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The longtime editor of the Manchester Union Leader and New Hampshire political kingmaker, authorizes publication of his provocative view of war crimes trials. Document signed: "William Loeb/August 20 [19]59", 1 page, 8½11. In full: "I hereby authorize Mr. H.…"

Price: $200.00

Condition: Slightly creased Add to watchlist:
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The longtime editor of the Manchester Union Leader and New Hampshire political kingmaker, authorizes publication of his provocative view of war crimes trials.
Document signed: "William Loeb/August 20 [19]59", 1 page, 8½11. In full: "I hereby authorize Mr. H. Keith Thompson or his designees to include in a forthcoming published volume the below-mentioned views of mine concerning 'war crimes trials', taken from my letter to him of May 23rd, 1957. I understand that it will not be possible for me to receive any remuneration for granting this permission. 'On the general principle of war trials - they seem to me a sanctimonious way of doing your enemies in. My own feeling would be that when you win a war if you want to kill your leading enemies, do so but don't call it a trial. The concept of a victorious enemy sitting in judgement' on the conquered is so repugnant to any Anglo-Saxon idea of justice that it is a little ridiculous. In at least the case of one man who played a prominent part in the war trials as representing this nation, there is little doubt that he is either a communist member or under communist control'. Pugnacious conservative newspaper publisher William Loeb (1905-1981) owned several New England newspapers from 1941, but was most closely associated with the Manchester Union Leader, New Hampshire's principal newspaper. Loeb's news coverage and acerbic editorials made and unmade candidates. His attacks on Democratic Presidential candidate Edmund Muskie in 1972 provoked an angry over-reaction by the hot-tempered Muskie, effectively ruining his chances for the nomination. He was an ardent supporter of arch-conservative Governor Meldrim "Mel" Thompson (1973-1979). Long before Grover Norquist, Loeb demanded a "no new tax" pledge from candidates; every Republican gubernatorial candidate, and every successful Democratic one, took the pledge. His views on the war crimes trials must have been welcomed by author H. Keith Thompson, an American fascist and open admirer of Adolf Hitler who wrote two books condemning the Nuremberg Trials. Staple holes at top left corner. Normal mailing folds. Slightly creased. Otherwise, fine condition.

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