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5 FINGERS OF DEATH MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1973 - HFSID 262291Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1972 film, 5 Fingers of Death. One of the Shaw Brothers Studios most well-known films, King Boxer was an international success that helped instigate the kung fu craze of the '70s.
Price: $95.00
55 DAYS AT PEKING MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (MEX) 1963 - HFSID 259374Mexican Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1963 film, 55 Days at Pekin. Samuel Bronston produced this extravagant blockbuster, shot in Super Technirama 70. Nominally directed by Nicholas Ray (who makes a brief appearance as the U.S.
Sale Price $85.00
A CRY IN THE DARK MOVIE CAST - PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 302720The two award-winning actors signed this black and white photograph from their film Printed Photograph Signed in Ink: "Meryl Streep", "Sam Neill". B/w, 10x8. Captioned movie still from A Cry in the Dark (1988). Actress Meryl Streep (b.
Price: $350.00
A DATE WITH DEATH MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1959 - HFSID 275967Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1959 film, A Date With Death. A transient finds the corpse of a murdered policeman and decides to steal his clothing and his identity to find the killers and bring them to justice.
Price: $80.00
A DOG'S BEST FRIEND MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1960 - HFSID 275789Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1960 film, A Dog's Best Friend. In this children's drama, an angry little boy is adopted by a ranching couple.
Price: $75.00
A DOLL'S HOUSE MOVIE CAST (1959) - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 286631Both are shown in a scene from the film, Robards standing over Hume, who is holding a travel bag and looking very upset Photograph signed: "Jason Robards", "Hume Cronyn". B/w 8x10. Still from the TV-movie version of A Doll's House (1959). A decorated U.S.
Sale Price $245.00
A FAMILY THING MOVIE CAST - PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 344325This publicity photo for the film is signed by both highly talented actors Printed photograph signed in ink: "James Earl Jones" in black felt and "Bob/Duvall" in blue felt.
Price: $260.00
A FAREWELL TO ARMS MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1957 - HFSID 259464Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1957 film, A Farwell to Arms. The second film version of Ernest Hemingway's World War One novel-and also the last film produced by David O. Selznick (Gone with the Wind).
Price: $90.00
A FINE MESS MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 270701Both sign a still from their comedy film. Photograph signed: "Ted Danson", "Howie". B/w, 10x8. Captioned in lower margin. Movie still from the Blake Edwards comedy, A Fine Mess. © 1985 Columbia Pictures.
Price: $220.00
A FINE PAIR MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1969 - HFSID 261687Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1969 film, A Fine Pair.
Price: $75.00
A GIRL, A GUY AND A GOB MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 276724The stars inscribe a movie still to its producer, classic comedian Harold Lloyd. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Harold/Lucille/Ball", "To Harold Good Luck/Edmond O'Brien", and "Harold/Marguerite Chapman". B/w, 10x8. Captioned in lower margin.
Price: $700.00
A HOLE IN THE HEAD MOVIE CAST - DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/09/1958 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 276779Wynn agrees to appear in Capra's next to last film. Document signed: "Frank Capra" (for Frank Capra Productions) and "Frank Keenan Wynn" (as player), 1p, 8¼x13¾. No place, 1958 October 9.Two-page rider stapled in front, the first page of which is initialed "F.…"
Sale Price $595.00
A KISS BEFORE DYING MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 322522Still from the 1991 film noir signed by the two main stars in gold felt tip Photograph signed: "Matt Dillon", "Sean Young [drawn star]", B/w 10x8. Best known early in his career for playing troubled youth, actor MATT DILLON (b.
Sale Price $215.00
A LIFE IN THE BALANCE MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1955 - HFSID 275816Unsigned color Lobby card for the movie A Life In the Balance Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1955 film, A Life in the Balance. Lee Marvin dominates the proceedings in A Life in the Balance.
Price: $75.00
A MAN IN LOVE MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 322997Cast members Curtis, Coyote, and Kurys sign their name in silver ink in still from movie A Man in Love Photograph signed: "Jamie Lee Curtis", "Diane Kurys" and "Peter/ Coyote" in silver ink. B/w, 10x8. Promotional photograph from the film A Man in Love (1987).
Price: $280.00
A MATTER OF MORALS MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1960 - HFSID 275426Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1960 film, A Matter of Morals. Alan Kennebeck (Patrick O'Neal) sets off in relative innocence to supervise his bank's million-dollar loan to a Swedish manufacturer.
Price: $50.00
A MATTER OF MORALS MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1960 - HFSID 275799Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1960 film, A Matter of Morals. Alan Kennebeck (Patrick O'Neal) sets off in relative innocence to supervise his bank's million-dollar loan to a Swedish manufacturer.
Price: $50.00
A NEW KIND OF LOVE MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 278777Movie still from A New Kind of Love, with a young Newman sitting next to a glamorous Woodward puffing on a long cigarette holder Photograph signed "Best Wishes/Joanne/Woodward" and "Paul Newman". Color, 10x7¾ overall, 9½x7½ image, one surface.
Price: $800.00
A NOVEL AFFAIR MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1957 - HFSID 275809Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1957 film, A Novel Affair. Margaret Leighton stars as a novelist who draws inspiration for her characters from the people around her.
Price: $95.00
A PERFECT MURDER MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 286737Signed movie still of the three stars in an intense conversation Photograph signed: "Viggo Mortensen", "Gwyneth/Paltrow", "Michael/Douglas". A Perfect Murder (1998) is inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's 1954 classic, Dial M for Murder, but with some plot and character changes.
Sale Price $245.00
A PERFECT MURDER MOVIE CAST - PRESS KIT UNSIGNED CIRCA 1998 - HFSID 261795An unsigned German press packet for the film that stars Michael Douglas Press Kit Unsigned: 8¼x11¾. Forty-four-page packet in German (untranslated). A Perfect Murder stars Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltro, and Viggo Mortensen.
Price: $120.00
A SOUTHERN YANKEE MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1948 - HFSID 259392Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1948 film, A Southern Yankee. Set during the Civil War, the film casts Red Skelton as bumbling bellboy Aubrey Filmore.
Price: $140.00
A SOUTHERN YANKEE MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1948 - HFSID 259393Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1956 film, A Southern Yankee. Set during the Civil War, the film casts Skelton as bumbling bellboy Aubrey Filmore.
Price: $100.00
A TALENT FOR LOVING MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 342723The two co-stars signs film still from A Talen for Loving in black ink Photograph signed: "Judd Hamilton" and "Caroline Munro" in black ink. Color, 10x8. Still from the 1969 British-American comedy Western film A Talent for Loving.
Sale Price $115.00
A THOUSAND CLOWNS MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1955 - HFSID 275722Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1965 film, A Thousand Clowns. Jason Robards Jr. superbly re-creates his Broadway role in this 1965 film version of Herb Gardner's play. Robards plays Murray Burns, head writer of TV's popular Chuckles the Chipmunk show.
Price: $50.00
A WALK ON THE MOON MOVIE CAST - PRINTED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED IN INK WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 344334The actor, director and son of producer Samuel Goldwyn signs this photograph still from the movie A Walk On the Moon, along with one of the stars of the movie Printed photograph signed in ink: "Tony Goldwyn" in blue felt and "Lieve Schreiber" in black felt. 10x8.
Price: $220.00
ABE LINCOLN IN ILLINOIS MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 43327Black and white photograph still from the movie Abe Lincoln in Illinois signed by Raymond Massey and Ruth Gordon Photograph signed: "Best wishes/Raymond Massey" and "Never face the facts/Ruth Gordon". B/w, 10x8.
Price: $375.00
ABE LINCOLN IN ILLINOIS MOVIE CAST - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 40584Both sign on this first day cover honoring Abraham Lincoln First Day Cover Signed: "Raymond Massey" and "Ruth Gordon", 6½x3½. FDC honoring Abraham Lincoln, two 4-cent Lincoln Coil stamps affixed, postmarked Springfield, IL, May 28, 1966, FIRST DAY OF ISSUE.
Price: $200.00
ABOVE AND BEYOND MOVIE CAST - LOBBY CARD UNSIGNED (USA) 1952 - HFSID 260131Lobby card unsigned. Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1952 film, Above And Beyond. The story of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, as told from the perspective of the man who flew the mission. Robert Taylor stars as Col. Paul Tibbetts, commander of the Enola Gay.
Price: $90.00
ABSENCE OF MALICE MOVIE CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 44985Paul Newman and Sally Field sign a black and white publicity photograph from their film Absence of Malice. Photograph signed: "Paul Newman" and "Hello/from/Sally Field". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $500.00