasted on one of these
d -d Freshmen - if he had'nt had a couple of good segars with him I would have
thrown him out long ago. Even as it was I stood it as long as I could. He just
now asked me "Why is a carriage like lake". Well said for the fifty eleventh
time "Spring it!" Yes, says he, that's it, they both have springs. I could stand
no more - and do you blame me - when he has been gassing her for two hours - and
using up this precious time when I should have been writing to you. Well, don't
you care, he'll know better next time, although I did'ent hurt him more than I
was obliged to. Some of these freshman are perfect bores, there is one who rooms
across the street we have to pitch out every once in a while but someone said he
put benzene on his fire the other day - guess it was something of the kind for
he hasn't been seen since. Forgive me, now dear, that was entirely
unintentional. Herein lies the difference between me and that Freshman. Well,
darling, how is that beautiful hair of yours, can imagine just how sweet you
looked sitting by the fire with those golden tresses hanging down your back, and
say, Det, will you in your next letter send me a couple of curls - you know I
never took any. And I don't see now how it was I never thought of it before. Do
you remember that picture you sent me first - with the hair down? It was like
that that I pictured you sitting by the fire - that was indeed a fine picture
and you have changed very little in looks since that was taken. The last is
excellent for that position, but of the two I think I like the first better, on
account of the careless attitude you struck. Well, darling, here it is again,
the incandescent hour of one, and not in bed. I must make up for all this next
week. Now I have set you a good example in length if not in quality, and I shall
await with impatience your answer containing the hair. With much love. I remain,
lovingly yours". William H. Radcliffe (b. 1873) graduated from
Harvard University in May 1896, and worked as an electrical engineer and
professor. Radcliffe wrote Telephone Instruments, Their Operation,
Arrangement and Management in 1913 and Home Study Course in
Practical Electricity in 1916. Normal mailing folds. Toned. Light
surface creases. Slightly soiled. Otherwise, fine condition.
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