Autographs from people credited in 1987 The 59th Annual Academy Awards
DON AMECHE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 296748The Academy Award winning actor signs a note on a 5x3 piece of paper in green ink. Autograph Note signed: "To/Tom Berliner/My good wishes/Don Ameche" in green ink, 5x3 piece of paper.
Price: $120.00
DON AMECHE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 322698Very youthful image of the smiling actor signed "Happy days always" Inscribed photograph signed: "To Jack Knox/Happy days always/Don Ameche", in black ink, B/w 8x10.
Price: $260.00
DON AMECHE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 342360Official 20th Century Fox publicity photograph for Ameche, signed by the actor to a fan (5½x7) Inscribed photograph signed: "To/Rosalind Cosla/Greetings,/Don Ameche", Sepia 5½x7.
Sale Price $215.00
DON AMECHE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 256939Small black and white publicity photograph of Don Ameche wearing a suit and tie. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To/Jo Ann/Best Wishes/Don Ameche". Sepiatone, 5x7.
Price: $260.00
DON AMECHE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 166554Hand tinted publicity photograph of Don Ameche wearing white dinner jacket and bow tie. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jim -/Best wishes/Don Ameche. B/w hand-tinted 8x10.…"
Sale Price $195.00
DON AMECHE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 181312Black and white publicity photograph of Don Ameche wearing a white dinner jacket and bow tie. Photograph signed: "Best wishes/Don Ameche". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 4x6 (one surface).
Price: $160.00
DON AMECHE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 293411Small 5½x7 sepia photograph close-up of the Oscar-winning actor Photograph signed: "Greetings/Don Ameche". Sepia, 5½x7. Don Ameche (1908-1993) played mostly second leads until 1939, when he memorably played the title role in The Story of Alexander Graham Bell.
Price: $200.00
DON AMECHE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH CIRCA 1966 - HFSID 24601Don Ameche signs a black and white publicity photograph from the movie Picture Mommy Dead. Photograph signed: "Best wishes/Don Ameche". B/w, 10x8 overall, image 9¼x7. Still from the 1966 film, Picture Mommy Dead, in which Ameche played Edward Shelley.
Price: $160.00
DON AMECHE - DOCUMENT DOUBLE SIGNED - HFSID 168558Don Ameche double signs an Authorization to pay the Motion Picture Red Cross Committee $1000. Document Signed Twice: "Don Ameche", 1p, 5x4. Hollywood, California, no date. Authorization for payment of $1000 to the Motion Picture Red Cross Committee.
Price: $200.00
DON AMECHE - INSCRIBED ALBUM LEAF SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 88809The Academy Award winning actor signs a 5¾x4 page with a magazine photograph of himself affixed. Autograph Sentiment signed: "To Louie -/Don Ameche" and on the opposite side "To Louie/ Nanci Crompton", 5¾x4.
Sale Price $105.00
DON AMECHE - INSCRIBED SIGNATURE CIRCA 1938 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 165298Signatures: "To Elsie -/Sincerely/Don Ameche" and "Let me say hello/too Elsie -/'Hello'/Lum", 4x4¾.
Price: $160.00
DON AMECHE - INSCRIBED SKETCH SIGNED - HFSID 276780The actor inscribes and signs the outline of his left hand. Sketch inscribed and signed: "To Dennis -/Best wishes/Don Ameche". Drawn and signed in blue ink, 8½x11.
Sale Price $150.00
DON AMECHE - MATCH BOOK SIGNED CIRCA 1964 - HFSID 51226Don Ameche signs a matchbook in black ink. Matchbook signed: "Don Ameche", 4½x1½. Don Ameche (1908-1993) played mostly second leads until 1939, when he memorably played the title role in The Story of Alexander Graham Bell.
Price: $80.00
DON AMECHE - PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1958 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 322069Actors sign program for their production of Holiday for Lovers in blue ink Program signed: "Don Ameche" (Robert Dean) and "Irene Manning" (Mary Dean), in blue ink. 24 pages, 5¼x7¼, affixed to 9x12 piece of construction paper.
Price: $160.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 145387Signature from the model and actress in blue ink, with performer Red Skelton inscribing his name on the verso Signatures: "Lauren Bacall" and inscribed on verso "To Mary/Best of luck/always/Red Skelton", 4¼x2¾ album leaf.
Price: $300.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPH NOTE ON ORIGINAL ART SIGNED - HFSID 322830A silhouette of the model and actress, inscribed with thanks to artist Arvid Strauss Autograph note on original art signed: "For Arvid Strauss-/Many thanx-/Lauren Bacall", in black ink, 5½x7.
Sale Price $315.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 322234A photograph of the actress with furrowed brows, signed to a fan Inscribed photograph signed: "To Lester! Lauren Bacall", in black felt tip, Color 8x10. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Price: $300.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 296385The actress is shown wearing a beret and looking mysterious in this black and white photograph. Inscribed Photograph signed: "For Tommy-/Regards-/Lauren Bacall" in purple ink, B/w 8x10. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Price: $300.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 284295B/w publicity photo of a younger Bacall- sitting outside on the ground - hands over her knees Photograph Inscribed and signed: "For George Edward/Shelly-/Best Always-/Lauren Bacall". B/w, 7¾x9¾.
Price: $300.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 180211Movie still signed by the actress with "Best Regards" to a fan Photograph inscribed and signed: "For Eleanor Perry-/Best Regards-/Lauren Bacall". B/w, 10x8. Shown in movie still with Humphrey Bogart.
Sale Price $215.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED BASEBALL - HFSID 278920Lauren Bacall signs a baseball in black ink on the sweet spot. Baseball signed: "Lauren Bacall", on the sweet spot. Diamond Little League baseball. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Price: $220.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 05/09/1975 - HFSID 278531Bacall signed this $3 check from Caprigo, Inc. in 1975. Check signed "Lauren Bacall". 8x3 with perforated top and left edge. May 9, 1975. Check 1014 for $3, made out to "Secretary of State" and drawn on the account of Caprigo, Inc. from its account at Chemical Bank in New York City.
Price: $240.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 278098Black and white publicity photograph of a young Lauren Bacall wearing a stole and choker. Photograph signed: "Lauren Bacall". B/w, 8x10. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Sale Price $215.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 284714Elegant signed color photo, with lipstick matching the high-backed sofa on which she is seated Color 8x10. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Sale Price $245.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 281283Black and white photograph of Lauren Bacall in a still from All I Want for Christmas (1991) Photograph signed: "Lauren Bacall". B/w, 10x8 overall, image 9x6, one surface, Paramount Pictures © 1991.
Price: $240.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 281284Black and white photograph of a mature Lauren Bacall wearing white blouse Photograph signed: "Lauren Bacall". B/w, 8x10. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Price: $220.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 286342B/w full view photo of a young Bacall - sitting with her hands in her lap Photograph signed: "Lauren Bacall". B/w 8x10. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014), born Betty Jean Perski, graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Price: $260.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 286358Color photograph of a young Lauren Bacall wearing a patterned scarf and tan jacket Photograph signed: "Lauren Bacall". Color, 8x10. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Price: $300.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 286389Signed 11x14 photo, in short-sleeve shirt and coin bracelet, looking over her shoulder at the camera Photograph signed: "Lauren Bacall". B/w 11x14. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Price: $300.00
LAUREN BACALL - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 263417Later photograph of the award winning actress in a jacket and neckscarf Photograph signed: "Lauren Bacall". B/w, 8x10. When model Lauren Bacall (1924-2014) graced the cover of "Harper's Bazaar" in 1943, Mrs.
Price: $220.00