World War II | Postcards
Top Signers
JEAN-PIERRE AUMONT - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 86722Jean Pierre Aumont signs a black and white picture postcard from the "Picturegoer" Series. Picture Postcard signed: "Jean Pierre/Aumont". B/w, 3½x5½ overall, image 3¼x5 (one surface). Name imprinted at bottom margin. Part of the "Picturegoer" Series number W 122.
Price: $320.00
RICHARD BARTHELMESS - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 46630Signed 3x5 sepia postcard photo, wearing suit and tie Postcard Photograph signed: "Sincerely Richard Barthelmess". Sepia, 3¼x5. Richard Barthelmess (1895-1963) quit films to join the U.S. Naval Reserve in 1942, the year his last film, The Mayor of 44th St.
Sale Price $250.00
FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW - INSCRIBED PICTURE POSTCARD SIGNED CIRCA 1939 - HFSID 176602Vintage black and white picture postcard of Freddie Bartholomew wearing a dark suit and top hat. Picture postcard inscribed and signed: "To/Roy,/Best Regards/Freddie/Bartholomew". B/w, 3½x5½.
Sale Price $315.00
GOVERNOR NILS A. BOE - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED CIRCA 1968 - HFSID 273575This signed postcard and keychain were mailed directly from the South Dakota Governor's office Postcard Photograph signed: "Nils A. Boe" as Governor of South Dakota. Color, 5½x3½. Front depicts South Dakota's state capitol building with inset photograph of Boe.
Sale Price $105.00
DIRK BOGARDE - INSCRIBED PICTURE POSTCARD SIGNED 1979 - HFSID 160171Color publicity postcard of a courtyard in France. Postcard inscribed and signed: "Wishes to Noreen from/Dirk Bogarde/1979" on verso. Color, 5¾x4.
Price: $120.00
GEORGE CONNOR - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 209059George Connor signs a black and white picture postcard. Picture Post card signed: "George Connor/Chicago Bears". B/w, 5½x3½. Short biography on verso. Pro Football Hall of Famer George Connor (1925-2003) was All-America at both Holy Cross and Notre Dame.
Sale Price $115.00
JACK DEMPSEY - INSCRIBED PICTURE POSTCARD SIGNED - HFSID 155196Inscribed picture postcard by Jack Dempsey. Postcard Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Rev. S.H. Lloyd/Lots of Luck Pal/Jack Dempsey". Color, 5½x3½. Illustration by James Montgomery Flagg of the Dempsey-Willard Fight on July 4, 1919.
Price: $300.00
JACK DEMPSEY - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 283180Signed picture post card with a replica of the 1923 title fight between Jack Dempsey and Tommy Gibbons. The fight nearly ruined the town of Shelby, Montana and ranks as one of the greatest boxing promotion disasters in history.
Sale Price $245.00
JACK DEMPSEY - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 283652This great piece of boxing and New York City history is a picture post card from Jack Dempsey's Broadway Restaurant. It's signed with "Good Luck" by former heavyweight champ Jack Dempsey and has a color reproduction of James Montgomery Flagg's Jack Dempsey Knocks Out Jess Willard.
Price: $300.00
JACK DEMPSEY - POST CARD SIGNED 08/09/1942 - HFSID 155195Postcard signed by Jack Dempsey. Postcard signed: "Good Luck/from Jack Dempsey/8-9-42", 5½x3½ with 4¾x1¼ black and white newspaper photograph attached (two surfaces).
Sale Price $225.00
JAMES DICKEY - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 224281Signed postcard photo of Dickey seated with writer's tools, including "white-out" Postcard Photograph signed: "James/Dickey". B/w, 6x4¼. James Dickey (1923-1997) worked in advertising for Coca Cola and Frito-Lays' before publishing his first book of poetry in 1960.
Sale Price $225.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL JAMES H. "JIMMY" DOOLITTLE - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 84896James Doolittle signs a postcard in blue ink. Postcard signed: "J.H. Doolittle", 5½x3½. Picturing Army soldiers, trucks and tanks and the words: "We're Sure Giving the Boys a Ride!" In 1922, Jimmy Doolittle made the first transcontinental flight in less than 24 hours.
Price: $250.00
HOOT (WALTER) EVERS - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED 05/15/1952 - HFSID 159066Signed postcard photo, finishing a swing Postcard Photograph signed: "Hoot Evers". B/w, 3¼x5¼. Shown in uniform of the Detroit Tigers, addressed on verso to Brighton, Massachusetts, postmarked Detroit, Michigan, May 15, 1952.
Price: $360.00
DIETRICH FISCHER-DIESKAU - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 1658584x5¾ signed photo of the bass-baritone in costume Photograph Signed: "Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau" in blue ink. B/w, 4x5¾. Pencil notations on verso in unknown hand. Printed on card stock.
Sale Price $165.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 159461Gerald R. Ford signs a color postcard depicting the U. S. flag in black ink. Postcard signed: "Gerald R. Ford". Color, 6x4. Depicts U.S. flag. "God Bless America!" imprinted above signature. On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.
Price: $240.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 166615Gerald R. Ford signs a black and white Italian postcard. Post Card signed: "Jerry Ford" on verso. B/w, 5¾x4. Italian post card. Captioned: "Ancona - fontana dei tredici Cannelli - Particolare" on front. Addressed in unknown hand to a collector in Italy.
Price: $240.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 175281Color postcard of Gerald R. Ford at his desk. Post Card signed: "Jerry Ford" on verso. Color, 5½x3½. Pictures Congressman Ford at his desk on front. Captioned on verso: "Rep. Gerald R. Ford/Fifth District, Michigan". Not stamped or filled in. Gerald R.
Sale Price $195.00
GLENN FORD - INSCRIBED PICTURE POSTCARD SIGNED - HFSID 86725Black and white publicity postcard photograph of a young Glenn Ford looking over his shoulder in a suit and tie. Postcard Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Mary/Glenn Ford". Sepia, 3½x5½.
Sale Price $150.00
GLENN FORD - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 49880Black and white publicity postcard photograph of a young Glenn Ford looking over his shoulder in a suit and tie. Postcard Photograph signed: "Glenn Ford". B/w, 3½x5½.
Price: $200.00
FRANK "GUNNER" GATSKI - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 101889Starred for Cleveland Browns in their glory years Picture Postcard signed: "Best Regards/Frank Gatski". Color, 5½x3½. Signed on message side. Photo side shows a display of trophies at the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Sale Price $105.00
LEO GENN - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 49875Leo Genn signs a black and white picture postcard of himself in a suit and tie. Picture postcard signed: "All good wishes/Yours sincerely/Leo Genn". B/w, 3¼x5½ overall, image 3x4¾ (one surface). Captioned at lower margin.
Sale Price $275.00
ROSS HUNTER - AUTOGRAPH POST CARD SIGNED 01/05/1981 - HFSID 270379The skilled producer pens this letter of apology to comedienne Phyllis Diller Autograph Letter signed: "Ross" in black ink, 5¾x4. No place, 1981 January 5. On gray card imprinted with his name to comedienne and actress Phyllis Diller. To "Dear Phyllis".
Price: $320.00
EDWARD JABLONSKI - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 28690Postcard photograph of the American author, famous for his books on World War II aviation (3½x5). Extremely rare! Picture postcard signed: "All best/wishes/Edward Jablonski", in blue felt tip. B/w, 3½x5.
Sale Price $150.00
GOVERNOR PAUL B. JOHNSON JR. - POST CARD SIGNED CIRCA 1971 - HFSID 273281The 53rd Governor of Mississippi pens his name on this postcard Postcard signed: "Paul B Johnson - Gov. Miss 1964-1968", in black ink, 5½x3¼. Addressed with mailing label to Danny Franklin, Phoenix, Arizona. Partly legible postmark from 1974.
Price: $90.00
GENERAL LEON W. JOHNSON - POST CARD SIGNED 11/18/1980 - HFSID 252898U. S. airmail post card signed and dated by General Leon William Johnson in 1980. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his role in the Aug. 1, 1943 bombing of oil refineries at Ploesti, Romania.
Price: $180.00
JACK KRAMER - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 283282Signed postcard photo in St Louis Browns uniform Postcard Photograph signed: "Jack Kramer". B/w, 3½x5½. Jack Kramer (1918-1995) pitched in the Major Leagues for 12 seasons (1939-1951), interrupted by service as a US Navy Seabee during World War II.
Price: $200.00
DONALD "FOOTSIE" LENHARDT - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 283287Signed postcard photo in St Louis Browns uniform Postcard Photograph signed: "Don Lenhardt". B/w 3½x5½. Don Lenhardt needed to keep a suitcase packed. During 5 American League seasons (1950-1954) he was traded six times, often as a part of big multi-player deals.
Price: $120.00
PAUL LÖBE - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 279409German politician Paul Löbe handwrote and signed this letter on the back of this postcard from Bad Mergentheim, Germany in 1926, saying that he was going to a pan-European meeting "which I regard very important". Picture postcard signed "Paul Löbe".
Price: $360.00
MARCEL MARCEAU - INSCRIBED PICTURE POSTCARD SIGNED - HFSID 166534The legendary French mime, who is pictured as "himself", sans makeup and costume, signs a postcard photograph with both his own name and the name of his popular character, Bip. Postcard Photograph inscribed and signed: "to/Rev./S.…"
Price: $260.00
MARCEL MARCEAU - INSCRIBED PICTURE POSTCARD SIGNED 1972 - HFSID 75833The legendary French mime is pictured as "himself", sans makeup and costume. Postcard Photograph inscribed and signed: "to/John/Buchanan/with/my/deepest/regards Bip [flower]/Marcel/Marceau/72". B/w, 4¼x5¾.
Price: $300.00