Price: $400.00
The young Harvard student writes to friend discussing the marriage of
Gilded Age socialite Anna Gould, who was supposed to be engaged to his
classmate, signs name in black ink
Autograph letter signed: "Will" in black ink. 6 pages, 4½x7
folded, 7x9 flat. Perkins Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
March 9, 1895. In full: "My dear Deta:- Hope you will forgive me for
not answering that letter of yours before - but I wanted to give your
prescription a fair trial before I reported - As a nerve tonic, I think it is
excellent but it creates altogether too much of an appetite - to give you an
illustration I will take the case of tonight - Enclosed you will find the
"stuff" I've had for dinner - no on an average I sent in two orders for every
article mentioned there besides some "extras" - so you see it is really getting
alarming and must necessity be stopped - I would much rather endure the "tired
feeling" than - well, never mind. Have you ever tried it, I mean "Nervea". Or do
you speak from theory - I believe you asked if I took my E's in the
examinations. No, I am glad to say I got very creditable marks - several A's
scattered through them. I had an hour exam - this morning in a subject I had
hardly glanced at - last evening we had a "jolly old time' here till nearly
morning - The first part of the evening we had a concert and after that several
"Whist tables" were formed - After an all-around contest a fellow by the name of
Busch, and myself, came out ahead - Oh your old 4th-cousin is getting to be a
great card player. Well we then had refreshments and proceeded to "jolly" a
Freshman - who had accidently dropped in to tell us, we made so much noise he
couldn't grind - Before we had through with him the proctor appeared and kindly
informed us there must be less noise - as some people wanted to sleep if we
didn't - We finally broke up and managed to get in a few hours sleep before
breakfast. You must have misunderstood me in regard to those two words I asked
the definition of. I said there was no difference between an dude and a
BORE, not between a dude and a love as you have it. Yes, Deta, I think
you surely out to take singing lessons. You have such a musical voice. I wish
you might be here now to hear and see the "Grand Opera" which is being held in
Boston. It is grand - The opening night, seven of the best singers in the
world were on the stage at once. The theatre is packed every night and
tickets have to be purchased days in advance. I supposed you have been greatly
interested in the marriage of Anna Gould and the Count. It was quite a surprise
around here as many thought she was engaged to a fellow here, by the name of
Harry Woodruff, who is a very intimate friend of the Gould's but I guess that
was not so. It is my opinion that she made a very poor bargain or expressing it
in College slang "got her led pulled". What does Deta thing about it? I know you
are anxiously awaiting me to explain that hideous looking picture you found in
this letter. I will proceed to do so. The room has been photographed but it was
not satisfactory - think I will have him try some other part of the room in a
day or so; and in order to "amuse" you for a short time yet, while awaiting the
other I will send this miserable thing - as you see it was taken without any
"primping" whatever, several, myself included, have our overcoats on. Will try
to have the other taken as soon as possible. Am afraid just now I could no spare
my "brace of pistols" as I have had occasion to use them several times since my
last letter. (The Freshmen are unusually fresh this year.) Now, Deta, write me a
nice long letter next time. Very sincerely yours". William H. Radcliffe
(b. 1873) graduated from Harvard University in May 1896, and worked as an
electrical engineer and professor. Radcliffe wrote Telephone Instruments,
Their Operation, Arrangement and Management in 1913 and Home Study
Course in Practical Electricity in 1916. Normal mailing folds. Toned.
Light surface creases. Slightly soiled. Otherwise, fine condition.
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